The Deadly Covid Hospital Protocols

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Dr. John Reizer

I should not be here writing these words. I should be dead due to an assassination plot planned by cowards in August 2021.

In fact, the powers that be wanted me, who had spent time writing hundreds of articles about the Covid fakery and co-writing a feature film about the dirty machinations associated with big pharma, to appear to have died from the fake infectious coronavirus.

Thankfully, the universe had other plans for me, and I am still writing about the global agenda.

I entered a hospital in September 2021 because of a low oxygen saturation level due to an alleged upper respiratory infection. I believe that I made the biggest mistake of my life that day.

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I had no infection from a sars-cov-2 virus because that virus does not exist! I was poisoned by a nefarious technology that simulated the appearance of a viral infection and pneumonia in its victims. Do you think I am kidding or crazy? Many people do, but I know my body and what happened.

At the time of my poisoning, I had been walking over 12,000 steps per day and had been doing so for many years. I think this was what saved my life.

September 2021

My Doctor told me I was going to die!

Once admitted, the hospital staff gave me oxygen, and within a few minutes, my oxygen saturation level rose to near 100 percent. Then I was administered a PCR test and given a false-positive diagnosis of Covid-19.

At that point, the hospital staff placed me in a room surrounded by plastic drapes, and everyone around my bedside was gowned in bio-hazard suits.

As soon as I was diagnosed with Covid-19, it meant three things were going to happen:

1. I could not legally sue the hospital facility if they screwed up and harmed me in any way whatsoever.

2. I would be charged three times above the professional rate of a non-covid patient.

3. I would be treated with a hospital protocol to euthanize patients.

A few hours after entering the hospital, I was administered a bevy of drugs that caused me to experience atrial fibrillation and many other complications. To make a long story short, let me write that I was placed on a ventilator for 18 days, and the physicians told my wife and daughter that I had a one percent chance to survive.

Murder By Ventilation

My doctors believed I wouldn’t survive because they knew the protocols they were forced to use to treat covid patients were killing most people.

If the hospital and doctors wanted to get paid three times above the rate of non-covid patients, they had to follow the treatment protocol handed down by the powers that be.

Additionally, hospitals and physicians that didn’t follow Covid treatment protocols were not protected by the emergency use authorizations set up beforehand to protect hospital corporations from legal suits brought about by victims and their family members.

Mass Murder!

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As I sit in my home writing this and other posts for NoFakeNews, I continually choke and cough, trying to get air into my lungs because my respiratory system was damaged from being on a ventilator for so long.

Seven other patients were on ventilators in the hospital where I was treated for Covid. I miraculously survived, and the other folks didn’t.

It’s so ironic that what I wrote about for 20 months, warning strangers not to go to a hospital for Covid treatment, is what nearly killed me. That unfortunate decision has drastically changed my life.

I wasn’t thinking correctly on that September day because my oxygen levels were down. With all my heart, I believe I was targeted and poisoned because of the content I wrote on this platform about the plandemic.

Check out the following story by clicking here to learn about covid hospital protocols and ventilators.


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“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film


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Where do we go from here?

Dr. John Reizer

So, where do we go from here?

There are too many psyops and dirty machinations taking place in the world to count or list. It’s not necessary, however, to know every detail of every scheme to understand that there exists a war between the powers that be and humanity.

I believe that the only way to be successful in the future against the few who control the many is to refuse to obey their draconian mandates. The world’s citizenry’s continued compliance with unreasonable laws and regulations will place all of us further into the proverbial pot of boiling water presently on the stove.

I know that the mindset of many people has been to follow the directives being doled out by different governing bodies. That strategy has gotten people nowhere good. Whenever citizens comply with a totalitarian governing structure, they are immediately presented with even harsher rules and directives.

We must find the strength to resist following laws that have been implemented to destroy humanity. A new strategy and approach by people on a global scale are necessary to stop the madness and make a difference in the world. Implementing a new game plan is the only way to slow down what seems to be a giant snowball running down a mountainside, picking up speed and growing in size with each passing day.

It’s been written many times that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It is time we take a look in the mirror at ourselves. We need to realize that we are all in the current situation because of our collective inability to stand up for our rights to be critical-thinking human beings free from tyrants’ control and oppressive governments.

Case in point; The World Economic Forum has already identified itself as an enemy of the people. There is no need to support or follow any of the nonsense that comes out of Klaus Schwab’s mouth.

Klaus Schwab

For those of us who like to pretend that political candidates matter and represent our best interests, let your candidate know that if he or she supports the WEF, it is not in humanity’s best interest and that you can not support that candidate.

We need to draw a line in the sand and start standing up to the few who are calling the shots. The population numbers favor the many members of society versus the psychos trying to harm us. We must be smart and use that mathematical edge to our advantage.


Coming Everywhere Soon!

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Watch the Target List Interview

Gareth Icke interviews John Reizer

Copyright 2023 by Ickonic — The Official Platform of David Icke

Watch The Extended Cut

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Anyone with half a brain knows what’s going on — they are sterilizing and killing us with the vaccines!

Dr. John Reizer

Are you tired of having to be considerate of other people’s feelings who are not fully awake? Have you had it up to here with listening to morons talk about how more variants are on the way and it’s only a matter of time before we will all be wearing masks again?

I am tired of walking on eggshells to avoid offending ignorant people that believe COVID-19 is a real disease and that experimental vaccines are helping humans.

I don’t like to refer to the bioweapons as experimental vaccines because they are only experimental in the sense that they have not been FDA-approved or licensed for distribution to the public.

Instead, the vaccines are being administered broadly as experimental drugs because of a longstanding emergency use authorization declaration. That declaration, by the way, was fraudulently issued based on false-positive COVID-19 case numbers created by rigged PCR test kits.

The COVID-19 vaccines are not experimental drugs by any stretch of the imagination. The medicinal concoctions were designed to sterilize and kill humans, and that’s exactly what the products are doing!

Let’s stop attempting to be politically correct and call the state of affairs accurately. A global vaccine genocide is in play while the injuries and deaths are being covered up by the governments of the world.

The Hospital Corporations

Hospital corporations and government health regulatory agencies are complicit partners in the genocidal crimes occurring worldwide.

How do you pad COVID-19 case numbers while killing millions of people at the same time? You write hospital treatment protocols to mitigate a fake disease process that kills patients. If you obey and follow the protocols, your facility is offered immunity from any liability.

Meanwhile, governments have paid hospital corporations handsomely to misdiagnose massive amounts of patients with COVID-19 diagnoses. This fraudulent practice serves multiple purposes.

Anyone who is diagnosed with COVID-19 cannot sue a hospital or treating physician for malpractice damages. Immunity is automatically granted to any treatment facilities that are taking care of COVID-19 patients. Hospitals have a vested interest to create more and more COVID-19 case numbers. The treatment facilities are paid three times more than they are paid for non-COVID-19 patients, and they are protected from lawsuits.

Additionally, governments need case numbers to be maintained at very high levels. COVID-19 case numbers are the lifeblood of the pandemic. Without the pandemic in effect, the world’s governments can not continue to issue emergency use authorizations. If the emergency use authorizations are revoked, the COVID vaccines can not be administered, and the vaccine genocide will be interrupted.


TARGET LIST — A Feature Film Coming in 2023

Behind the scenes of Target List


Written by MJ Palo and John Reizer

Visit the movie website to learn more:

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I couldn’t care less about germs!

Dr. John Reizer

I couldn’t care less about germs! We are not at war with them! That idea is a grand illusion being orchestrated and presented to society by the controlling powers through the medical-industrial complex.

Whether we are discussing bacteria or viral microbes, it’s important to understand that these microscopic entities are not the cause of diseases. What ultimately determines if we become ill or remain healthy is the uninhibited expression of our immune systems at all times. If our immunity is up to par — we’re going to remain healthy as long as we remain within the construct of our natural environment.

The eugenicists who have worked hard to make society sick know the truth about bacteria and viruses. They have been studying this important equation for a lengthy period. They have figured out that the key to getting people sick is to attack the masses’ natural and herd immunity. They have been working on behind-the-scenes projects for decades to accomplish this goal while creating lies about microbiology and teaching those falsities to healthcare students and doctors.

The controlling powers tried to genetically modify viruses. Weaponizing a viral pathogen might work well in a Hollywood script, but it cannot be accomplished in real life as people have been led to believe.

According to mainstream science, viruses mutate fast and their potential pathogenicity decreases over time as they spin into more benign and less-lethal structures.

Others believe viral microbes are not pathogens. A growing number of scientists believe viral microbes are naturally occurring harmless genetic sequences that are used or even synthesized by our innate immune systems to help cleanse the body of toxins and opportunistic bacteria that can be harmful to people when our immunity becomes compromised.

The truth regarding viruses is still up in the air. Both viewpoints are theories that have yet to be adequately proven. What has been proven to be true without any uncertainty is that trillions of microbes are everywhere and at all times. You can’t escape them, so don’t be fooled into thinking you can.

The good news that very few people seem to understand is that microbes don’t make you sick. If they did, we’d be sick all the time because there’s never a time when microbes aren’t around. So, logic would dictate that the presence of microbes in our airborne environment has no ill effects on our health.


Sars-cov-2 is a fake virus that was made to look real on paper by a rigged PCR test that generated millions upon millions of false-positive case numbers. We know by applying common sense that both the sars-cov-2 virus and its associated disease, COVID-19, are fake because the virus was never isolated in totality from an animal or human host. The alleged disease has not satisfied the standards of proper identification using Koch’s postulates — end of story!

Koch’s Postulates

  1. The microorganism or other pathogen must be present in all cases of the disease.
  2. The pathogen can be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture.
  3. The pathogen from the pure culture must cause the disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible laboratory animal.
  4. The pathogen must be reisolated from the new host and shown to be the same as the originally inoculated pathogen.

The architects of the world pandemic have tried to convince people that Koch’s postulates are no longer important and should not be applied concerning COVID-19.

As I wrote prior, a naturally occurring or genetically modified virus wouldn’t get anyone sick. That’s why the controlling powers had to pull off the current psyop using a fake germ.

A fake virus with fake case numbers is easy for the powers that be to control. The results are simple to generate and predict once you have designed a bogus lab tool that can create an on-demand, unlimited number of false-positive case numbers.


Absurd medical mitigation procedures directed at treating bacterial and viral infections have been created and packaged by big pharma, then promoted as science. These prescriptive measures are destroying our natural and herd immunity!

Explanations about how humans and other animals naturally coexist with microorganisms have been marginalized by big pharma and promoted as pseudo-science.

Some hard to hear truths:




And herein lies the problem and why a fake viral pandemic can be successfully staged and executed worldwide. People have sunk their teeth into the lie that organized medicine is an authoritative institution on health and wellness. It most certainly is not.

The frontmen and women working for the powers that be who have stood in the spotlight telling the world how to “flatten the curve” concerning Covid-19 don’t know their arses from their elbows when it comes to giving out health advice. These people are clueless liars, reading a script that’s been handed down by a world governing construct. And the information they are spewing should be disregarded as nonsense.

Remember — we are not at war with germs!


Target List — A Feature Film Coming in 2023


Written by MJ Palo and John Reizer

Visit the movie website to learn more:

IMDb Page

Please support Target List by making a small donation on GoFundMe!

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It’s all about the modification of our DNA!

Dr. John Reizer

Sadly, most people still have no idea that they have been targeted for genetic manipulation and harvesting. It’s not as if the diabolical plan to modify the human genome was thought up a few years ago. The blueprint and means to permanently alter the human space suits — the bodies our souls occupy while navigating through life — have been in the works for decades.

The controlling powers, whoever or whatever they are, want a more streamlined and efficient way to control the herd (you and me). That’s what all of this noise taking place has been about from the time we were born into this world.

Since our first days here, we’ve all been taught a carefully scripted presentation about what’s real or possible. Our collective perception of reality is far removed from what’s happening on this planet.

Our knowledge (or lack thereof) of many things transpiring today has come to fruition from the information we learned through various trusted sources controlled by different governments that have had a vested interest in distorting the public’s understanding of life and our existence here.

From medical and physiological standpoints, we have continually been exposed to a plethora of synthetic drugs (poisons) packaged and marketed to appear as solutions to an enormous arsenal of made-up diseases (intellectual properties).

The marketing of prescription and non-prescription poisons to the general population is relentless. These days, the practice is so routine that people have become numb and dumb to the endless drug commercials that populate the mainstream media stations.

All drugs advertised to healthcare consumers are labeled and described as dangerous and deadly, yet the public still consumes them.

A large consortium of drug companies assembled long ago (big pharma) serves as a tool to genetically change humanity. The diabolical plan has existed for a while, and the means to accomplish the madness through a broad vaccination program continues to be tirelessly promoted by the cult known as organized medicine.

COVID-19 vaccines besides killing and sterilizing many of us will alter human beings’ genetic code. What do you think the company MODERNA  (Modify RNA) stands for?

The eugenicists and psychopaths running the Earth show have been trying to get a hold of our valuable genetic information forever. Our genetic codes’ systematic collection has been accomplished through hospital lab testing, donating blood, looking for long-lost relatives by voluntarily submitting our DNA to private companies, and through other means.

When you give your most precious biological secrets to psychopaths, the results will not be good.


Target List Production – Picture of the Day!

May 14, 2022

Click here to see more behind-the-scenes photos of the Target List production!

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COVID and the vaccines are the new normals (only if you allow them to be!)

Dr. John Reizer

According to a recent article published by JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association), COVID and seasonal vaccines are the new normals (intellectual properties.)

I wrote about Covid and its associated vaccines becoming intellectual properties back in 2020. That was before the COVID vaccines were supposedly made. I believe the vaccines were manufactured years earlier and waiting in the wings.

In 1986 at the age of 23, I graduated from chiropractic college and had already figured out two significant facts:

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Taking a closer look at the bioweapon vaccines and the narrative surrounding them

Dr. John Reizer

According to the official narrative, the Covid-19 gene therapy vaccines were created and rolled out by benevolent pharmaceutical companies to save humanity from the deadliest virus in recorded history. The scientific endeavor took under a year to produce the magical medicinal concoctions. The project was named Operation Warp Speed.

Things to know and understand

The Covid-19 vaccines are very sophisticated products that contain both toxic ingredients and medicinal delivery systems to human physiology that are mind-blowing.

As more and more evidence is uncovered through the help of whistleblowers and independent scientists that have gained access to the products in question, it becomes clear that the bioweapon vaccines were strategically designed to sterilize human females for future generations and to create diseases and deaths in the existing population.

It’s also become clear that the vaccine recipes were not created in under a year. The COVID-19 vaccines have likely been produced through years and years of scientific research that had to include the painstaking process of many scientists studying the most intricate details of human reproductive physiology and immunity.

The official narrative handed down from our elected leaders and health regulatory agencies claiming that the medical concoctions were made in record time is an outright lie.

The experimental vaccines were waiting in the wings for many years. The products that have genetically modified, sterilized, and murdered millions of unsuspecting fools who took the drugs are still being pushed on the public sector.

The epitome of human stupidity is exemplified by bearing witness to a general public that continues to rely on useless and fake diagnostic technologies incapable of delivering truthful COVID-19 diagnoses.

The epitome of human stupidity is exemplified by bearing witness to the continued popular belief that sars-cov-2 is a real virus even though it has never been scientifically isolated from a human being.

Perhaps the biggest examples of human stupidity are evidenced by the unbelievable statistics reporting that billions of people the world over have voluntarily rolled up their sleeves and received the jabs.


We are about to tell an important story…

…and need your help promoting it to others! Please watch and share The Target List pilot movie with as many of your friends and family members as possible. The more people who view the pilot, the more likely people will watch the full feature production coming out in 2023. — Dr. Reizer

Watch our pilot movie for free!


Target List — A Feature Film


After announcing a ground-breaking cancer cure, five members of the research team are targeted by an assassin hired by the big pharma. When two researchers escape the attack, they soon find themselves framed for the crime and on the killer’s target list.

Last year Mad-Wife productions filmed and produced the pilot movie The Target List. The story will now become a full-feature movie that will be released in 2023 under the title Target List.


Please donate a few dollars to help us with our upcoming movie.

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All donations will be used exclusively for the production of the movie.


–Donate $100 and get a Thank You credit in the film.
–Donate $200 and get a Thank You credit in the film as well as a signed copy of the screenplay.

–Do you have a product or business you would like to highlight in the movie? Contact us — we are offering product placement in the film!

If we can’t end the madness in the world, let’s end the madness in our lives!

Dr. John Reizer

If you regularly visit this website, you are already aware of the worldwide medical psyop that has been orchestrated by the controlling powers and unleashed on humanity. I am preaching to the choir when I write articles on this platform explaining the machinations taking place.

NoFakeNews is not your average website, and the visitors here are not ordinary people. Don’t for one second make the mistake of believing otherwise. This platform is unique because special people visit here and clearly understand what is transpiring around them daily.

If you haven’t figured it out already, let me explain one significant fact to our readership. We are not going to be able to save everybody in the world from themselves. There are too many people walking around this planet with a distorted perception of reality. That sort of thing doesn’t happen by chance. It took a lot of careful planning and mind control technologies rolled out over the years that were carefully refined by a world government to create the matrix of lies and deception that have painted a false reality for most global citizens.

Despite the best attempts of the elitists to brainwash everybody on the planet — here you are — wide awake!

If we can’t end the madness in the world, let’s end the madness in our lives!

How do we end the madness in our lives? We disconnect from what we know and understand to be a false reality. It’s not as challenging to disconnect from the false reality as one might believe.

The first thing we do is ignore those people who have a false understanding of reality. Hopefully, you have discarded or never worn a face mask during the psyop. Hopefully, you have not or never intend to receive any COVID-19 or other vaccines. If you have committed not to do any of those foolish things, you’re way ahead of a significant portion of society’s members.

The next thing we all need to do is probably one of the hardest things to do — disconnect from the mainstream media altogether. That means getting off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and any other social media applications. It means turning off the evening news broadcasts if you’re still watching those productions.

If you want to know what the weather will be like, look it up on your computer or phone versus listening to a lot of propaganda and mind control baloney on The Weather Channel or a local broadcast. If we tune into those venues, we will get the weather report in-between a whole host of COVID-19 propaganda and drug commercials.

Like I wrote earlier, I am writing to special people. The type of disconnectivity I am proposing is not going to be for everybody. If we want to live in a less stressful environment and disconnect from the world plandemic and other nonsense, we must separate ourselves from the lies and propaganda that are forever flowing around us.

Will we still encounter mask-wearers and vaxxers? Yes. However, the daily stresses in our lives will steadily decrease because the regular influx of propaganda that has a negative and cumulative effect on our psyches will be removed or significantly reduced. Try it for a week and see what happens.

Some people might protest and state that they have to keep informed of what is happening globally. We already know what is happening and where the plan is headed. If we want to transform our lives and live in some semblance of happiness, we must remove the toxicity from our lives.

The psychopaths running this global genocide will stop at nothing to get every person on the planet jabbed!

It’s hard to believe the tactics being used to try and convince clueless people to take a deadly bioweapon are working in many cases.

People are getting vaccinated in exchange for receiving tickets to a zoo and other amusement parks. I have read similar advertising offering people lottery tickets, theatre tickets, free groceries, and other ridiculous enticements.

The insanity remains in full force!

–Dr. Reizer


Get these Amazon Kindle books for free: September 2nd — 6th!



An Announcement is Forthcoming in 24 Hours about The Target List Film!

Exciting things are happening concerning our film, some of which we cannot announce publicly at this time. We will, however, make a major announcement about The Target List very soon. (Stay tuned for updates!)

Have You Watched Our Movie Yet? Why Not?

We want to wake up the world! Watch The Target List pilot movie on Amazon and help us produce the feature film. Honest ratings and reviews of the movie on the IMDB Page and the Amazon platform are appreciated and helpful to other viewers.

–Dr. Reizer

Fundraising for The Target List feature film is ongoing at GoFundMe!

For Additional Information Contact:

Mad-Wife Productions
Reno, NV 89521



The Target List Pilot Movie — Also Available On: