The MSM is Attempting to Marginalize the Homicidal Crimes Committed Against Humanity by Big Pharma!

Read More Here!


If it weren’t for the fact that billions of lives remain in danger and so many people have already died from the COVID-19 vaccines, the attempts by the MSM to marginalize and label adverse vaccine reactions as something extremely rare would be almost comical. How can people still rely on the mainstream news services after the last four years?

Dr. Reizer


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


Target List

From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Tubi TV

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We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Get Target List on DVD!


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©Target List LLC

The Mainstream Media

Dr. John Reizer

It’s been said, “Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.” The same could be said about continuously looking to find the truth by accessing the mainstream media (MSM). It’s an exercise in futility, a complete waste of time.

We are taught our entire lives to trust specific mainstream news sources and to disregard all others completely. It doesn’t matter how obvious something appears or how illogical a situation seems; we usually believe only mainstream media sources. We will routinely ignore our instincts and common sense and instead look for the truth coming from some corporate anchor person reading a teleprompter on the evening news.

More people than ever before know that corporate media companies are merely tools used by various government intelligence agencies to obfuscate the truth. The MSM provides all of us with a constant source of disinformative content.

The MSM is designed to confuse the general public, so we can’t figure out how to connect the dots about realm-wide events. Yet, despite knowing this information, many people still become frustrated when an official statement or narrative concerning a vital event is purposely reported inaccurately. What were we expecting?

If we want to understand what’s taking place in the world, we shouldn’t waste our time watching, reading, or listening to the MSM. We will not find the truth there.


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


Target List

From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Watch the full movie on YouTube

Get Target List on DVD!


IMDb Page

©Target List LLC

Some phrases can alert us when the mainstream media is lying

New Posts Every Mon, Wed, and Fri

Dr. John Reizer

Specific phrases embedded in mainstream media publications can quickly alert us that the information we will be receiving is complete and utter nonsense. The phrases are:

Scientists claim

Scientists say

According to science

Scientists have discovered

Scientists now fear

Scientists found

Read some examples below:


Of course, the mainstream media almost always lies to us, so the best way to protect ourselves from disinformation is to disregard anything you hear or see coming from said platforms.


Dr. John Reizer

Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog,

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Target List Shown in a Mexican Cinema!

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


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Approaching 300K views on Stash



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©Target List LLC

If you don’t get yer shots, you can’t have any work! How can you have any work if you don’t get yer shots?

Stand Up! Don’t be just another brick in the wall!

Leave them kids alone!


Watch Target List On Stash Movies

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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch a Free Movie

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IMDb Page

©Target List LLC

Can We Please Stop Watching the News?

Break the habit today!

You Are Being Hypnotized!


Watch Target List On Stash Movies


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch a Free Movie

Click An Image Below To Buy From Your Favorite US Platform







IMDb Page

©Target List LLC

Mass Formation Psychosis


The constant brainwashing of society through the mainstream media is called Mass Formation Psychosis.

You are getting very sleepy.


Watch the Target List movie

World Premiere — April 2023!

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Watch the Target List Interview

Gareth Icke interviews John Reizer

Copyright 2023 by Ickonic — The Official Platform of David Icke

Official Movie Trailer

Fox Carolina News

Please help us promote Target List by making a small donation on GoFundMe!

IMDb Page

Distractions in the news?

Look up at the sky!

Smoke and Mirrors

Are they diverting attention away from an environmental disaster?

The Ohio Train Derailment

Drone image of the Ohio accident scene by the National Transportation Safety Board

Read more here!


Watch the Target List movie

World Premiere — April 2023!

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Watch the Target List Interview

Gareth Icke interviews John Reizer

Copyright 2023 by Ickonic — The Official Platform of David Icke

Official Movie Trailer

Fox Carolina News

Please help us promote Target List by making a small donation on GoFundMe!

IMDb Page

Breaking free from the invisible shackles that enslave humanity

Dr. John Reizer

Humans are creatures of habit. It is how we are wired, and the people running the world understand how we think and view life. They frequently use our human psychological tendencies against us and have been doing so for as long as modern-day governments have existed.

If we ever hope to garner a better understanding of what is happening in the world, we must break free from the invisible shackles tightly fastened around our ankles. The restraints preclude members of society from understanding the lives they are living.

Many of us know that mainstream media companies regularly lie to their viewing audience. Television is one of the most dangerous weapons in the world. It can influence the perceptions of people worldwide to believe whatever the powers that be have portrayed as reality.

What we think we know about our world and what is happening behind the scenes are two different things altogether. Although most people who frequent NoFakeNews already know this information, theoretically speaking, they still can be easily pulled back into the matrix of lies engineered by the controllers to keep all of humanity in the small box they have constructed. That box allows the few who control the many to manage the human herd more easily.

The people running the world could never control seven and a half billion people the way they do without constantly feeding us a false understanding of reality. Everything we believe we know about the different subjects that make up the fabric of our perceived reality construct is far different from what the people at the top of the pyramid of knowledge understand about the same genres.

In our understanding of reality, we have been methodically led to believe that humans have visited the moon, created a nuclear bomb that can wipe out humanity and destroy the planet, can prevent diseases with an assortment of vaccines, have eradicated other deadly diseases that terrorized large populations of people, have created computer programs so sophisticated that they can artificially continue to learn beyond the parameters of what their human programmers have created, and believe there exists a space program that can venture far beyond low earth orbits and reach other celestial bodies in outer space. It is not likely that any of these claims are true.

We also have been led to believe the historical accounts of fought wars written into existence by the conflicts’ victors. Once the narratives are written and published, they become officialdom and unable to be challenged through scientific or other forms of critical investigations. And sometimes, the mere public discussion that officialdom might be incorrect can be punishable by imprisonment and monetary fines.

The ability of the global power brokers to keep the rest of humanity attached to a distorted perception of what is happening in the world has been no small chore. Yet, it has been brilliantly accomplished over an extended period.

Most, if not, everything we know about the individual components that make up the fabric of our perceived reality has been given to us by a variety of “trusted sources.” This is an undeniable fact. If you take the time to think about a particular subject you feel strongly about, and you honestly ask yourself where your knowledge about the subject has come from, you will eventually uncomfortably conclude that the information was initially acquired from a source you believed to be trustworthy.

As members of society, we are all, mostly, disciples of unverifiable information. I mean by this sentence that the people on our planet must regularly rely on individual official sources for most of their knowledge. The sources you and I rely upon must be trustworthy, in our eyes, to accept the information they peddle as credible. This is how humans determine what is real or possible in communities around the globe. We rarely are afforded the luxury of being placed in a position to personally validate many pieces of information that routinely enter our daily lives in real-time.

As we get ready to embark on another presidential election in the United States, many scripted scenarios are taking place. On the surface, they appear to challenge the future of what most people embrace as everyday normal life. Even the presidential election process is a scripted drama and ritual that most of us seem to embrace every four years like a bunch of morons. We do it out of habit and the powers that be know everything is under control if citizens continue to participate in the exercise, ultimately designed to make people believe they have a choice in electing someone to represent their best interests. We have no choice in selecting our managerial leaders, only the illusion of one.

We have fake or engineered wars occurring, an ongoing world plandemic terrorizing humanity, and big pharma companies allegedly making vaccines to save the world. In the background, Elon Musk and NASA are shooting off rockets to the Moon and proclaiming that humans have once again mastered space travel.

Thousands of stories are published each month for the public to chew on. Many of the bigger ones are directly and intimately connected, but the media does not present them so viewers realize the content is related. Headline stories are often reported so they appear to be non-related. The powers that be do not want us to connect the dots.

Our brains are wired so that they focus on specific patterns. The mainstream media companies do their best to make sure our minds cannot focus on information patterns that would reveal what is happening on a bigger and more worldly scale.

The objective of the mainstream media, which is owned and operated by the controlling powers, is to create confusion and misunderstanding about global events. The media want people to become so unsure about what is happening in the world, that they throw their arms in the air and give up on trying to solve the puzzle.

If we want to break free from the invisible shackles that keep us enslaved, we must stop watching the mainstream news and expect to see the truth. Until we understand that we live in a matrix of lies, we will never be able to understand our position and real purpose in this world.


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  hours  minutes  seconds



The Target List Movie Trailer

COVID infections, not vaccines cause heart attacks, strokes, and deaths according to the mainstream media

Mainstream Media Speak:

1. They all died from COVID infections.

2. Plenty of people die from heart disease and this fact has nothing to do with vaccines.

3. There is no evidence that COVID vaccines have killed even one person.

4. The research clearly shows that the virus causes heart problems.

5. The research shows the virus causes blood clots.

6. It’s not unusual for young people to suddenly die.

7. Just because a woman died 90 seconds after receiving a COVID vaccine doesn’t mean the shot killed her. It is called a coincidence.


The Blue Marble Free Giveaway

Five decades after Apollo brought The Blue Marble back from the Moon, the most dangerous object in the world is missing and threatening the human race.

Available on Kindle for free

“They found more than just rocks on the moon!”

A Novella By John Reizer

Everyone is reading The Blue Marble!

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“Curing Cancer Was Their First Mistake!”

Trailer Release Coming Soon!

Feature Film Coming in 2023