Things that make you scratch your head


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We are at war with a world government!

Dr. John Reizer

We continue to be at war! But not against invisible viruses that purportedly wreak havoc on the entire world. Instead, society fights against an oppressive world government that hides in the shadows and stays out of the light of day. It’s a global governing construct that hands down directives to the elected managers of sovereign countries, who then implement the draconian measures to be followed by citizens worldwide.

Unbeknownst to many, the world government I am writing about has been in existence and behind the scenes for a while, demanding absolute obedience concerning the authoritative measures they have been slowly introducing.

The immense COVID-19 psyop agenda that was dress rehearsed throughout the years by the few controlling the many was finally launched into action in 2020. The psyop was brilliantly crafted by a team of scientific writers so that it would convince the citizenry worldwide that a dangerous, relentless virus was on the loose and that nobody was safe.

You can’t design and successfully implement a fake viral world pandemic without much planning. The powers that be have been studying the world’s population for years. Understanding people’s emotions and their reactions to different psychological operations that have been carried out over time has been of paramount importance to the world government.

The continual collection of data by national security agencies in many countries has allowed the world government to understand and be able to accurately predict the reaction characteristics of the planet’s population when specific psyop campaigns have been intentionally scheduled and carried out.

Whether it’s been mass shootings, engineered riots, power outages, health epidemics, bad financial news, increased taxes, scripted terrorist attacks, fuel shortages, or catastrophic weather systems that have been geoengineered to bring about devastating pain to different communities (the Canadian fires of 2023), the powers that be have been watching and studying their enemy — us!

The reactions of people to various psyops have been observed and carefully examined by global security agencies. What people will consume, purchase at a store, watch on television, and search for on the Internet have all been studied, cataloged, and used to determine the best ways to influence herds of people in different geographic locations. It’s all very calculated, and nothing has been left to chance.

Analysts carefully considered all the statistics and data available. They concluded that the COVID-19 psyop event was the best way to guide the world’s population in a direction coveted by the elites running the Earth show. There was one final dress rehearsal that needed to take place in October 2019 (Event-201). It happened right before our eyes, and then the real psyop was launched.

Covid-19 (Event-202) was never about an actual virus. It was a psyop designed to make people think that there had been a massive planetary illness with significant casualties. It was always a sleight-of-hand magician’s trick designed to deliver near-precision results. The end goal was to ultimately create for the world government an authoritarian leadership that nobody could hope to hide from. It was an agenda that was a means to an end, a long-ago-written blueprint drawn up to make it easier for the elites to manage the world’s population. It was and continues to be a global vaccine genocide.

What happened over the past three years was not a conspiracy theory. It was what conspiracy writers have been predicting for years!


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The Wars on All Things are Controlling and Profitable Enterprises

By Dr. John L. Reizer

When the few who control the many have something that makes them tons of money, they often use the phrase, “The War on Something”  to describe that particular cash cow.

Maybe you are wondering what I am talking about? Let me try to clarify what is currently happening. I am sure you have heard about some of the following wars presently being fought in the world:

The War on AIDS

The War on Autism

The War on Cancer

The War on Covid-19

The War on Childhood Diseases

The War on Diabetes

The war on Drugs

The War on EBOLA

The War on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

The War on Hypothyroidism

The War on Leukemia

The War on Lupus

The War on Nicotine

The War on Parkinson’s

The War on Rheumatoid Arthritis

The War on Terror

I could sit here and provide similar examples, but I think you get the point I am trying to make.

All the wars referenced above have one thing in common with one another. The disease or enemy combatant being dealt with in each instance will never be defeated.

The wars that have to do with medical or disease-related battles exist within the protected domain of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex. They own and operate the legal drug racket and are more commonly known as “Big Pharma.”

Big pharma directly or indirectly funds all research projects that have to do with eradicating human and animal diseases. None of that research is being performed in the spirit of finding cures for specific conditions. The studies are being carried out only to develop more ways to manage the symptoms associated with these intellectual properties. In other words, the research is being used to create more synthetic drugs that can manage diseases indefinitely while keeping cures far away from healthcare consumers who desperately need them. The remedies to different conditions are being kept under lock and key so that pharmaceutical profits remain robust.

There have never been any diseases cured within the field of traditional medicine. And don’t tell me that Polio and Small Pox have been eradicated because it’s not true and those erroneous claims are predicated on fraudulent statistical reporting; the same types of statistical fraud are transpiring presently concerning Covid-19.

Instead, we see a long list of make-believe wars against various patented diseases that are regularly promoted to keep drug profits soaring and compromised patients dependent on toxic products that ultimately make them even sicker than they were before commencing care.

Concerning the War on Terror, the same predictable patterns can be observed again and again. Anything that has to do with fighting terrorists falls under the protected domain of the military-industrial complex.

It’s nearly impossible to defeat an enemy combatant that can never be located. The ridiculous charade of pretending to fight mobile terrorists, that can be moved to any strategic province the powers that be want to invade, is an ongoing theme. Using this fictitious narrative, failure to defeat an enemy is assured, and long, lengthy wars are guaranteed.

Don’t you find it incredibly bizarre that there have been no acts of terror committed by crazy terrorist groups the entire time the coronavirus hoax has been taking place? Are we really supposed to believe the crazy terrorist groups that allegedly exist and regularly commit shootings and bombings worldwide have stopped carrying out their mischief and mayhem because they are obeying self-isolation and social distancing guidelines recommended by the CDC? These are the same terrorists claimed by officialdom to be suicide bombers that have no concern for their lives. Are they on holiday, or is state-sponsored terrorism suspended until the coming vaccine is up and running?

The Wars on all things are controlling, and profitable business enterprises and the powerful bloodlines who control the world’s business will make sure new wars are always taking place on this planet, even if they have to literally create a novel coronavirus out of thin air.

Pro Life?

By Gina Flores

So here in the United States, there’s a big argument going on between Democrats and Republicans – pro choice versus pro life.

In a nutshell, the argument is centered on how much control men in government should have over a woman’s body.

The pro choice party says a woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy up until a very late stage of fetal development.

The pro life camp says a woman should not have the right to terminate her pregnancy shortly after conception.

Life is certainly a very precious commodity. From an ethical or biological standpoint, I can’t say for certain when life should or shouldn’t be protected by man made laws.

But here’s something I do know; pro choice Democrats and pro life Republicans both offer bipartisan support for murdering former fetuses in endless wars.

If you’re in the pro life camp, how can you support wars, the state sponsored murder of countless people?

And if you’re in the pro choice camp, that’s not a good enough reason to support the countless murders of innocent people in state sponsored wars.

What do you think about this subject?

There Will Never be Peace or Health on Earth


By Truth Teller

Washington, DC – Most of the people who read this website and others like it are probably well aware of the words, Military Industrial Complex (MIC). It’s a rather huge octopus that has far reaching tentacles extending all over the place. In reality there are a lot more than eight tentacles attached to this beast, but I chose the octopus analogy because I wanted to create for readers a familiar looking picture they can easily relate to when thinking about the content I have written in this post.

The MIC includes the US Armed Services, the technology sectors that support those entities, and an incredibly long list of corporations that have either direct or indirect ties to the main organism. It would be brutally boring for readers to peruse through such a list and extremely torturous for your author to attempt to assemble it. You will just have to take my word for it when I write that the number of corporations that are linked in some way to the MIC is enormous.

The MIC is a major component of American society and if it ever ceased to exist, American infrastructure and our money markets would collapse immediately. It is for this reason alone that we are absolutely guaranteed to never see any semblance of peace on this planet.

The MIC requires a constant number of villains in order to validate its existence. Enemies like Russia, Iran, Syria, China, and North Korea are the major ones, but there are others that can be inserted onto the game-board when the powers that be feel the need to do so.

There’s no amount of political negotiating or diplomacy that can ultimately ease the tensions between the United States and certain countries designated to be enemies by the MIC.

Future summits/meetings can be planned between President Trump and Vladimir Putin from now until the end of time.  The MIC will make damn sure that hostilities still exist between our two countries. The same goes for North Korea. Do you think the MIC wants peace between the US and North Korea? Do you think they want to close down the military bases in that or any other region of the world?  The answer is no.

Just like the MIC, there exists another powerful construct with far reaching tentacles. The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex (PIC) is another giant octopus that has its arms in the corporate structure of healthcare facilities, medical companies, universities, research facilities and so on. It too relies on a constant list of villains in order to validate its existence. Within this model the enemies are not foreign countries, they’re individual diseases that have been named and categorized by the World Health Organization.

The classification and categorization of made up diseases is necessary in order to create a never ending list of vaccines and medicinal concoctions that can be patented and profited from. These products are toxic and keep people in a weakened state of existence. And just like the MIC will never allow peace in the world, the PIC will never permit the eradication of any diseases. It’s just too damn profitable to manage sick people in hospital facilities from now until the end of time. It’s also an integral part of the plan that’s been implemented by the powers that be against humanity.

So the sad truth remains unchanged; there can never be peace or good health in our world because the MIC and PIC will not permit it. As long as these gigantic constructs remain in existence, and I just don’t see either of them leaving the scene anytime soon, we will always have a constant threat of new wars and diseases. And we will all be able to conveniently learn about them each day as they are reported on by the fake news companies that are also assets owned by the the same octopi.

The Constant Glorification of War

By Dr. John Reizer

Founder of NoFakeNews

Uncle Sam just celebrated his 240th birthday, and as usual the national festivities were centered more on the glorification of war than America’s independence.

Whether you were watching baseball games, movies, or mainstream media news propaganda, the promotion and constant glorification of war and murder were in full swing on our nation’s most recent birthday. Military flyovers by jets and helicopter gunships drew huge applause from millions of people attending or watching professional sporting events. Cinemas nationwide, courtesy of Hollywood and handsomely funded by US Intelligence agencies, were busy as usual glorifying war, murder, and the killing of human beings.


On one hand we have an American government that is constantly telling its citizens that guns are dangerous and not to own one. Yet, on the other hand, we have thousands of movies and television shows that are being produced and marketed to people that feature the portrayal of senseless, endless killing by handguns, assault rifles and other weapons of mass destruction. It’s a very schizophrenic message( Psyops Agenda) being delivered to the masses by elite globalists. Hollywood is behind a disgusting industry that has helped to brainwash an entire population base into thinking that the snuffing out of human life is an acceptable form of entertainment. Americans are addicted to violence and war and all of those shenanigans were taking place on America’s most recent birthday.

Dear reader, we have all been sold a false bill of goods with regards to our military and its presence in various international conflicts. America’s military presence around the world is always portrayed by the corporately controlled MSM as something noble and necessary to defend its borders. In reality, the American military and its long history of wars is more about expanding the globalist’s banking empire, making it richer and more powerful.

If another country comes along and threatens America’s borders, I’m all for kicking their collective ass back to where they came from. But don’t get on a soap box, via the MSM, and start telling me that foreigners in distant locations are a threat to America and need to be neutralized by our military. We don’t belong in these foreign countries and we certainly shouldn’t be creating and funding terror cells in an effort to destabilize existing foreign governments in an effort to influence the outcomes of certain events.

Global intelligence agencies, under the control of powerful elitists, have helped create and fund terrorists. They have given them catchy sounding acronyms that can be marketed to Americans and her allies. They have created false flag terror events in America and other international locations and blamed said attacks on innocent people living in territories that are desired to be invaded by the globalists. Once strategic locations are selected, troops move in and destroy certain governments that are not cooperating with the elite’s agenda. New puppet governments are then installed that will cooperate.

America’s military is being used to advance a globalist agenda. We have been hoodwinked into believing that militarism is the same thing as patriotism. It most certainly is not. As citizens we need to break our addiction to the glorification of war and murder. We’ve been hypnotized and it’s time to snap our fingers and wake up.

What do you think about this subject?