The First Lesson!


Watch Target List On Stash Movies


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch a Free Movie!


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©Target List LLC

Don’t be afraid to question history or anything else for that matter!

Things We Should Question:

The Space Travel Narrative

The Atomic Bomb Narrative

The Infectious Disease Narrative

The Timeline of Modern Technology

The Timeline of Modern History

Remember, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you turn on the television this evening, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you access a cell phone today to check the news, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you read the newspaper, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you read any national magazine publications, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses medical advancements, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses politics, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses space travel, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a program that discusses science, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses religion, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses ancient history, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you read an article that states vaccines are safe, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you access mainstream news companies through any means possible, they’re lying to you!

Do you get the general idea? They’re lying to you!

You have a mind; start using it!


If you’re searching for good gift ideas for family and friends this holiday season, consider buying copies of our movie, Target List, and giving them out as presents.

We’re using proceeds from DVD sales to help market our film to an even broader audience.

The Perfect Holiday Gift!

Click here to order a DVD!


What would happen if someone discovered how to cure all cancers?

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Story/Screenplay by MJ Palo & John Reizer

What is Target List about?

The Establishment Hates Our Movie Because it Attacks Big Pharma! 🙂


Watch for Free Right now!

Click an Arrow to Watch!

Click An Image Below To Buy From Your Favorite US Platform






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©Target List LLC

Where do we go from here?

Dr. John Reizer

So, where do we go from here?

There are too many psyops and dirty machinations taking place in the world to count or list. It’s not necessary, however, to know every detail of every scheme to understand that there exists a war between the powers that be and humanity.

I believe that the only way to be successful in the future against the few who control the many is to refuse to obey their draconian mandates. The world’s citizenry’s continued compliance with unreasonable laws and regulations will place all of us further into the proverbial pot of boiling water presently on the stove.

I know that the mindset of many people has been to follow the directives being doled out by different governing bodies. That strategy has gotten people nowhere good. Whenever citizens comply with a totalitarian governing structure, they are immediately presented with even harsher rules and directives.

We must find the strength to resist following laws that have been implemented to destroy humanity. A new strategy and approach by people on a global scale are necessary to stop the madness and make a difference in the world. Implementing a new game plan is the only way to slow down what seems to be a giant snowball running down a mountainside, picking up speed and growing in size with each passing day.

It’s been written many times that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It is time we take a look in the mirror at ourselves. We need to realize that we are all in the current situation because of our collective inability to stand up for our rights to be critical-thinking human beings free from tyrants’ control and oppressive governments.

Case in point; The World Economic Forum has already identified itself as an enemy of the people. There is no need to support or follow any of the nonsense that comes out of Klaus Schwab’s mouth.

Klaus Schwab

For those of us who like to pretend that political candidates matter and represent our best interests, let your candidate know that if he or she supports the WEF, it is not in humanity’s best interest and that you can not support that candidate.

We need to draw a line in the sand and start standing up to the few who are calling the shots. The population numbers favor the many members of society versus the psychos trying to harm us. We must be smart and use that mathematical edge to our advantage.


Coming Everywhere Soon!

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Watch the Target List Interview

Gareth Icke interviews John Reizer

Copyright 2023 by Ickonic — The Official Platform of David Icke

Watch The Extended Cut

Please help us promote Target List by making a small donation on GoFundMe!

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What have we learned from NASA and Artemis 1?

Dr. John Reizer

Artemis 1 recently went to the Moon and returned safely back to Earth with no problems whatsoever. After fifty years of not remembering how to get a spacecraft out of low earth orbit and to the Moon, Artemis 1 and the geniuses at NASA miraculously recovered from their amnesiac state and remembered how to travel in outer space.

Photo Credit – NASA

The thing about NASA is that they are liars. NASA didn’t send Artemis 1 to the Moon and back home again. They have never been to the lunar surface and never will get to the planetoid. The images allegedly taken by the uncrewed mission are Photoshopped. There are no stars visible anywhere because the images were pasted on a black background. Stars should be visible because there is no light pollution in space.

But you can’t convince people that the NASA photos are not real because a source they trust has told them they are real.

Photo Credit – NASA

It is the same phenomenon we witnessed with the phony COVID pandemic. No matter how many real doctors and scientists warned people that the virus was never properly isolated and that the vaccines would harm and not help humanity, people chose to believe the official sources peddling misinformation.

Photo Credit – NASA

The powers that be are good at doing one thing. That one thing is fooling the members of society by projecting to the masses a continuous false picture of reality. Don’t be fooled by these charlatans any longer. You don’t have to be anyone’s fool!


Watch it on the big screen!

If you are going to be in Reno, Nevada on December 16th and want to watch the Target List movie on the big screen with members of the cast and crew here’s your chance.

Tickets are on sale for $10.00. Seating is limited so don’t wait too long. Click here to purchase tickets for the Reno VIP screening!

If you are unable to make the Reno VIP screening, be sure to order the movie on the Vimeo platform and watch Target List as many times as you want for 72 hours per rental.


The Independent Film Event of 2023!

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Watch the trailer

Watch Beginning December 16th!



  hours  minutes  seconds



There are many ways to control the number of people on the planet


The Independent Film Event of 2023!

IMDb Page

Watch the trailer

Watch Beginning December 16th!




  hours  minutes  seconds



Pre-Order Now, and Watch Beginning December 16th!

The Independent Film Event of 2023!

IMDb Page

Watch the trailer

Watch Beginning December 16th!

The Story!

WAND is a ground-breaking cancer-curing instrument that uses radio frequencies instead of drugs, radiation, or radical surgical procedures to restore health.

Many years in development, the device has gotten the attention of Orphium – the manufacturer of a top-selling cancer-fighting drug. The Orphium corporation is not about to sit idly and watch its profits be eliminated.

Drs. Donna Sawyer, Clyde Daniel, Rachel Atwood, and other key employees at Gracie Technology are the brains behind WAND. The company’s new revolutionary healthcare instrument is about to transform medicine into something that resembles science fiction, possibly making conventional cancer treatments obsolete. The team members have all been placed in the crosshairs of a hired assassin.

Target List is a high-energy, fast-paced action-comedy about the creation of a life-saving healthcare instrument and big pharma’s attempt to suppress the technology.

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.

Good Versus Evil

There is no denying that there is evil in this world, but the light will always conquer the darkness.” ― Idowu Koyenikan

Good versus evil is the motivational force within Target List that ultimately drives the engine of this story toward its exciting climax and twist ending.



  hours  minutes  seconds





Are You Going to Watch the Movie?

Target List is rated PG-13

Target List  International Watch Party

With your help and continued support, we can wake up the world. Pre-order the Target List movie and invite your friends and family over to a watch party the weekend of December 16th — December 18th.

Our Vimeo VIP Release of Target List is available worldwide, so no matter where you reside, you can watch this incredible movie.

Take a screenshot of your Target List rental receipt from Vimeo and send it to and be entered into a drawing to win either an autographed copy of the official movie poster or screenplay.



  hours  minutes  seconds



Special Viewing of the Film!

Pre-order now — Watch December 16th!

A Message from Mad Wife Productions!

Mad Wife Productions is excited to announce a special “VIP Friends and Family” showing of our highly anticipated feature movie “Target List”!

Here is how to watch the film months before it’s on iTunes, Amazon, and other major streamers while also supporting us! Click on the pre-order button in the image above to access VIMEO where you can quickly sign in with a Google account and Pre-Order the film.

You will not be charged for the Pre-Order until the movie launches December 16th at which point you will be able to watch it as many times as you’d like for 72 hours.

Here is our goal with this special viewing:

First, we are so excited and want to share it with everyone during the holiday season.

Second, the funds raised from your rental will help us fund the massive marketing budget we need to get this movie seen by the world.

Any donations to help us market the movie are greatly appreciated!


The people who want to improve our natural immunity with vaccines also want to keep our teeth in pristine condition by fluoridating the water

Keep following the science!


Target List Watch Party Weekend!

With your help and continued support, we can wake up the world. Pre-order the Target List movie and invite your friends and family over to a watch party the weekend of December 16th — December 18th.

Take a screenshot of your Target List rental receipt from Vimeo and send it to and be entered into a drawing to win either an autographed copy of the official movie poster or screenplay.

The Target List Movie Trailer

Special Viewing of the Film!

Pre-order now — Watch December 16th!


A Message from Mad Wife Productions!

Mad Wife Productions is excited to announce a special “VIP Friends and Family” showing of our highly anticipated feature movie “Target List”!

Here is how to watch the film months before it’s on iTunes, Amazon, and other major streamers while also supporting us! Click on the pre-order button in the image above to access VIMEO where you can quickly sign in with a Google account and Pre-Order the film.

You will not be charged for the Pre-Order until the movie launches December 16th at which point you will be able to watch it as many times as you’d like for 72 hours.

Here is our goal with this special viewing:

First, we are so excited and want to share it with everyone during the holiday season.

Second, the funds raised from your rental will help us fund the massive marketing budget we need to get this movie seen by the world.