The Religion of Medicine!

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Dr. John Reizer

Although most people probably don’t think of them and their vocation in this way, medical doctors and the profession of medicine are subconsciously perceived by the vast majority of people as priests working in a church. The entire structure of the medical profession has been intentionally designed to mirror a religious experience. I kid you not!

When you walk into a house of worship, you enter a domain that is considered sacred by the members of the congregation. Inside a church, temple, synagogue, or any other religious chamber, there are specific rules that are generally understood and followed by its members. Criticizing the church is unacceptable behavior for church members.

In medicine, the doctor (priest, minister, rabbi) customarily wears a white gown (robe) that identifies him as the high priest in the congregation (practice). Within that practice, there are nurses (nuns) that assist the doctor in taking care of patients (members of the community) when they become ill (possessed by evil microbes). Patients do not usually question a doctor’s (minister’s) advice.

There are a variety of techniques (rituals) the profession of medicine uses to rid the body of diseases (evil spirits). Some of these techniques include introducing synthetic drugs (holy water) in patients, mass-produced by big pharma companies. In other situations, doctors cut out diseases in the body by performing surgeries (exorcisms) to remove infected tissues and organs (possessed body parts).

Question the intentions or integrity of the medical man and his influential support group of medical personnel, and the citizens of most communities will look upon you as a nut job (the devil). Question the medical protocols (biblical passages) written by the petrochemical corporations and firmly established within the base curricula of every medical school program worldwide and you will be labeled a charlatan, a quack, or a pseudo-scientist.

The big pharma companies secretly overseeing prestigious medical journals, the publishers of supposed peer-reviewed research, make sure doctors opposing the allopathic paradigm (drugs are the only way to achieve and maintain health) are always viewed by most people as unscientific.

In the Catholic Church, they teach parishioners that a young soul entering the world is compromised by original sin (a weakened immune system). It predisposes that vessel (body) to a life of demonic possession (sickness). The baptismal holy waters of the church (vaccination programs) are the only sure way to wash away the sins (childhood diseases) and set the soul right (create immunity against germs) so that it can enjoy an existence on Earth that is free from Satan’s temptations (bacteria and viral microbes).

I understand plenty of people will be incensed over what I have written in this article. A person that creates content questioning a particular religion’s philosophy or integrity will not win any popularity contests. And make no mistake, the medical profession is a powerful religion with many followers. That, in itself, is a sad fact, but also the primary reason why so many people are walking around sick and don’t understand why.

The faith and trust we have collectively invested, as a society, in medicine are based upon blind faith and not the profession’s ability to get sick people well. There are some pretty screwed-up concepts that medical dogma is based upon, and when one takes a close look at these ideas, their flaws become very apparent. It is because of this fact that the profession has been cleverly structured and marketed by its engineers to appear as a religion.

As a religion, medicine remains off-limits from would-be critics and avoids essential questions. These questions have needed to be answered for years, and yet they continue to be ignored by medicine’s leaders. Instead, we continue to hear and read about walkathons, parades, and fundraisers that supposedly benefit research for the future eradication of diseases that the medical profession and pharma corporations have no intention of ever eliminating!

It’s not a coincidence that many hospitals in the United States and worldwide have been named after religious organizations and saints. Let’s face facts; there aren’t any medical facilities named “The Charles Manson Center for Burned Victims. Medical institutions have been designed and branded in such a way that they are presently perceived, by the masses, as places of worship. Even the doctor’s classic white lab coat has been designed to instill, in the psyche of healthcare consumers, a sense of purity when they think of physicians.

Getting people to believe in the value of medicine has been the long-term goal of pharmaceutical companies. Their relentless commitment to this self-serving campaign has turned the public sector into a massive congregation of cheerleaders that ritualistically praise the medical industry. Communities throughout America and around the world regularly donate large amounts of money attempting to build and maintain hospital centers. These organizations are now the center points of all modern communities.

Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of good medical doctors and surgeons worldwide, and some medical practice objectives can help save lives. But most of the successes attributed to modern medicine usually come in the form of emergency-based care and not from managing diseases and restoring health to the human body.

If we ever hope to improve the health of human beings and raise the overall quality of healthcare that’s practiced in the United States and other locations throughout the world, we will need to break the stranglehold pharma corporations have on the medical profession. These giant companies have hijacked medicine and made it sick. We need to turn our attention away from figuring out ways to pay for medical care and start concentrating on ways to fix the profession so that it stops making people sicker than they already are. In the future, we must evaluate medicine as a profession and not unthinkingly praise its false accomplishments that have, ultimately, been fabricated by drug companies and later promoted in peer-reviewed journals that are owned and operated by the same companies. It’s time for the members of the congregation (the general public) to get off their knees and begin holding traditional medicine (the church) accountable for its actions!


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Nothing in the world is as it seems!

Dr. John Reizer

I don’t care what subject you and I discuss, nothing in the world is as it seems. If you introduce this premise to most people, they are unable to process the concept because they are fully vested in what they believe to be a valid reality construct.

Our understanding of everything we believe we know about our planet and the events that have transpired before our existence as living human avatars is so far removed from the truth, we are unable to recognize truthful things when we see them.

Politics, leadership, religion, history, science, medicine, space travel, creation, nature, and anything else you can consciously comprehend in your mind’s eyes that make up the fabric of our perceived reality construct is different than what you think.

How can this be?

When you’re taught inaccurate information about your surroundings from the time you are born into the world until the time of your death, it’s easy to become disillusioned with reality.

Our understanding of reality is supported by all of society’s citizens. This understanding of everything is referred to as officialdom. Officialdom is systematically passed on to everyone who downloads into the Earth game.

We perceive our world through five sensory transformers installed within the human avatar spacesuit. The sensory transformers convert universal frequency signatures into holographic representations of what you and I believe is the real world.

This place is nothing like it appears on many different levels. But it is our temporary home and it is something we have agreed to be a part of at some point.

Some people living in the world have a truthful understanding of the game matrix. They are the recipients of ancient esoteric knowledge that is passed on to certain bloodlines throughout the eons of perceived time.

True knowledge about the world (matrix) is closely guarded and hidden from most people. This is the reason why secret societies were created.

Truthful knowledge about creation and other particulars associated with the simulation are introduced to elite family members who regularly recycle back into the same bloodlines.


New Science Fiction by John Reizer

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“They found more than just rocks on the moon!”

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“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

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A Deceived Mind is a Closed Mind

By Van Robison

Guest Contributor

It is next to impossible to re-educate a human mind that has been brainwashed with untrue and false knowledge. A mind is indeed a fantastic machine. Humans the world over and without knowing it, have been programmed to believe lies and propaganda. No child on Earth is responsible for how their minds and thinking have been formed by their parents, guardians, schools, and cultural environment.

So let us face it, if your parents were Mormons, you have been programmed to believe in Mormonism. If your parents were Southern Baptist, you were schooled to think precisely as a Southern Baptist believes. Ditto Pentecostal, Methodist, Roman Catholic, and it matters not what the religious flavor is, you are a clone by indoctrination.

Truth is that had any Christian been born into another religious culture, they would not be Christian and vice-versa. It is not a matter of choice, but rather the circumstance of birth. It is a strange world, indeed.

Covid-19 And The New World Order

By Dr. John Reizer

I regularly receive emails from readers who ask me questions about the subjects I have written about on NoFakeNews. Believe it or not, I do write about other topics on this forum that don’t have to do with the fake viral pandemic currently being carried out by the powers that be.

During the past several months, I have been writing almost exclusively about Covid-19 and the mass lockdown of the worldwide community. After all, it’s one of the most significant psychological operations ever carried out by the World Government that’s been running the Earth show for a lot longer than most can imagine.

If we really want to understand why and how a false flag event like Covid-19 has come to be a reality for citizenry around the globe, we have to discuss certain subjects and wade into murky waters that might not be comfortable for most people. That would include some of the people who regularly read this website and are fully awakened to the idea that the coronavirus is a full-fledged scam.

What am I talking about?

Since our very first days here, we’ve all been taught a carefully scripted presentation about what’s real and what’s not. Our collective perception of reality is very far removed from what’s actually happening on the planet.

Our knowledge (or lack thereof) of many things transpiring today has come to fruition from the information we learned in educational and religious institutions controlled by different governments that have a vested interest in distorting the public’s understanding of life and our existence here.

Much of what we think we know about this place called Earth has been taught to us by parents, school teachers, ministers, priests, rabbis, news corporations, physicians, governments, and other sources we have learned to respect and trust.

When we went to school, as part of our required formal public education, we were not exposed to many things that would have been really helpful to us in our attempts to navigate through such a confusing world. Please try to understand that we were intentionally given a limited amount of information about many subjects. In fact, much of what we think we know about the world and our planet’s history has been so distorted by certain people that it would be too painful for the average person to view reality as it actually is.

A review of history clearly demonstrates that there have always been groups of people within the structure of numerous societies, which controlled all of the critical information and decisions. These controlling members were not always visible to the rest of the citizens of a given community. In reality, they intentionally avoided public exposure and preferred to control things from behind the scenes.

Conspiracy theorists have long made the case that a cabal of wealthy families has had firm control over the rest of the world for lengthy periods. Depending on what authors you read, and there are many of them, the length of time that these conspirators have been manipulating humanity stretches from one century to many thousands of years.

I have read many of these authors. While I do not agree with every specific point that they make, I now believe that there is a hierarchy of control that manages the world from the top down. In my considered opinion, this is not a conspiracy theory – it is a fact!

Many would argue that such a hierarchy, explicitly designed to secretly control the world, would be impossible to conceal from the rest of society. The skeptics are quick to point out that the scholars of the world would be able to identify such an evil construct. Another logical argument that is routinely voiced and delivered by the skeptics to conspiracy authors is that it would be virtually impossible for the same groups/families, which are supposedly in control of the world, to maintain the continuity of that control from one generation to the next. In other words, how would these elitist families retain their firm grip over the world’s people for hundreds and possibly even thousands of years as many conspiracy authors have suggested?

The Principle of Compartmentalization

Maintaining control from the top down is not as difficult as one might imagine. This goal has been successfully accomplished throughout our modern history, especially within the corporate world. The organizational structure of a given company is akin to the design of a pyramid. At the top of the corporate pyramid, a select few know everything of importance regarding the health and well being of a particular company. The further down the pyramid you move, the more people in the company become involved. The company members that hold a specific position of rank/status/employment within the lower levels of the pyramid are not privy to the same quantity of information as the individuals who hold a higher level of pyramidal rank/status/employment. The further down the pyramid you move, the less company information is known by each of the employees. At the very base of the pyramidal structure, the least amount of company knowledge is known or understood by the vast majority of company employees.

The pyramidal corporate model I have just described allows for the limiting of access to vital information. This is what I and others refer to as the principle of compartmentalization. The principle of compartmentalization occurs every single day of the year in the operation of various companies, organizations, countries, and yes, it even happens on a global scale as I will eventually point out. To develop a more precise understanding, for readers, about how the principle works, I offer the following description of the inner workings of an automobile assembly plant.

An automobile assembly plant is a very technical and sophisticated operation. A large part of the factory’s success is based on the smooth and uninterrupted performance of an assembly line of workers and modern machines. The automobiles that are produced at the very end of the assembly line are precision designed pieces of machinery, and they will no doubt function flawlessly for many years.

If I were to interview a group of assembly line employees from a particular automotive plant and ask them to explain how to build the automobile they regularly work on, I would wager a small amount of money that the employees would be unable to explain how to proceed.

As a smaller group, or as individuals, these employees would not have the necessary knowledge to build the exact product they are regularly employed to help manufacture. The employees are obviously a tiny part of a much more extensive assembly team. This assembly team has been intentionally compartmentalized or given only enough information/knowledge to be able to successfully complete measurable objectives as outlined and defined by the company’s assembly line managers. In this way, a sophisticated product can be regularly produced by a large workforce of employees. At the same time, only a minimal number of high ranking company executives, who share a much different knowledge base than most of the lower-level employees associated with the company, would know how to build the product in question.

The automobile company needs the complete cooperation of all the workers employed at the factory to successfully produce the end product. Without the workers who reside at the base of the pyramidal corporate structure, the company would not be able to succeed. The principle of compartmentalization, however, allows the people on the top of the pyramid to maintain a different level of knowledge and control over the people who reside at the lower levels of the pyramid.

This hierarchy system is widely known and regularly accepted within the corporate/business arena. It is common and quite acceptable by society’s standards for company executives to be privy to a different knowledge base than lower-level employees. What would not be fair to the members of society, however, is for the same hierarchy systems to exist within the major genres of our everyday existence. The genres I am writing about are the elements that are deeply embedded into our societal structure and help to form the very fabric of our perceived reality.

The actual genres that define and make up the fabric of our perceived reality are the institutions known to us as science, history, finance, banking, religion, education, sports, entertainment, medicine, energy, the military-industrial complex, the pharmaceutical-industrial complex, politics, the occult, philosophy, and many others.

What is the one common factor that each of these genres shares with one another? What information should you, the reader, retain when assessing these genres that shape our very own version of reality? The answer is twofold. You should first, and foremost, comprehend that for each of these genres, there exists a much different knowledge base and understanding about the actual subject matter at various positions within the pyramidal hierarchy. Only a select few know the total truth about what is really going on in each genre/subject. The second thing you need to learn is that all of these genres strongly encourage individuals to form, in their minds, a perceived reality construct that is very far removed from what’s actually happening on the planet at any given time.

The Fabric of our Perceived Reality

Explained in Further Detail

As members of society, we are all, for the most part, disciples of unverifiable information. What I mean by this sentence is that the people on our planet must regularly rely on specific official sources for most of their data. The sources you and I rely upon must be trustworthy, in our eyes, for us to actually accept the information they peddle as credible. This is how human beings determine what is real or possible in various communities around the globe. We are usually not afforded the luxury of being placed in a position to be able to validate many of the pieces of information that routinely enter our daily lives.

Because human beings are only able to learn about certain subjects from the so-called “trusted sources,” a genuine problem is immediately created for most of the members of society. At the same time, a real opportunity is designed for the controlling members of the community who reside at the upper end of the structured hierarchy. That opportunity regularly allows the members of the ruling elite the chance to create a false perception of reality for the vast majority of the population base.

Many individual genres have been sewn together to form the fabric of our perceived reality that we rely upon to guide us through our daily existence. To the average person, the fabric of our perceived reality is not widely understood. The abilities of the global power brokers to keep the rest of humanity attached to a distorted perception/understanding of what is actually taking place in the world has been no small chore. Yet, it has been brilliantly accomplished over an extended period of time.

As I wrote earlier, the fabric of our perceived reality is actually made up of many subjects that we are all quite familiar with. Some of us have studied these subjects in great detail and believe that we have a good understanding of them. In reality, we don’t

                         Touchy Subjects

Again, let me reiterate that the topics I am writing about are complex issues and also considered touchy subjects within the minds of most people. As human beings, we have varying degrees of emotional attachment to the individual components that make up the fabric of our perceived reality. For example, the subject of religion is one component within our constructed fabric that many people feel strongly about.

Once we have accepted specific belief systems and welcomed them into our lives, it is absolutely natural for the concepts to be reinforced by the members of our immediate community. The belief systems eventually become attached to our core beliefs, and from that point forward, we will always defend such concepts until the very day we leave this planet.

Each genre that helps to create a portion of the fabric of our perceived reality is controlled or managed from the top down. The subject of politics is no exception to this rule. Many of us get quite emotional when we begin discussing politics. It is, without a doubt, a genre that a lot of people are very opinionated about. Unfortunately, we have been cleverly duped into believing that we are free to choose leaders in a given country that can actually make a difference.

Republicans, Democrats, and Independents account for the significant party players in the farcical game played in the US. I use the word “game” because, in my opinion, the entire political system, in America as well as other sovereign territories, is a game that has been set up to appease the participants – the voting public.

Many years ago, the British born conspiracy author David Icke coined the term “opposames” when referring to political parties. Icke convincingly made the case that political candidates in the US Democratic and Republican parties, who were successfully elected into the higher levels of government, were being controlled like puppets on a string by the real rulers of the world. The political parties people become so enamored with were purposely disguised to look like they were different from one another. And looking at what has happened in the world with Covid-19, and how all political leaders have genuflected to the world government, it’s pretty obvious Icke was correct.

According to Icke, the political parties were only dissimilar on the surface and underneath the superficial façade that was being presented to the public; they were, in fact, both representing the interests of the ruling elite members of society that were really managing the world’s business. Hence, the term “opposames” was used by Icke to describe the game pieces.

Once again, it should be reinforced in our minds that what we think we know about a given genre that helps to make up the fabric of our perceived reality is very different from what the people at the top of the pyramid know about the same subject. There are very different perceptions of what truth might be depending on your position in the hierarchy of knowledge.

The New World Order has been written and talked about by many people. Numerous theories have been brilliantly explained by different scholars and conspiracy authors. So, I guess it’s fair to say that everybody seems to have their own ideas as to what a New World Order would look like if it were to be implemented by the powers that be.

When we think of horrible events or periods in our recorded history, most people automatically think of Hitler and his march through Europe. And when we think of the NAZI regime, a picture instantly forms in our minds that’s been placed there by our reading of historical accounts that have been written into textbooks and methodically taught in public schools. How accurate are these historical accounts? Only the victors who have written the stories that later become officialdom know the answers to those critical questions.

I was not present when the NAZI’s wreaked their alleged havoc on Europe, so it’s difficult for me to accurately compare the New World Order machinations taking place today to those events occurring so long ago.

I will say, however, that I do believe the Illuminati masters responsible for financing the NAZI movement many years ago, have their hands in the egregious crimes against humanity that are currently unfolding.

I think a lot of people have this idea that the powers that be running the Earth show have only been in existence for a few hundred years or so. I believe that those in control have been on Earth for far longer than most of us can even begin to comprehend.

I think the controllers of our world have a desire to change the way the different governing constructs are managed in all sovereign territories worldwide. And I also believe that the false flag happening now concerning the coronavirus is all about providing the few who control the many a more effective way to guide their herd in a different direction that will allow for a new management system (New World Order) to come to fruition sooner than later.

It’s difficult for the New World Order architects to carry out their plans by applying physical force to the members of society because there are so many of us and so few of them. Instead, they rely on psychological operations and sleight of hand tricks. They lie about the technologies they possess and drastically exaggerate the truth concerning health and diseases. They have compartmentalized nearly every genre that makes up the fabric of our perceived reality construct. Everything we think we know about science, healthcare, politics, religion, space travel, life, death, existence, and many other subjects have a different knowledge base attached to them than what we have been taught. Once again, let me point out that the information that is known about many of these subjects by specific individuals at the top of the pyramid of knowledge is far different than the information that is available and known by those of us residing at the base of the same hierarchy structure.

Understanding the New World Order movement is a difficult chore because the agenda itself is so broadly constructed and affects nearly every part of the planet. And it’s also something that’s been in play for much longer than most of us realize.

Is there a God?

By Sazerca 7

Guest Writer for NoFakeNews

We demand that proof be shown for something as seemingly insignificant as UFO’s and spiritual psychics. Surely we should demand some documentation for what many think is the most important subject/question in the whole world; is there a God?

Millions pray everyday, wars are fought in God’s name, trillions have been donated to His causes throughout the ages. That last item alone would beg for some authentication otherwise some could say that a scam of unbelievable proportions (far surpassing even Bernie Madoff’s shenanigans) has been perpetuated against mankind for over 3 millennium. Wow! The Vatican would really have to cough up some serious bucks if found guilty of fraud!

So, is there any proof that God exists? If I were to pose this question to most theologians, I would imagine I’d hear a long speech about faith. We all know faith is just a concept. A concept probably invented by some long ago church council or who knows maybe an ancient gathering at the Vatican worrying about declining profits. I can almost hear them now. . .

-Cardinal #1: “What are we going to do with all those who ask questions that we have no answers for? Like, “where is heaven?, Why doesn’t God answer our prayers?, How can God allow children to be raped or murdered without doing something? How many angels dance on the head of a pin?”

-Cardinal #2: “”I know, I know!. . .We’ll create a new concept and call it. . . “faith”. . .Yeah, that’s it, . . faith. We’ll say that “faith” is the most holy state of being, where you are perfectly willing to believe in everything we tell them, no matter how ridiculous and impossible it sounds.”

-Cardinal #1:””””That’s brilliant! Then we can tell the blasphemers that if they don’t have this thing we call “faith”, they should feel guilty because they are immersed in sinful thoughts and lacking in what it takes to obtain “eternity” in the kingdom of heaven! That should keep them from asking questions that we can’t answer!”

All religions are able to exist only because of the concept of “faith.” The idea of gods grew out of fear and ignorance in early mankind so that he could feel he had a way of influencing the very dangerous world around him.

Shamans and witch doctors capitalized on that fear and ignorance and used it to gain status and power over their fellow neighbors. The shamans propagated this belief by saying they (the shamans) could act as an advocate or go-between for the tribe with the gods. And there is the beginning of religion.

Once the priest cult had the power, they were never going to let it go. From what I’ve read, the earliest mention of worshiping a single deity (monotheism) was when the Pharaoh Akhenaten (father of King Tut) created a religion based on worshiping a single god, marginalizing the traditionally accepted Egyptian religion of multiple gods revered by the Egyptian priest cult. Likely, the Hebrews brought a form of this religion out of Egypt during the Exodus and continued the worship of a single entity.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all grew out of this Egyptian concept of the “One God”. Now, Christians are told that Jesus was the human son of a god, who died and then came back to life and ascended to heaven! A statement like that begs for some kind of proof above and beyond “faith”. Consider the percentage of resources that societies throughout history have given to their spiritual leaders without a shred of true evidence that their god even exists. In ancient times, the priest/shaman resorted to theatrical and sometimes even mechanical devices to show their flocks that the deity was listening. Now-a-days, we are told to rely solely on “faith”!

Ursula Haverbeck: Jailed For Her Views About The Holocaust



It is illegal to question the holocaust (holocaust denial) in the following  countries:

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Czech Republic
  4. France
  5. Germany
  6. Hungary
  7. Israel
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Lithuania
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Netherlands
  12. Poland
  13. Portugal
  14. Romania
  15. Switzerland.

The following countries do not have laws against holocaust denial:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Algeria
  4. Andorra
  5. Angola
  6. Antigua and Barbuda
  7. Argentina
  8. Armenia
  9. Australia
  10. Azerbaijan
  11. Bahamas, The
  12. Bahrain
  13. Bangladesh
  14. Barbados
  15. Belarus
  16. Belize
  17. Benin
  18. Bhutan
  19. Bolivia
  20. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  21. Botswana
  22. Brazil
  23. Brunei
  24. Bulgaria
  25. Burkina Faso
  26. Burundi
  27. Cambodia
  28. Cameroon
  29. Canada (as of R. v. Zundel)
  30. Cape Verde
  31. Cayman Islands
  32. Central African Republic
  33. Chad
  34. Chile
  35. China PR
  36. Colombia
  37. Comoros
  38. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
  39. Congo, Republic of the
  40. Costa Rica
  41. Cote d’Ivoire
  42. Cuba
  43. Cuba
  44. Cyprus
  45. Denmark
  46. Djibouti
  47. Dominica
  48. Dominican Republic
  49. Ecuador
  50. Egypt
  51. El Salvador
  52. Equatorial Guinea
  53. Eritrea
  54. Estonia
  55. Ethiopia
  56. Faroe Islands
  57. Fiji
  58. Finland
  59. Gabon
  60. Gambia, The
  61. Georgia
  62. Ghana
  63. Greece
  64. Grenada
  65. Guatemala
  66. Guinea
  67. Guinea-Bissau
  68. Guyana
  69. Haiti
  70. Holy See (Vatican City)
  71. Honduras
  72. Iceland
  73. India
  74. Indonesia
  75. Iran
  76. Iraq
  77. Ireland
  78. Italy
  79. Jamaica
  80. Japan
  81. Jersey
  82. Jordan
  83. Kazakhstan
  84. Kenya
  85. Kiribati
  86. Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of
  87. Korea, Republic of
  88. Kuwait
  89. Kyrgyzstan
  90. Laos
  91. Latvia
  92. Lebanon
  93. Lesotho
  94. Liberia
  95. Libya
  96. Liechtenstein
  97. Macedonia (FYROM)
  98. Madagascar
  99. Malawi
  100. Malaysia
  101. Maldives
  102. Mali
  103. Malta
  104. Mauritania
  105. Mauritius
  106. Mexico
  107. Micronesia, Federated States of
  108. Moldova
  109. Monaco
  110. Mongolia
  111. Montenegro
  112. Morocco
  113. Mozambique
  114. Myanmar
  115. Namibia
  116. Nauru
  117. Nepal
  118. New Zealand
  119. Nicaragua
  120. Niger
  121. Nigeria
  122. Norway
  123. Oman
  124. Pakistan
  125. Palau
  126. Palestine
  127. Panama
  128. Papua New Guinea
  129. Paraguay
  130. Peru
  131. Philippines
  132. Puerto Rico
  133. Qatar
  134. Rwanda
  135. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  136. Saint Lucia
  137. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  138. Samoa
  139. San Marino
  140. São Tomé and Príncipe
  141. Saudi Arabia
  142. Senegal
  143. Serbia
  144. Seychelles
  145. Sierra Leone
  146. Singapore
  147. Slovakia
  148. Slovenia
  149. Solomon Islands
  150. Somalia
  151. South Africa
  152. Spain
  153. Sri Lanka
  154. Sudan
  155. Suriname
  156. Swaziland
  157. Sweden
  158. Syria
  159. Taiwan
  160. Tajikistan
  161. Tanzania
  162. Thailand
  163. Timor-Leste
  164. Togo
  165. Tonga
  166. Trinidad and Tobago
  167. Tunisia
  168. Turkey
  169. Turkmenistan
  170. Tuvalu
  171. Uganda
  172. Ukraine
  173. United Arab Emirates
  174. United Kingdom
  175. United States
  176. Uruguay
  177. Uzbekistan
  178. Vanuatu
  179. Venezuela
  180. Vietnam
  181. Western Sahara
  182. Yemen
  183. Zambia
  184. Zimbabwe

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13 Year Old Boy Explains Quantum Physics and Defines God

By Gina Flores

Editor at NoFakeNews

I recently came across the video embedded below. It’s an interview of a 13 year old boy that amazingly describes his definition of God and how the laws of the universe work with his definition. This is a very bright young man and he is able to speak about quantum physics in an extremely intelligent manner.

His theories are very similar to the written materials I have read that were and continue to be produced by Michael Morris. The Michael Morris materials have been published extensively on this website. Some of the newer writings have not been published for a number of reasons, but I have had a chance to read them and they are amazingly similar to what the young 13 year old boy describes. It was very eerie for me to watch this video and compare the information to the Michael Morris writings. Many of Michael’s original texts were written and channeled back in 2002-2005.

When reading Michael’s writings, substitute the words Vast Intelligence for God. Read Michael’s writings here and then watch the amazing video interview:

“Vast Intelligence (The Universal Creative Force of Everything Spiritual and Physical) continuously searches for ways to broaden and improve its creative properties. Vast Intelligence is not a person, nor should it be envisioned or personified as such by sentient beings that can manifest themselves as spiritual or physical entities within the parameters of particular frequency platforms. Gods are not a reality as they do not exist! Vast Intelligence is not a God and it never judges anything or anyone. It simply collects experiences and seeks to expand its knowledge base!

“In very simplistic terms, you and I are both integral parts of Vast Intelligence. We both represent different expressions of Vast Intelligence within different dimensions of universal existence.

“From a third dimensional perspective, where time and space properties are factors that, undoubtedly, affect and influence perceptions of reality, Vast Intelligence decided long ago to create an infinite number of opportunities to collect knowledge. It did so by creating frequency signatures that could be converted into different densities or dimensions of existence. The individual dimensions were designed to help fulfill the needs of Vast Intelligence with regards to increasing its knowledge base.

“Within the incredible frameworks of Vast Intelligence’s different dimensions, there are countless expressions of Vast Intelligence being realized. The dimensional expressions are unlimited and unending. They are represented by sentient beings that collectively exist in varying degrees of solidness depending on how universal, subatomic particles are vibrating.” – Michael Morris