Is this Predictive Programming?

Or is it time manipulation within our simulation?

There are no coincidences in life!

The Matrix Reexamined

By Dr. John Reizer

One of the greatest films ever released, in my opinion, was the original Matrix movie starring Keanu Reeves. The film very cleverly demonstrated the lack of understanding most people have regarding real-world events. Truth be told, many of us are like the characters in the Matrix movie, unable to crack specific security codes that would allow us to understand what is happening on our planet.

In the Matrix movie, the main character (Neo) is gradually awakened to the fact that nothing in the world is how it appears. As the film evolves, Neo’s understanding of life is eventually replaced with a more accurate representation of reality. The Neo character learns that the images of the world he has always embraced as genuine have been disingenuously implanted in his mind by a computer-operated world.

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Throughout most of the movie, Neo tries to view the Matrix and make sense of it. Even when he learns of its existence, he lacks the skills to understand the different levels within the Matrix fully. To Neo, the Matrix initially appears as a never-ending list of numbers encrypted into an unbreakable code. At the movie’s end, Reeves can finally unlock the code and see the world for what it is.

The Matrix Movie is a metaphor for real life. It illustrates that total reality and a human being’s perception of reality differ. The true nature of our world is not anything close to what we have been led to believe it is.

The primary goals of NoFakeNews are to raise awareness in readers about the machinations taking place by the powers that be and also to shed light on how those powers greatly influence mainstream media companies and ultimately keep members of society inside the confines of another Matrix. That’s right! We live in a real Matrix. Its existence lies outside the fictional plot that was a blockbuster movie.

Many people have enjoyed watching the Matrix movie. They thoroughly understood the cinematic plot, yet they cannot see The Real Matrix all of us live in every single day we are alive. Many of us lack the skillset to crack the necessary codes that would allow us to view our world as it exists.

Every time we tune into the mainstream news, we are, in a sense, taking the blue pill. In the Matrix movie, the blue pill represented amnesia, a prescription for keeping people blissfully ignorant about everything in life that made up the very fabric of their perceived reality. When presented with the opportunity, Neo decides not to swallow the blue pill. He chooses, instead, the red pill, which allows him to explore another side of reality, an opportunity that few people in his fictional world have a chance to experience.

Mainstream media companies represent the blue pill in our world, and there are more people than ever before addicted to this longstanding habit. As long as people continue to tune in to the mainstream media products that litter our society, people will be unable to see the world as it is.

Unlike those people who choose to live in ignorant bliss, the writers and readers here at NoFakeNews are very much awake and piecing together the fragments of a gigantic puzzle that, once assembled, will reveal a more truthful picture of our realm and our place in it.


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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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So, let me get this straight…

Remember, we all come here in search of the truth! In turn, I try to write what I believe is the truth and not some sugarcoated version of the game.

– Dr. Reizer

…Are you saying they built all this…

…using these tools in 12 months…

…while driving these vehicles?

Are you kidding me?


Why would they lie to us?

In many of my writings and the novel ANSWERS, I have explained how I believe we are ultimately experiencing a three-dimensional simulation and that a small percentage of the avatars (the one percenters) have figured out how to edit and modify the Matrix to their advantage.

I believe that the resets are ongoing, a fine-tuning of the game so that the controllers can manage things the way they deem best. These modifications and edits most likely include genetic alterations of the human and other animal avatars, frequently distorted timelines, and the rollback and roll-forward of technology.

We, souls, must have gotten some beneficial experiential knowledge from incarnating/downloading here. Still, I think the game is changing, and humanity is waking up to the scheme much faster than the controllers would like.

Exciting times are coming within the construct of third-dimensional perceived timelines. Ultimately, time is an illusion outside of the Matrix, but I am writing from the standpoint of a willing participant. 🙂



Watch Target List On Stash Movies


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Opinion: CGI and SFX Killed the Movie Star!

Dr. John Reizer

Ever since I was a young boy, I enjoyed watching movies. Even in the present, my wife and I prefer watching cinematic productions over any form of mainstream media news programs.

At least when you are watching a movie, you know going into the story it is fake. When you watch mainstream news, many people believe the content reported is based on accurate information.

I think that the movies made ten to fifteen years ago are so much better than the films produced today.

In my opinion, computer-generated imaging (CGI) and special effects (SFX) have destroyed the motion picture. Many films produced today are laden with expensive SFX and CGI technology. What was initially incorporated into a movie to make things appear more believable for moviegoers has caused the opposite result. The films of yesterday are better and more believable than today’s productions because there is far less technology incorporated into the older movies.

Present-day CGI and SFX technologies are so overused throughout many movies that the storytelling components of the films are often lost or nonexistent.

Do we really need to see hundreds of car crashes, high-speed vehicle chases, and fifty different explosions in a ninety-minute flick?

How many people must be murdered using SFX in a movie before it becomes overkill?

The youngsters and moviegoers of today have to have nonstop SFX and CGI film applications to enjoy a movie. Said technologies are so overutilized in modern cinematic productions that there is little room for character and storyline development, in my opinion.

I feel as if CGI and SFX have killed the movie star. Give me less movie technology and more great acting, and I will be happier watching the big-screen events.


If you’re searching for good gift ideas for family and friends this holiday season, consider buying copies of our movie, Target List, and giving them out as presents.

We’re using proceeds from DVD sales to help market our film to an even broader audience.

The Perfect Holiday Gift!

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What would happen if someone discovered how to cure all cancers?

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Story/Screenplay by MJ Palo & John Reizer

What is Target List about?

The Establishment Hates Our Movie Because it Attacks Big Pharma! 🙂


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Is it life that imitates art or art that imitates life?

Dr. John Reizer

Oscar Wilde said, “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life.” Wilde’s famous quote may or may not be perceived to be accurate depending on who you are speaking with.

I disagree with the notion that in most instances life imitates art. I have always believed that most artistic expressions/stories are the direct product of real-life events.

Writers write about the things they know about or the life experiences they have accumulated over time.

In many situations, it is the fictitious stories that are based on some real-life events that end up having the most profound effect on the members of society.

Written words can be powerful tools when used in works of fiction. They can broadly influence large groups of people to react in specific ways.

Never underestimate the power of written fiction that has its roots deeply embedded in the truth.


World Premiere – 2023

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