Sometimes, the things people believe make you scratch your head

The American Indian


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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If you tell a colossal lie long enough, it becomes – Israel!

New Posts Every Mon, Wed, and Fri

Dr. John Reizer

Did you know Palestinians are Semitic people? But when the Zionist government of Israel murders Palestinians, no one ever accuses the Israeli government of being guilty of antisemitism or hate crimes!

Semitic people or Semites is an obsolete term for an ethnic, cultural, or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. – Wikipedia

Whenever anyone speaks or writes negatively about Palestinians, very few stand up in America and accuse the author or authors of being antisemitic!

The Zionist State of Israel has been running a genocide against Palestine ever since the land in question was stolen from the Palestinians and given to the Zionists.

Every American president, since its illegal creation, has supported the illegal occupation of Israel (Palestine) by Zionists. You cannot be a serious presidential candidate or get elected as the American POTUS unless you declare allegiance to Zionism!


Voting is a waste of time!

Who’s kissing Israel’s Arse in 2024?

Joe Biden – A Supporter of Zionism

RFK Jr.  – A Supporter of Zionism

Donald J. Trump – A Supporter of Zionism


Dr. John Reizer

Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog,

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch It For Free!

We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Target List Shown in a Mexican Cinema!

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


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The Hidden Tyranny That Is Now Coming Into Full View (Part Two of Two)

By Ashley Hayes

Restating herein, as if in full, the introduction and disclaimer from Part One of the 1976 interview between Walter White and Harold Rosenthal, what follows is Part Two. (Rosenthal’s responses are in quotes; all opinions expressed by White are those of Walter White’s, as he wrote them during transcription of this interview):


The way you boast — if this is true — it is frightening to think about our future — and that of Christianity — to which Mr, R. said:

“There will be a forced class of warfare here in the United States and many will be liquidated. You will unquestionably be among them. The Jews will not be harmed. I’m not boasting! I’m giving you the facts! And it is too late for your Christian followers to put up a defense. That time is long past. Long, long ago we HAD to become the aggressors!! That is undoubtedly one our GREAT purposes in life. WE are the aggressors!!”

After reminding him that we thought he was intelligent but now realize that he doesn’t know what he was talking about he replied:

“Judaism is the unequaled culture — with nothing, nothing anywhere in the world to compare with it. Your so-called Christianity is an outgrowth of Judaism. The cultural and intellectual influence of Judaism is felt throughout the entire world — yes, throughout civilization.”

When I asked whether he thought we faced a problem eventually with the Blacks because of their startling population increase he said that the Blacks are helping to serve ‘our purpose’ which might mean several things.

We discussed the Black invasion of city, county and state and their prominence now in television. Also how ridiculous it is for Blacks to become converted to Jews — like Sammy Davis for instance. Mr. R. replied:

“That doesn’t mean anything. We know that a Black cannot become a Jew and that Sammy Davis is still Black. It may have been to his advantage to become converted. In reality he still remains a nigger and not a Jew.”

I told him of my in-depth study of the Jews and that there were few who have done more research on world Jewry than I — and about my unpleasant discoveries — reminding Mr. R. that there is no morality among Jews. He replied:

“Money is more important than morality. We can accomplish anything with money. Our people are proving that in Israel where its strength against attack is its permanent state of war readiness. Israel can now win in any encounter. The kibbutz-raised intellectual elements are going to build that small country into a mid-east wonderland. It will also eventually be the base for World Government Headquarters.” (Talmudic Judaism is a religion of Jewish world control and slavery.)

We discussed the tragedy of Watergate and corruption at all levels of government and suggested that government representatives practice more openness and candor in dealing with the people. Mr. R. said:

“What good would it do? What the hell does the public know about the running of government. The great majority are asses — horses asses!!”

May we quote you on that?

“I don’t care: what you do — as I said, few have the guts to speak out. We would all have better understanding between each other — jews and gentiles — if we spoke out more openly. Your people don’t have guts. We establish your thinking — we even place within you a ‘guilt complex’ making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly.”


In the quietness of this enlightening conversation it became clear that the understanding poured forth did not come from a novice. Mr. Rosenthal was asked how Jews gain acceptance so easily among other races. His answer was long and thorough.

“At a very early date, urged on by the desire to make our way in the world, Jews began to look for a means whereby we might distract all attention from the racial aspect. What could be more effective, and at the same time more above suspicion, than to borrow and utilize the idea of a religious community? We’ve been forced to borrow this idea from the Aryans.

We jews never possessed any religious institution which developed out of our own consciousness, for we lack any kind of idealism. This means that a belief in life beyond this terrestrial existence is foreign to us. As a matter of fact, the Talmud does not lay down principles with which to prepare the individual for a life to come, but furnishes only rules for a sumptuous life in this world. It is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating: intercourses between us and the goy. Our teachings; are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to ‘get.’”

(This explains the parasitic nature of Jewish people. Jews never get rich off one another, but seek to ‘get’ the labor and wealth of others.)

“In regard to the moral value of the Jews’ religious teaching, there exist quite exhaustive studies which show the kind of religion that we have in a light that makes it look uncanny to the Aryan mind. We are the best example of the kind of product which religious training evolves.

Our life is of this world only and our mentality is as foreign to the true spirits of Christianity as our character was to the Founder of this new creed 2,000 years ago. The Founder of Christianity made no secret of his estimation of the Jews and the fact that he was not one of us. When he found it necessary he drove us out of the temple of God, because then, as always, we used religion as a means of advancing our commercial interest.” (The Merchants of Babylon have commercialized our society.)

“But at that time, we managed to nail Jesus to the cross for his attitude towards us; whereas, the modern Christians enter into party politics and in order to win elections, they debase themselves by begging for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with us against the interests or their own nation. (These people have been called by various names — scalawags, political prostitutes, carpetbaggers, charlatans, traitors, stooges, pawns, etc.)

“We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people, but are the representatives of a religious faith who, therefore, constitute a ‘religious community,’ though this be of a peculiar character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods.

(The Jews have established five major falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power, to wit:

1) The Jews are Israelites, and thus God’s chosen people;
2) Jesus Christ was a Jew;
3) That 6 million Jews were killed in a holocaust during WW II;
4) That all races are equal, or that all are brothers; and,
5) That the Jews are just another religious group.)

“We are obliged to conceal our own particular character and mode of life so that we will be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations.

“Our success in this line has gone so far that many believe that the Jews among them are genuine Frenchmen, or Englishmen, or Italians, or Germans who just happen to belong to a religious denomination which is different from that prevailing in these countries. Especially in circles concerned with government, where the officials have only a minimum of historical sense, we are able to impose our infamous deception with comparative ease. Therefore, there is never the slightest suspicion that we Jews form a distinct nation and are not merely the adherents of a ‘confession.’ Though one glance at the press which we control ought to furnish sufficient evidence to the contrary, even for those who possess only the smallest degree of intelligence.”


When questioned about the ways in which the Jews have gained power, Mr. Rosenthal said:

“Our power has been created through the manipulation of the national monetary system. We authored the quotation. ‘Money is power.’ As revealed in our master plan, it was essential for us to establish a private national bank. The Federal Reserve system fitted our plan nicely since it is owned by us, but the name implies that it is a government institution. From the very outset, our purpose was to confiscate all the gold and silver, replacing them with worthless non-redeemable paper notes. This we have done!”

When asked about the term ‘non-redeemable notes,’ Mr. Rosenthal replied:

“Prior to 1968, the gullible goy could take a one dollar Federal Reserve note into any bank in America and redeem it for a dollar which was by law a coin containing 412 1/2 grains of 90 per cent silver. Up until 1933, one could have redeemed the same note for a coin of 25 4/5ths grains of 90 per cent gold. All we do is give the goy more non-redeemable notes, or else copper slugs. But we never give them their gold and silver. Only more paper,” he said contemptuously. “We Jews have prospered through the paper gimmick. It’s our method through which we take money and give only paper in return.” (The economic problem of America and the world is ultimately a Jewish problem, or as Henry Ford stated: “The Money Question, properly solved, is the end of the Jewish Question and every other question of a mundane nature.” The International Jew, Vol. III, p. 221.)

Can you give me a example of this we asked?

“The examples are numerous, but a few readily apparent are the stocks and bonds market, all forms of insurance and the fractional reserve system practiced by the Federal Reserve corporation, not to mention the billions in gold and silver that we have gained in exchange for paper notes, stupidly called money. Money power was essential in carrying out our master plan of international conquest through propaganda.”

When asked how they proposed doing this, he said:

“At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands. The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies.”


When asked if the Jews felt any threat from the ‘silent majority,’ he laughed at the idea, saying:

“There is no such thing as the silent majority because we control their cry and hue. The only thing that exists is an unthinking majority and unthinking they will remain, as long as their escape from our rigorous service is the opiate of our entertainment industry. By controlling industry, we have become the task masters and the people the slaves. When the pressure of daily toil builds to an explosive degree, we have provided the safety valve of momentary pleasure. The television and movie industries furnish the necessary temporary distraction. These programs are carefully designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions, never to the logical thinking mind. Because of this, the people are programmed to respond according to our dictates, not according to reason. Silent they never are; thinking they will remain.”

Continuing his thought of Jewish control over the goy, Mr. Rosenthal said:

“We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal,”


It was obvious that the excitement of Mr. Rosenthal was triggered when mention was made of the nation’s industry.

“We have been successful in dividing society against itself by pitting labor against management. (The social-labor movement, employing labor unions, a manipulation of wages and prices, and government regulation of business, was the brainchild of Jews such as Karl Marx and Samuel Gompers. The result was a destruction of free enterprise.) This perhaps has been one of our greatest feats, since in reality it is a triangle, though only two points ever seem to occur. In modern industry where exists capital, which force we represent, is the apex. Both management and labor are on the base of this triangle. They continually stand opposed to each other and their attention is never directed to the head of their problem. Management is forced to raise prices since we are ever increasing the cost of capital. Labor must have increasing wages and management must have higher prices, thus creating a vicious cycle. We are never called to task for our role which is the real reason for inflation, since the conflict between management and labor is so severe that neither has time to observe our activities. It is our increase in the cost of capital that causes the inflation cycle. We do not labor or manage, and yet we receive the profits. Through our money manipulation, the capital that we supply industry costs us nothing. Through our national bank, the Federal Reserve, we extend book credit, which we create from nothing, to all local banks who are member banks. They in turn extend book credit to industry. Thus, we do more than God, for all of our wealth is created from nothing. You look shocked! Don’t be! It’s true, we actually do more than God. With this supposed capital we bring industry, management and labor into our debt, which debt only increases and is never liquidated. Through this continual increase, we are able to pit management against labor so they will never unite and attack us and usher in a debt-free industrial utopia.

“We are the necessary element since we expend nothing. Management can create its own capital — the profits. Its business would grow and profits increase. Labor would prosper as well, while the price of the product would remain constant, the prosperity of industry, labor and management would continually increase.

We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never realized that we are the parasites consuming an increasing portion of production while the producers are continually receiving less and less.”


As the hours rolled on in this intense, but cordial, interview, Mr. Rosenthal exposed his thoughts concerning religion.

“Religion, too, must be taught, and through this necessity we have labored. (As the Jew Karl Marx stated: “Religion is the opiate of the people.”) With our control of the text book industry and the news media, we have been able to hold ourselves up as the authorities on religion. Many of our rabbis now hold professorships in supposed Christian theological seminaries. We are amazed by the Christians’ stupidity in receiving our teachings and propagating them as their own. (This is one of the main reasons for the power and the control Jews have attained over white nations — the adopting of Jewish ways. As Henry Ford stated: “The Christian cannot read his Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong.” (The International Jew Vol. IV, p. 238). As a result, Christians don’t have God’s word on a certain matter, they have the Jew’s word.) Judaism is not only the teaching of the synagogue, but also the doctrine of every ‘Christian Church’ in America. Through our propaganda the Church has become our most avid supporter. This has even given us a special place in society, their believing the lie that we are the ‘chosen people’ and they, gentiles.

“These deluded children of the Church defend us to the point of destroying their own culture.

(Jews need not have their finger on every button that causes a destruction or a Judaization of Christian civilization, as in many cases they have their proselytes or “Gentile fronts” to do it for them.) This truth is evident even to the dullard when one views history and sees that all wars have been white fighting white in order that we maintain our control. We controlled England during the Revolutionary War, the North during the Civil War, and England and America during World War I and II.

Through our influence of religion we were able to involve the ignorant white Christians in war against themselves which always impoverished both sides while we reaped a financial and political harvest. Anytime truth comes forth which exposes us, we simply rally our forces — the ignorant Christians. They attack the crusaders even if they are members of their own families.

(Anyone who has been in the forefront exposing the truth of the Jewish issue can attest to this fact stated by Mr. Rosenthal.)

“Through religion we have gained complete control of society, government and economics. No law is ever passed except its merits have previously been taught from the pulpits. An example of this is race equality which led to integration and ultimately to mongrelization. The gullible clergy in one breath instruct their parishioners that we are a special, chosen people while in another breath proclaim all races are the same. Their inconsistency is never discovered. So we Jews enjoy a special place in society while all other races are reduced to racial equality. It is for this reason that we authored the equality hoax, thereby reducing all to a lower level.

“We have been taught that our current economic practices are benevolent therefore Christian. These pulpit parrots extol our goodness for loaning them the money to build their temples, never realizing that their own holy book condemns all usury. They are eager to pay our exorbitant interest rates. They have led society into our control through the same practice. Politically, they hail the blessings of democracy and never understand that through democracy we have gained control of their nation. Their book — (Notice that Mr. Rosenthal always refers to the Bible as “their book” — the white people, never as our book or the Jews’ book) — again teaches a benevolent despotic form of government in accordance with the laws of that book, while a democracy is mob rule which we control through their Churches, our news media and economic institutions. Their religion is only another channel through which we can direct the power of our propaganda. These religious puppets’ stupidity is only exceeded by their cowardice, for they are ruled easily.”


Rarely does any man confess the intimacy of his soul as did Mr. Rosenthal. Hindsight suggests that there was a greater Force compelling this man to reveal what has been written here. The remainder of the interview seems to confirm this.

“Since we do not believe in a life after death, all our efforts are directed to the ‘now.’ We are not as foolish as you and will never adopt an ideology that is rooted in self-sacrifice. Whereas you will live and die for the benefit of the community, we will live and die only for our own individual self. The idea of self- sacrifice is abhorred by Jews. It is abhorrent to me. No cause is worth dying lot since death is the end. The only time we unite is to preserve our individual selves. As a group of wolves unite to attack a prey, but then disperse after each is filled, so we Jews unite when peril is pending, not to preserve our community but to save our own skin.”

“This attitude permeates our entire being and philosophy. We are not the creators for to create would only benefit another.

(The white race has clearly been the creators in terms of inventions, achievements, etc., and by them “all the families (or races) of the world have been blessed (or have benefited from them), as prophesied in Genesis 12:3, 28:14. This proves Jews are not God’s “chosen” people.)

We are the ‘acquirers’ and are interested only in satisfying the ‘self.’ To understand our philosophy understand the term ‘to get.’ We never give but only take. We never labor but enjoy the fruits of others’ labor. We do not create but confiscate. We are not the producers but the parasites. We can physically live within any society, but always remain spiritually apart. To work would be to produce and the highest form of that labor would be to create. Your race has always worked for the satisfaction of what it produces. We would never work for anyone’s benefit, only for what we can get. We have used this Aryan attitude to achieve our greatest prosperity. You will work for the enjoyment you derive out of producing, while never being concerned about the pay. We take your productivity for a paltry fee and turn it into fortunes.”

“Until recently, the pride of workmanship exceeded the quest for high incomes. However, we have been able to enslave society to our own power which is money, by causing them to seek after it. We have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are the pawns in our game of world conquest. Thus, they are always seeking and never able to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside themselves. they become our willing servants.

“Your people never realize that we offer them only worthless baubles that can not bring fulfillment. They procure one and consume it and are not filled. They procure one and consume it and are not filled. We present another. We have an infinite number of outward distractions, to the extent that life can not again turn inward to find its definite fulfillment.

You have become addicted to our medicine through which we have become your absolute masters.

(For this reason Christ said, “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees” (Matt. 16:6). This was a warning against their Talmudic-Babylonian doctrines, which grow in men’s minds and permeates throughout society, until this philosophy finally enslaves them (Col. 2:8).)

“On the first and fundamental lie, the purpose of which is to make people believe that we are not a nation but a religion, other lies are subsequently based. Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it

(It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still. Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.)

It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America. We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo. However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.

“We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication. This, we fear, is a sign of a coming pogrom that will take place in America soon. The American public has realized that we are in control, which is a fatal mistake on our part. This nation could never be the land of the free as long as it is the land of the Jew.”

(This is a concept most patriots cannot understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media, Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the Jew now uses against the detestable ‘goyim’. The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it.) This is the revelation that will be our undoing.

“The American people have been easily ruled through our propaganda that the pen is mightier than the sword. We virtually get away with murder, and all the goy do is to talk about it, which is ineffective since we, the masters of propaganda, always publish a contradicting account. If the Aryan would review history and apply those lessons of the past, then the pen will be thrown down in disgust and the sword wielded in the heat of passion. (A recurrence to history would edify our minds and show us that the European countries solved their Jewish problem only by use of force.) Thus far, we have escaped the sword, when the only reprisal is some periodical of no repute, or some pamphlet with limited circulation. Their pen is no match for ours, but our constant fear is that they may open their eyes and learn that no change was ever brought about with a pen. History has been written in blood, not with ink. No letter, editorial or book has ever rallied the people or stopped tyranny. We understand this principle and are continually propagandizing the people to write letters to the President, to Congress and to their local media. We are safe to continually exploit, intimidate and disenfranchise the white American as long as they are preoccupied with the illusion of educating the masses through printed material. Woe be unto us if they ever see the futility of it, lay down the pen and employ the sword.

“History confirms the fact that the passions of an aroused minority, no matter how small a group, have exerted enough power to topple the greatest empire. The movements that control destiny are not those that rest on the inactive majority; but on the sheer force of an active minority. Will is power, not numbers, for a strong Will will always rule the masses!” (In examining the extent of Jewish power and control over America Henry Ford stated this control “can be explained only by the Jewish Will to Power.” The International Jew (1920) Vol. I, p. 210.)

“Again, we are safe as long as our Will is stronger, or the Will of the people is misdirected, scattered and without leadership. We will never be deposed with words, only force!” (Would this not be the logical and proper course of action required to rid the land of any type of invader or hostile enemy?)

The wisdom of Mr. Harold Rosenthal has been set forth truthfully and accurately. The question now to you is, WHAT CAN YOU DO TO PROTECT THE NATION AND EVERY CITIZEN FROM THE ABOVE POTENTIALS????

Those of us who have been in this battle to save our once great nation for so many years possibly become calloused, not too sensitive to the horrible things going on around us. I must admit however, that the FACTS as conveyed by Harold Wallace Rosenthal have made their impact on this writer. The interview, or perhaps a better word might be confession, has helped to bring to the surface a reality of what we veterans have known for years, but the stark reality of Jewish treachery becomes more shocking when getting it ALL in one package.

Mr. Rosenthal, a former influential Jew in his own right, prided himself in being a vital part of the admitted control of the media, and of their invisible government in which no political power is exercised without Jewish approval. Let us also highlight the other key remarks of Mr. Rosenthal:

– That the American people have no guts and the Jews sneer at their stupidity.

– The Jews’ power through their money and the money power afford them a “master plan” for international conquest through propaganda.

– There is in America an “unthinking majority.”

– The Jews’ treachery of pitting labor against management.

– The Jewish belief that Christ was just another man on the earth.

– That Jews are admitted parasites who have gained control of our society, government and economies through their religion.

– The myth of the Jews being the “chosen people.”

– The confessed “big lie” that the Jews are a religion and not a nation.

– That the Jews fear being discovered for what they are.

We are beginning to uncover the whole conspiracy on the part of the Communists and World Zionism to capture control of our nation . . .

This manuscript can act as a weapon with which we will open the eyes of the masses. . . This has to do with life and death truth. The revelations in this document are shocking and unbelievable to the innocent who can scarcely imagine such self-confessed evil ambitions. Mr. Rosenthal appeared to take great pride in being able to disclose some of their inner, untold secrets — all of which unfolds as we listen to every word spoken (mine and his) during the lengthy interview (Walter White’s interview with Harold Rosenthal) which is recorded on cassette tapes as our documentation . . . God save us! – Walter White


To continue reading Charles Weisman’s version, later edited, complete with illustrations and footnotes, go here:

If you are new to NoFakeNews, or have not read the many recent articles here related to the hidden tyranny, Zionism, Scofieldism, etc., or have not seen the well-sourced documentary videos, here’s a link to that collection:

Share what you know . . .

Sources, Links and Additional Reading:
Reagan library:
(Tellingly, I was blocked from getting this actual PDF to show up. However, it shows on google as being a 63-page document with “June 22, 1983 – The Jew, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, made this statement after admitting Jewish dominance in all significant national programs. He said, “We . . .”) (The Western Front newsletter (with portions written by Walter White, and some by his wife while he was out of town for health reasons)–WalterWhiteJr.-LosAngeles157-1372_djvu.txt


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The Hidden Tyranny That Is Now Coming Into Full View (Part One of Two)

By Ashley Hayes

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher

In 1976, Walter White, Jr., author of Who Brought the Slaves to America?, then Field Director of the Los Angeles Citizens’ Council, and Executive Director and Editor of a conservative publication entitled “The Western Front,” in which he wrote about the plight of Americans, farmers, and more, who were under the thumb of Zionist Jews, interviewed the then-29-year-old Jewish assistant to Senator Jacob Javits (R-NY), Harold Rosenthal. White’s interest in interviewing Rosenthal no doubt stemmed from the fact that he was known for being extremely outspoken about “Jewish supremacy” in America, while White was deeply angered about the fact that, in fact, (Zionist) Jews had taken control of seemingly every aspect of America, including our government, our media, our entertainment, our education, our food, etc., a subject about which he often wrote in his “Western Front” newsletter.

Source Unknown

Also close to White’s heart was the plight of the Arab Christians and Muslims in Palestine who were not only being pushed out of their ancestral homes, and livelihoods, but murdered in cold-blood by Israelis. A November 1956 “Western Front” newsletter included an invitation for subscribers to attend an upcoming meeting wherein a guest from the Palestine Arab Delegation in New York would be speaking. White wrote: “How many of you remember that it was just ten years ago, November 1956, that the Gaza Strip was invaded by the Israeli forces committing acts of brutality and murder exceeding all description. In Khan Yunis alone almost 2,000 persons between the ages of 16 and 40 years were assembled in three different spots and put to death handcuffed. These murders did not include persons killed in their homes while their children and mother clung to them. Wholesale murder for the innocent Arabs of Israel as the Jews invaded the Arab country with ‘Give me your property or I take your life.’ The oppressiveness of the military rule allegedly preserved for the security of the State after the Jews invaded Israel is disgraceful and seldom discussed and the treason of Great Britain in permitting the invasion must some day be answered. But to whom?”

As for the interview, to say Rosenthal pulled no punches when it came to Jewish rule over America is putting it mildly, as you will soon read. However, his no-holds-barred honesty, revealing exactly — and I do mean EXACTLY — what we have seen unfold over the ensuing 48 years wherein the America we thought we knew has been rendered unrecognizeable (and becoming more so every day) appears to have gotten him killed. Or perhaps he really was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when, a month after his revealing interview with White, he was killed in an Istanbul airport on his way to Jerusalem when a suitcase bomb exploded.

While the interview took place in 1976, it was not published by White until a year later (under the title “Hidden Tyranny”) out of respect for the Rosenthal family. And while many have tried to discredit its veracity, Ronald Reagan found it important enough to add to his Presidential library in June 1983. And at least one state (Maryland) has it in its state archives. Additionally, those who have attempted to call it “fake” or “disinformation” are Zionist individuals or organizations who appear to have simply been biding their time while the “Great Deception” has undeniably unfolded.

As with most articles here at NoFakeNews, this document (Part One of Two) is being shared in the spirit of education, and of a better understanding of our history, as well as revealing information not found in mainstream media (or classrooms) that affects us all. The opinions therein are those of the interviewee (Rosenthal) and interviewer (White), as dictated and transcribed in 1976, with the understanding that where the term “Jew” is used, “Zionist Jew” would be more accurate, as, of course, not all Jews are Zionists bent on enslaving the world.

Source: Amazon


In a highly confidential interview with a Jewish administrative assistant to one of this nation’s ranking senators, he said, “It is a marvel that the American people do not rise up and drive every Jew out of this country.”

The Jew, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, made this statement after admitting Jewish dominance in all significant national programs. He said, ““We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which (Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every command.” (This submission has been made possible by the gradual adoption of Talmudic concepts as being Christian, thus producing a Jewish society. It is what Rabbi Martin Siegel call, “the Judaization of Christianity.”)

When asked how a nation could be captured without their knowing it, Mr. Rosenthal attributed this victory to absolute control of the media. He boasted of Jewish control of all the Media. Any newspaper which refused to absolute control of the media. He boasted of Jewish control of all the Media. Any newspaper which refused to acquiesce to controlled news was brought to its knees by withdrawing advertising. Failing in this, the Jews stop the supply of news print and ink. “It’s a very simple matter,” he stated.

When asked about men in high political office, Mr. Rosenthal said that no one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval. “Americans have not had a presidential choice since 1932 when [Franklin] Roosevelt was our man; every president since Roosevelt has been our man.” (Even before Roosevelt the Jewish influence upon Woodrow Wilson (1913-21) was quite evident, as Henry Ford wrote in 1921 — “Mr. Wilson, while President, was very close to the Jews. His administration, as everyone knows, was predominantly Jewish.” The International Jew, Dearborn Publishing Co., III, p. 28-9).

In a discussion about George Wallace, Mr. Rosenthal smiled and suggested that we note where Wallace stands today. When the U.S. foreign policy was mentioned, the bedroom confidence of the interview was all but set aside. With disdain and mockery he sneered at the American stupidity in failing to see through the entire scope of Kissinger foreign policy. “It is Zionist-Communist policy from beginning to end. Yet the citizens think this Jewish policy will benefit America.” (The reason for this is because the Jewish media refers to the “Zionist-Communist policy” as “American policy” pursuant to “Constitutional” provisions. Ignorance of our own system of government is the real issue here.) He cited ‘detente’ and Angola as examples of Jewish diplomacy. The credulous nature of Americans drew only contempt from him.

The interview continued on an almost omniscient plane.

“We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eyes fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse.”

As the conversation went on into the late hours, one could sense that perhaps America deserves the reign of terror being planned for her. The Jewish mind pits every ethnic group against the other. “The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of world victory,” Mr. Rosenthal said coldly. (This is the same dialogue spoken by communist revolutionary leaders). For hours after this incredible discussion, a sense of inadequacy prevailed. Is it possible that another group of ‘human beings’ could be so treacherous in spirit, so evil in intent? Yet, the words heard and the evidence at hand are real. Is it possible that the American people can remain docile, even while their life’s blood is being drained from them? It seems so.

What Does All This Say To Us?

Since the time that this lengthy interview was recorded, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, age 29, the administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York, was killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, August 12, 1976.

It would appear that Mr. Rosenthal might have ‘talked too freely’ because although four people were killed and some 30 injured during the sky-jacking attempt, Rosenthal was not killed by a random bullet as were the others, From reports secured at the time, it seems amazing and strange that of all the people involved in this incident Mr. Rosenthal should have been fatally wounded. Meanwhile, I, Walter White, who conducted this confidential interview, can now state after much investigation, expense and travel, that Harold Rosenthal was undoubtedly murdered at the Istanbul airport, in what was to appear as a hijacking — probably by his own people.

“There is nothing that the International Jew fears so much as the truth, or any hint of the truth about himself or his plans.”
Henry Ford, The International Jew, Vol. I, p. 200.

[Note from Ashley: Henry Ford was lambasted by Jewish media and Zionists everywhere for his four-volume set of booklets implicating Zionist Jews titled “The International Jew.” One of his major critics was “prominent lawyer Samuel Untermeyer” who stated: “. . . These articles are so fantastic and so naïve in their incredible fantasy that they read like the work of a lunatic.” However, Untermeyer was the very person who brought con-man Cyrus Scofield into the elite Lotos Club in New York, and was part of the very group of Zionists responsible for funding Scofield and his false, man-made-doctrine-filled Reference Bible, which has been THE #1 tool for advancing Zionism in America, and leading Christians astray the world over. See]

We had no desire to hurt anyone and especially members of the Rosenthal family who had suffered enough in this tragedy. We corresponded with his mother and father in Philadelphia and his brother Mark David Rosenthal who is attending college in northern California. In fact, it was he who advised me that Harold’s friends in Washington had set up a memorial fund in Harold W. Rosenthal’s name. He sent us a copy of “The Harold W. Rosenthal Fellowship In International Relations” American Jewish Committee, Washington Chapter, 818 – 18th Street N.W., Washington, D,C. 20006. It lists some of the ‘who’s-who’ and the honorary Co-Chairman are vice President Walter F. Mondale and Senator Jacob K. Javits.

Out of respect, we decided to wait until a year had passed since the death of Harold Wallace Rosenthal so we delayed publishing everything he gave us on that memorable day and evening. And as stated before, the interview was lengthy — as he seemed to enjoy pouring out this information — and at times it was broken — and went on into the evening.

This writer and editor is not easily shocked but as this egotist Harold W. Rosenthal raved on and on I found so much of what he said actually horrifying — the actual betrayal of which he admittedly was a part — and he appeared to gloat over the apparent success of a Jewish World Conspiracy. This, mind you, comes from an “administrative assistant” to one of our ranking Senators, Jacob K. Javits of New York.

What you are about to read should act as a WARNING to all non-Jews throughout the world. It hopefully should open the eyes of many who knew him in Washington government circles.

It becomes indeed obvious That what he discloses is not fiction. It is not imagination! He was not pretending — as he spoke with knowledge and intelligence. Many things have been said and written about the One World Jewish Conspiracy but never been described so openly. It staggers the imagination. Their plans are shocking and many will be astonished at the contents of this document. NOTHING like it has ever been told before.

We prefer not to elaborate. You be the judge.

Looking back to the time of this interview and having had time to analyze Harold Rosenthal’s candidness, we are compelled to think of him as a conceited, boastful yet very knowledgeable person. I would classify him as an egotist and an egoist. At times his cruelty surfaced with a venom, especially as he describes the stupid Christians or ‘goy’ as he so often referred to us. This surprised me because the word goy is not in our language and he must have known this. His mind was thoroughly immersed in the one-world plan of world Jewry. With arrogance, he boasted that the Jew’s conquest of the world was almost complete — thanks to Christianity’s stupidity.


When asked if he was a Zionist Mr. R. replied:

“That’s a hell of a question! At the foundation of the issue is the traditional Zionist concept of aliyah, a Hebrew term meaning the “in gathering” or return of Diaspora (dispersed) Jews to the Palestine homeland. Ever since 1948, and the creation of the state of Israel, aliyah has become a basic imperative of Israeli government policy.”

What is aliyah? Will you please spell it for me — wherein he did and we inquired as to the realistic meaning of aliyah. Mr. R. said:

“It is a permanent physical migration to Palestine, not just a visit.”

We asked, what is Zionism? I’ve heard Jews define it as anything from a permanent migration to financial and spiritual support of Israel from around the world. Mr. R. replied:

“Our first leader, former Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion said that Zionism without a ‘return to Zion’ is phony. Not many American Jews migrate permanently to Israel. Some say that all Jews, by definition, are Zionists. Others say that a Jew is not a Zionist unless he’s a member who pays dues to an actively Zionist organization. Definitions have been tossed everywhere since the Jewish homeland became a reality.” (Zionist propaganda and activities have always been based and accepted on the false assumption that the Jews are Israelites, making Palestine the Jews’ land; and that they only need help to go back and to build up their state. Thus, gullible Christians support them.)

Millions of tax-exempt American dollars are sent to Israel yearly and we true Americans do not like this. Mr. R. replied:

“The naive politicians in Washington are gullible. Most of them are not too bright so the powerful Jewish lobbyists influenced this practice years ago and there is no one strong enough to stop it. Some of that money is even returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda efforts, much of it through the B’nai B’rith and the Conference of Jewish Organisations and the World Jewish Congress. The Jewish Agency is a funding arm — a sort of body of B’nai B’rith officials. There is nothing wrong with sending American dollars to Israel tax-free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it. Let’s reverse this conversation for a minute. You made it clear and quite vociferously, that you don’t like Jews. Why do you hate us?”

Mr. Rosenthal, I do not hate anybody. I said I hate what the Jews are doing to us and especially as it relates to any and everything related to Christianity. I hate their deceit, cunning, and their detestable dishonesty. Does that make me anti-semitic? If it does then I am anti-semitic!!

“Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word — used to brand as a bigot like you guys — anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers.”

(“Anti-Semitism” is a recent creation by Jews. Jews tell us what constitutes Anti-Semitism and when it exists. All the “anti-Semitism” that exists in the United States is the deliberate creation of the Jewish leaders. The Jews want and need this tool to control and silence the opposition to their harmful and repugnant ways.)

It was made clear that I despised the Jews’ corruptive influence on our Christian culture — and on our properly Christ-oriented American way of life to which Mr. R. said:

“During Christ’s time, the Jews were seeking a material and earthly kingdom but Christ offered the Jews a spiritual kingdom. This, they couldn’t buy, so they rejected Jesus Christ and had him crucified.”

What do you mean — had him crucified? Doesn’t history prove that the Jews crucified Jesus Christ? To which he answered:

“Yes, I guess they did. I don’t beat around the bush, but 2,000 years ago your people would have done the same thing to a man who mistreated you as Christ did the Jews.”

You speak of Jesus Christ as merely a man.

“That’s all he was — a man who walked on the earth like any other man and this myth about Christ rising from the dead and returning to earth to visit with his disciples is a bunch of crap. The Jews who drove the Arabs out of Palestine did so to disprove Christ’s mission for a spiritual kingdom. You see, instead of a leader who would make an empire for the Jews, your kind of people gave the Jews a peaceful preacher called Christ who instead of an eye-for-an-eye turns the other cheek. Rubbish! We are building and, in fact, have built an earthly empire without your kind and your disappointing Messiah.”

I can see that it is you and your kind who try to get Christ out of Christmas. I feel sorry for you. To which he quickly replied:

“Don’t give me that s_ _ _. I don’t want your pity. I don’t need it! Too many Jews do not have the guts to tell you how we live and plan, but I am not intimidated by anyone or anything. I know where I’m going.”


When asked why do Jews frequently change their names he said:

“Jews are the most intelligent people in the world so if it benefits them to change their names they do so. That’s all there is to it. They mix in your society which is plenty corrupt — so while the Jews are benefiting themselves the dumb goy doesn’t realize that these Jews with non-Jew names are Jews.

I know what you’re thinking — about Jews in the government who use non-Jew names. Well, don’t be concerned because in the foreseeable future there will be no Presidential power in the United States. The invisible government is taking strength in that direction.”

To your knowledge, are the Jews in Russia really persecuted or are they given any kind of freedom? To which he said:

“Most Jews throughout the world — I’d say more than 90% know what is really happening to our people. We have communication unequaled anywhere. It is only the jerks, the ignorant and misinformed and degenerates who can find peace in your society — and you bastards hide your sins by donning sheep’s clothing. You are the hypocrites — not the Jews, as you say and write about. To answer your question — in Russia, there are two distinct governments — one visible and the other invisible. The different nationalities — whereas the invisible is composed of all Jews. The powerful Soviet secret police takes its orders from the invisible government. There are about six to seven million Communists in Soviet Russia. 50% are Jews and about 50% gentile — but the gentiles are not trusted. The Communist Jews are united and trust each other — while the others spy on one another. About every five or six years the secret Jewish Board calls for the purge of the Party and many are liquidated.”

When asked, why? he said:

“Because they begin to understand too much the Jewish secret of government. Russian Communists have a Secret Group Order which consists of Jews only. They rule over everything pertaining to the visible government. It was this powerful organization that was responsible for the secret removal of the center of Communism to Tel Aviv from where all instructions now originate.”

Does our government and the United Nations have knowledge of this? Mr. R. replied.

“The United Nations is nothing but a trap-door to the Red World’s immense concentration camp. We pretty much control the U.N.”

When asked why the Communists destroy the middle class or educated and their entire families when they invade a country Mr. R. replied:

“It is an established rule to destroy all members of pre-existing government, their families and relatives but never Jews. They destroy all members of the police, state police, army officers and their families but never Jews. You see, we know when a government begins to search for the Communists within its borders — they are really attempting to uncover Jews in their area.”

“We’re not fooled! The invisible rulers in the Communist countries have a world control over the propaganda and the governments in free countries. We control every media of expression including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Even your music! We censor the song released for publication long before they reach the publishers. Before long we will have complete control of your thinking.”

(Those who do not have the might to conquer their enemies must resort to mind control, which eventually can be more effective than outright physical control, as none are aware of the control and thus no resistance is made.)


If you are new to NoFakeNews, or have not read the many recent articles here related to Zionism, Scofieldism, etc., or have not seen the well-sourced documentary videos, here’s a link to that collection:

Share what you know . . .

Sources, Links and Additional Reading:
Reagan library:
(Tellingly, I was blocked from getting this actual PDF to show up. However, it shows on google as being a 63-page document with “June 22, 1983 – The Jew, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, made this statement after admitting Jewish dominance in all significant national programs. He said, “We . . .”) (The Western Front newsletter (with portions written by Walter White, and some by his wife while he was out of town for health reasons)–WalterWhiteJr.-LosAngeles157-1372_djvu.txt


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Pastor Chuck Baldwin and The Truth About Biblical Prophecy

By Ashley Hayes

If you are one of the thousands (millions?) of readers who have recently learned the truth about what the Bible actually says, having put away your blasphemous Scofield Reference “Bible,” with its inserted texts and footnotes put there by Zionist psychopaths affiliated with its publisher, Oxford University Press, and you want to dig deeper in order to know the actual truth of God’s word, and understand where the New Testament comes in, what the resurrection of Jesus Christ means, and more, an excellent place to start would be at

Pastor Baldwin is head of the humble Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, Montana, a FOR-profit organization which meets in a hotel conference room. Liberty Fellowship is not a 501(c)(3) like most other churches. This is a good thing, for those who have chosen a non-profit status, for the funds, land and tax-breaks it gives them, are at the mercy of the state and its directives (“Preach this, not that” or “No assembling for God today; there’s a virus out there! Lock your doors!)

As Pastor Baldwin tells it, he was, for many years, part of the “Moral Majority,” based out of Florida, traveling the world with Zionist pastor Jerry Falwell, preaching from the same script. However, sometime around 2007, he found that whenever he would begin speaking about Israel, and how Jewish people are supposedly “chosen” by God, or about the “Rapture,” he would get these weird pangs. This happened over and over again until, finally, he realized it was God tugging at him.

Pastor Baldwin knew something was up, and that he needed to do some deep-diving into Scripture to understand this gnawing feeling, and why it kept happening at any mention of prophecy related to Israel, etc. So, he essentially tuned out the words of men (particularly, and most importantly, the Scofield Reference Bible he’d had since his days at seminary) for the next seven years, reading nothing but Scripture.

What he discovered was nothing short of astounding. He realized he had been teaching false doctrine for over thirty years. He realized that he’d been an Israel-first Zionist because he’d been taught by men to be an Israel-first Zionist, not because God directed him to be (He hadn’t and wouldn’t). He realized he had not been preaching the actual word of God, what he had been called to do. So he started over.

I invite any and all readers seeking Biblical truth to visit Pastor Baldwin’s site, to read his articles, watch or listen to his sermons, or even purchase his various packages on CD.

As a convenience to readers, I am including links to his eighteen prophecy messages below. While there is much more truth to learn at his site, this is a good starting point:–Part-One–Gods-Vengeance-Unleashed-Prophecy-Message-Number-Twelve.aspx–Part-Two–The-Demons-Arrive-Prophecy-Message-Number-Thirteen.aspx

Whatever your religion (if you have one), I feel it’s important to know Biblical truth, particularly because it’s this very truth that has been hi-jacked and distorted by individuals to support ongoing genocide, ethnic cleaning, and the planned destruction (and ownership) of your life and the lives of those you love.

Please pass it on . . .


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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Zionism and the Creation of Israel (and other Greg Reese Videos)

By Ashley Hayes

Zionism is not Judaism and Benjamin Netanyahu does not represent the views of all Jews, only Zionist Jews (and those Christians who have been fooled by false doctrine contained in a fake bible, “The Scofield Reference Bible,” for over a century, Christian Zionists), as you can see in the first video shown in my recent article, The Synagogue of Satan:, and several other recent articles here.

In a world where attention spans have become so limited, or people are simply pressed for time, investigative reporter Greg Reese’s videos are perfect. In five-to-six minute segments, he manages to educate viewers on some of the most important topics of our day.

To that end, over the past several months, he has produced several videos regarding Zionism, the current state of Israel, Hamas, and the Third World War (which Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News has recently been reporting has started in the Red Sea).

As a convenience to readers, I thought I would share a few links here. I hope you’ll pass them on:

Three World Wars to Usher in a One-World Religion

Zionism and the Creation of Israel

Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech

No Peace in the Middle East – Says USA
(Hamas is an organization created by Israel, according to an Israeli government official on i24 News in Israel)

Biblical Views About the End Times

Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War

See also:


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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How Influential is the Zionist Agenda?

Dr. John Reizer

Did you know that it is illegal in many European countries to question or deny the official written narrative surounding the Holocaust? Doing so could lead you to jail. Holocaust denial is considered a thought crime in some European countries.

How incredible is it that such ridiculous laws exist in modern society?

A similar kind of draconian nonsense was forced down our collective throats by the thought crime police during the last four years regarding the giant COVID lie.

We witnessed highly credentialed doctors and scientists being silenced on social media platforms and losing their professional licenses and careers simply because they challenged the official narrative of a blatantly obvious fake public health emergency.

Can you imagine new laws being created to jail people questioning the integrity of the official COVID story? I can!

After observing how disingenuous all governments have been with their citizens regarding historical narratives in the past, it is more important than ever before to question the official narratives of many world events.

The Old World Exploration researchers I have studied during the last year have shown me that there is an outstanding possibility that most of our learned history jammed into our heads in public indoctrination centers (schools) was probably predicated on lies.

It’s time to start questioning everything, and that includes the Holocaust itself and the Holocaust Denial Laws that remain in existence in Europe.

One would think that officialdom would welcome scholarly activities and research dedicated to fully authenticating the written record of important events. The truth needs no protection from investigation because the truth always stands tall when a light is placed on it.

It’s been alleged by many that Zionists have infiltrated Hollywood, and there is some solid evidence that backs up the claim. The continual promotion of the Holocaust through the regular production of new motion pictures makes one realize that the Holocaust is now a lucrative industry sequestered from all scrutiny and under the protection of hate and thought crime laws.

Zionism and the Zionist agenda are potent forces in the world that need to be addressed and dealt with sooner than later. Until this happens, innocent people worldwide are at risk and remain in great danger of being murdered via genocidal acts orchestrated by psychopaths.


How Crazy Is This?

Why is it illegal to question the holocaust (holocaust denial) in the following countries? What in the heck are they afraid of scholars uncovering?

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Czech Republic
  4. France
  5. Germany
  6. Hungary
  7. Israel
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Lithuania
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Netherlands
  12. Poland
  13. Portugal
  14. Romania
  15. Switzerland


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Christians, You’ve Been Believing The Words of a Con Man!

By Ashley Hayes

Unbeknownst to most “Christians” alive today, they are actually Christian Zionists who have, for their entire church-going (or televangelist-watching) lives, been taught false doctrine by a preacher who was taught false doctrine in a seminary (pick one) funded by psychopathic, Satanic men who knew that, in order to attain their goal of world enslavement (with little push-back), they would have to, quite literally, hi-jack Christianity and alter the thinking of the many millions who followed — and their descendants who would follow, and be taught — the Word of God.

The headquarters for this world enslavement was planned to be the land of Palestine, for its biblical significance (and, of course, land value, rich soils, etc.) and the Zionist Planners, in order to get the world on board with their secret plans, would use the religion of Judaism as a front, and Old Testament teachings that Jews were God’s “chosen people,” to convince the masses that what they were doing was okay. They would use the power of the newspapers, radio stations and television networks (all of which they owned, and have continued to own), decade after decade, to spread propaganda which would concurrently support them and denigrate those (Palestinian Muslims, as well as Palestinian Christians) who (rightfully) occupied Palestine. And they would use their vast wealth to fund Bible colleges and seminaries, and supply them with the curriculum and reference books they insisted they use.

The primary teaching tool provided to the major Bible colleges, and which each aspirational pastor possessed upon graduation, was (and is, today) The Scofield Reference Bible. This book, published by Oxford University Press, is named after its “author” Cyrus Scofield, a criminal and charismatic con-man who, while in jail for forgery, discovered the writings of yet another con-man, John Darby, who is credited with inventing the false doctrine of “The Rapture.”

Scofield was an uneducated narcissist with a gift for self-promotion. He managed to become a lawyer in Missouri, even though he never went to law school, and also became a long-time member of an exclusive social club in New York (The Lotos Club) through his introduction to Samuel Untermyer, a wealthy Zionist lawyer who served as President of Keren Hayesod (an organization which, since 1920, has served to fund the Zionist Movement and the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine), and who also helped write the Federal Reserve Act.

It is hard to over-state the world-altering changes that resulted from the coming together of these two men, for the combination of Scofield’s arrogance and Untermyer’s Zionist aspirations (and the collective endless funds of his brethren) led to the publishing of a new Bible, one wherein Scofield had added his own footnotes and translations (he with no divinity degree, or graduate education whatsoever), even combining Old Testament teachings and New Testament teachings, with the primary message being that of a Zionist state of Israel.

The first edition of The Scofield Reference Bible, consisting of footnotes and texts inserted within the King James version of the Holy Bible, was published in 1909 by Oxford University Press (“OUP,” a Zionist organization who owned, and continues to own, the copyright). Another edition was published in 1945, and yet another in 1967 at the time of the Six Day War when Israel occupied Palestine. In this 1967 version (which boasted as its editor “C.I. Scofield, D.D.,” even though, again, he had no Doctor of Divinity degree, and, well, he’d been dead for 46 years!), the OUP egregiously, presumptuously granted the rights to the Palestinians’ land to the State of Israel and specifically denied the Arab Palestinians — who had lived there for generations — any rights at all. Included in this version was the single biggest line of propaganda ever to be in print (and, again, this is in a “Bible” that is being put into the hands of millions of churchgoers, Sunday School students, Theology students, pastors, etc.), for it reads: “For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgment.”

First of all, a “nation” cannot commit a sin; only a person can. Secondly, there is no word for “anti-Semitism” in the New Testament. Additionally, there was no State of Israel when Scofield’s heresy was initially published in 1909, nor was there one when its 1947 edition was published. However, after the United Nations edict declaring the “State of Israel” in 1948 (in Palestine), OUP decided, in their 1967 rewrite of the Holy (Christian) Bible, to make antipathy toward the “State of Israel” a “sin.”

Quoting Grant Swart at, false doctrine/fake “scripture” which has deceived hundreds of millions of unknowing people for decades, and has been used as the most powerful propaganda tools imaginable:

‘The Oxford 1967 Edition continues on page 19:



This bequeath is joined to an Oxford prophesy that never occurs in the Bible itself:


None of these notes appeared in the original Scofield Reference Bible or in the 1917 or 1945 editions. The state of Israel DID NOT EXIST in 1945, and according to the best dictionaries of the time, the word “Israel” only referred to a particular man and an ancient tribe, which is consistent with the Bible text. See “Israel,” Webster’s New International Dictionary 2nd (1950) Edition.

All of this language, including the prophecy about the future being really bad for those who “persecute the Jews,” reflects and furthers the goals of the Anti-Defamation League, which has a stated goal of creating an environment where opposing the State of Israel is considered “anti-Semitism,” and “anti-Semitism” is a “hate crime” punishable by law. This dream has become a reality in the Christian Zionist churches of America. Only someone with these goals could have written this footnote.

The State of Israel’s legal claims to Arab lands are based on the United Nations Partitioning Agreement of 1947, which gave the Jews only a fraction of the land they have since occupied by force. But when this author went to Israel and asked various Israelis where they got the right to occupy Palestine, each invariably said words to the effect that “God gave it to us.” This interpretation of Hebrew scripture stems from the book of Genesis and is called the “Abrahamic Covenant”. It is repeated several times and begins with God’s promise to a man called Abraham who was eventually to become the grandfather of a man called “Israel:”



It is upon this promise to a single person (named “Israel”) that modern Israeli Zionists base their claims on what amounts to the entire Middle East. Its logic is roughly the equivalent of someone claiming to be the heir to the John Paul Getty estate because the great man had once sent a letter to someone’s cousin seven times removed containing the salutation “wishing you my very best.”’

The State of Israel has nothing to do with Biblical prophecy. You’ve been lied to. Your parents have been lied to, and their parents were lied to.

Knowing you’ve been lied to about something so central to your beliefs will be hard to come to grips with for many, but the sooner you do, the more outraged you will become.

And outraged is what you should be.


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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The Synagogue Of Satan

Editor’s Note:

Please don’t confuse the religion of Judaism with the criminal Zionist State of Israel; they are two different things!

If someone criticizes or goes against the State of Israel, they are labeled an anti-Semite even though they are not at odds with the religion of Judaism, only the political machinations of the Zionist government and its far-reaching agenda.


By Ashley Hayes

For several weeks now, while the genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestians continues, I have been watching, and taking notes on, one of the most informative, and damning, documentaries I have ever seen related to the invisible hands (and families) that run not only our government, our states, and our churches, but virtually every aspect of our world. (It’s taken me several weeks because it is a six-hour documentary absolutely packed with vital historical information we were certainly never taught in school, but which has affected — and greatly inhibited — the lives of each and every one of us, and I have found myself going back to re-listen, time and time again, to details of the actions of men that are so astounding in their audacity, that I wanted to make sure I’d heard them correctly.)

Featured on Truther Sergeant Major’s Bitchute channel, he describes the documentary, as follows:

“The Synagogue of Satan, Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored . . .the most damning exposure of who’s been running the world behind the scenes for centuries. Andrew Carrington Hitchcock’s groundbreaking historical study is a virtual encyclopedia of this criminal network, spanning over 140,000 words. The entire book is included in this ONE OF A KIND TRUTHER DOCUMENTARY. Included within the wealth of additional information are the complete Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, together with excerpts from each of the 80 articles that make up Henry Ford’s four-volume set The International Jew, presented for the first time in chronological order. The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored is presented in chronological order to aid verification, and its voluminous index enables the reader to navigate throughout with ease. Not recommended for the faint of heart, this is no ordinary book or video, and no one who is exposed to this ZIONIST NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA will ever be the same again. Guaranteed.”

Spanning the years 1878 to 2006, Hitchcock reveals (in graphic detail, complete with photos), year by year, events that have taken place ALL in furtherance of the Rothschild family’s goals including, most importantly, removing all Palestinians from their homeland of Palestine, one way or another, so that they and their Zionist brethren can rule the world from Israel. (The One World Order, the New World Order, the Zionist World Order; they’re one and the same.)

From this documentary you will learn some of the many ways the Rothschilds have amassed their wealth. One way was through goldmining. The discovery of gold and diamonds beneath the soil farmed by settlers in a remote area of South Africa led to the Boer war. (“Boer” means farmer.) According to Hitchcock, the Rothschilds instructed the British government to send 400,000 troops to the area to eliminate the Boers (who had rifles, if any weapon at all), so that they could have the land for themselves. The British government, we learn, is essentially owned and controlled by the Rothschilds, as the Rothschilds’ most long-running, and most important, form of wealth-building is through usury, the interest they are able to charge on loans they provide. (And, apparently, the British government has taken out many loans.) Fractional lending is also referenced, which Dr. Reizer recently mentioned in an eye-opening article:

We also learn how, at a specific time each day, for decades, the Rothschilds met in an office in the City of London to set the price of gold.

We further learn how many Zionists in government have changed their names so as not to reveal their true heritage including, but not limited to, President Franklin Roosevelt.

We learn how the Zionist Jewish lobby controls the U.S. government, and that no one is elected to any office unless he or she is on-board with the Zionist agenda (witnessed by the fact that each and every one of our presidents almost immediately flies to Israel upon his inauguration to kiss the Western Wall, ostensibly the last remaining outer wall of the ancient Jewish temple).

We further learn that the security company overseeing the World Trade Center on 9/11/01 was a subsidiary of a company owned by a man (Ehud Olmert) who would become Israel’s prime minister five years later, and that, on that day, 4000 (yes, four thousand) Zionist Jewish employees did not come to work at their jobs at the twin towers);

We learn the Zionist M.O. is to make people feel sympathy for Israel, to always look at Israel as a victim, referencing “the Holocaust” for that purpose, whenever possible. However, Hitchcock points out how interesting it is that we are supposed to not even think about the other roughly 70 million military and civilians from other nations, including America, who died as a result of WWII. Additionally, he mentions the books on WWII written by Winston Churchhill and Dwight D. Eisenhower, as well as a book on the subject by Gore Vidal and the interesting fact that in the 7000 pages of text comprising these three books, there is not a single mention of the Holocaust. Make of that what you will.

You will see that:

– the heartless, Satanic genocide of Palestinians has been going on since, at least, the 1940s;

– that postal workers are forbidden from delivering the New Testament to Israelis
(and face the threat of fines, and possible jail time if caught doing so) (For those unfamiliar with the Bible, it is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament, the New Testament (the gospels) having been written after the death of Jesus Christ, in which it is clearly stated that, for those who believe Jesus Christ is Lord, we are ALL God’s chosen people, regardless of race or nationality;

There is a veritable trove of information within this documentary of which every citizen, of every nation — not just America — should be aware. Hitchcock connects dots many of us were not even aware existed.

I hope you will take the time to watch this important video, and share it wherever you can:


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.