Pfizer has not a care in the world!

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Why did people and the US government trust Pfizer during COVID?

“…the U.S. government has charged the company with health care fraud.”

Emergency Use Authorizations

Dr. John Reizer

Pfizer, the company accused of causing cancer with its heartburn drug (Zantac), is the same corporate entity people were applauding four years ago when the pharma giant was unloading crates of COVID-19 vaccines from tractor-trailer trucks and placing them on airliners for distribution to Americans nationwide.

What is Pfizer?

“Pfizer is a publicly-traded global pharmaceutical company headquartered in New York City. Its revenues reached $51.8 billion in 2019.

Pfizer makes Eliquis, Enbrel, EpiPen, Depo-Provera, Dimetapp, Neosporin, Xeljanz and Zithromax/Zmax. It specializes in vaccines and cancer, heart and diabetes treatments. It also makes medicines for disorders of the endocrine (hormones) and nervous systems.”

Pfizer, like other pharmaceutical makers, has a history of different complaints stemming from healthcare consumers claiming to be injured by their products.

Can you imagine having to settle over 10,000 lawsuits and still be permitted to conduct business like you didn’t have a care in the world?

Pfizer does not have a care in the world because all their COVID-19 vaccines are protected from lawsuits by the US government’s Emergency Use Authorizations. This legal protection is why many drug companies want to enter the lucrative COVID-19 vaccine market. Who in their right mind wants to worry about dealing with lawsuits coming from the people you injured/murdered with poisonous products?

COVID-19 vaccine makers never need to worry about lawsuits from unhappy or dead customers’ families because their Uncle Sam has protected them well!


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Over One Million Movie Views

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


Target List

From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


On Set â€“ April 2022

ŠMad Wife Productions


Curing Cancer was their first mistake!

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Over 300K YouTube Movie Views!

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ŠTarget List LLC

It’s DĂŠjĂ  Vu all over again!

I wrote this article in early April but refrained from publishing it until now because I didn’t want to get into politics. But in thinking about it further, here it is five weeks later.

Shared by Sandy Edwards

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Welcome back to the circus!

By Dr. John Reizer

Hey, I get it! People are frustrated with the two candidates in the 2024 US presidential election. It’s DĂŠjĂ  Vu all over again!

I publicly declared last week that I did not want to write about this topic, and yet here I am writing about it once more.

Some guy in Texas has changed his name to Literally Anybody Else and is running for the POTUS.

Relax! Mr. Texas has no chance of winning the election, and neither does anyone else.

The entire election process is a ceremonial circus designed to make us believe we have a say in the elite’s selection of a managerial puppet. This nonsense has been ongoing every four years our entire lives. Nothing is going to change regardless of which guy wins.

I have explained the American election process on NoFakeNews repeatedly! Winning candidates are chosen by our rulers long before the elections take place.

There are two serious candidates, and neither one will ever bring any effective change, in my opinion, to the world as it currently exists.

To make matters worse,  someone anonymously sent me Donald Trump’s recent Twitter comments about the COVID-19 vaccines.

Have you read what the only Republican candidate left in the circus Tweeted recently?

Dr. David Martin

How can anyone be excited about the 2024 US presidential elections? We have an ongoing vaccine genocide in play and two puppets to choose from who are both indebted to Big Pharma!

If Donald Trump is this ignorant about the death shots or so in tight with Big Pharma, he is part of the biggest problem we face in America and not our path to a viable solution.

When I read a statement like the one above, it makes me extremely angry!

Once more, let me explain that it doesn’t matter what election cycle or year we are discussing; whatever candidates are running for POTUS are under the control of the powers that be, or else they wouldn’t be one of the choices on the ballot!

Rest assured, whoever wins the upcoming 2024 US presidential election, America still loses!


Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“



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Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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ŠTarget List LLC

Fun with all the boys

A major announcement about our Target List film is coming this week! 😀


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”– INDY REVIEWS


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Tubi TV

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We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Watch the full movie on YouTube

Get Target List on DVD!


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ŠTarget List LLC

I think this is the article that infuriated the arseholes who tried to remove me from the simulation!

Dr. John Reizer

How can I explain what was going through my mind in 2020-2021 without sounding like a self-pretentious jerk who is trying to present himself as being more intelligent than he is? Well, I probably won’t be able to do that, so I will not pretend I can. You will have to trust my sincerity when I write that, at that time, I had a very innate and accurate understanding of what was happening in the world.

Sometimes, I felt like I was playing one of those Jenga games when writing articles on NoFakeNews during that period. This feeling was highly prevalent in my mind during the summer of 2021. I was writing so many different things (pulling out Jenga pieces) I didn’t know how the puzzle was still standing upright.

Every time I wrote and published another COVID-19 post, it was like sliding out another one of those Jenga blocks. In my mind’s eye, I was standing before the construct, waiting for the damn thing to come tumbling down. I felt like the guy in the Christopher Cross song who had to go on the run and Ride Like the Wind!

Then, on August 25, 2021, I wrote and published this essay, and three days later, everything changed like I would never have imagined. I think this article represented the final Jenga block that brought everything down in my life.

What better way for the cowards to try and silence someone they undoubtedly saw as a big mouth than by attempting to take him out with what appeared to be the fake virus he was continually writing about?

What is so frustrating with the COVID-19 medical psyop and all the other staged plays over the years is that when you break them down for pure substance, they are not that spectacular in design.

The psyops are all primarily successful because society is programmed to overreact to staged crises. Without the skills to think critically about specific things, people rush to a decision,  and it’s usually not a smart one, unfortunately!

Life’s never dull, that’s for sure!


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Tubi TV

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We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Watch the full movie on YouTube

Get Target List on DVD!


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ŠTarget List LLC

‘Think Of Laura’ and all the other young people taken far too soon who got the jab!

‘Think Of Laura’ by Christopher Cross



The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Tubi TV

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We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

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ŠTarget List LLC

Nobody is safe from big pharma and the vaccine genocide run by a realm-wide governing construct!

Dr. John Reizer

We continue to be at war! But not against invisible viruses that purportedly wreak havoc on the entire realm. Instead, society fights against an oppressive government that hides in the shadows and stays out of the light of day. It’s a realm-wide governing construct that hands down directives to the elected managers of sovereign countries, who then implement the draconian measures to be followed by all citizens regardless of nationality.

How much proof do people need to understand influencers are reading a script?

The mainstream news personalities and the people we mistakenly perceive as our celebrity heroes and elected representatives follow a written script given to them by our true rulers – the ones we never see!


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


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ŠTarget List LLC

Don’t Hold Your Breath!

New Posts Every Mon, Wed, and Fri


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Target List Shown in a Mexican Cinema!

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


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Approaching 300K views on Stash



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ŠTarget List LLC

Things that make you scratch your head

New Posts Every Mon, Wed, and Fri

Shared by Ashley Hayes


The Cancer that’s been killing the medical profession for years is Big Pharma!

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


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Approaching 300K views on Stash



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ŠTarget List LLC

There exists a Competitive Race Between Big Pharma Companies to Corner the Market for Treating Turbo-Cancers (mRNA Vax-Generated Cancers)

This website is being aggressively shadow-banned and censored!

The genocide begins!

Do you remember when the first batch of bioweapons was rolled out in 2021, and the MSM showed the boxes of poison being loaded onto planes?

Keep following the science (baloney)!


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!“


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Approaching 300K views on Stash



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ŠTarget List LLC