The One You Don’t Hear About: Psychological-Torture-Trafficking

By Ashley Hayes

Human trafficking is typically understood as “the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation.” Child trafficking is generally understood to be “the illegal movement of children, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation.” A more blunt definition Of “sexual exploitation” of a child is the (inherently violent) rape of a child by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of men (and women) — depending upon how long the child lives — where someone (the primary pimp and/or his affiliates) benefits financially from this ongoing abuse. He or she may benefit via cash received for the opportunity to rape that child, or from the video evidence of the rape, which can be held indefinitely for purposes of blackmail, or both.

Human/child trafficking, as it’s understood here, has gone on for as long as any of us has been alive, and it will continue to go on because it’s the most lucrative business there is. And to keep that lucrative business flowing, mechanisms for legally kidnapping children continue to come into existence as the system for doing so is maniacally exploited.

It is hard for most sane, empathetic, moral individuals to conceive of the idea of making money at the expense of someone else, from their pain, or even their death. And since they could never conceive it, it’s difficult for them to wrap their brains around the fact that it happens every day, every hour, every minute.

But it’s not “just” sexual trafficking that is occurring every moment of the day, there is another kind of trafficking which I posit has been occurring the entirety of our lifetimes: psychological-torture-trafficking.

Many longtime NoFakeNews readers are familiar with the stories of the plights of “targeted individuals” — which means individuals who are continually stalked, state-to-state, by rogue, psychopathic individuals within the ranks of the FBI, law enforcement, CIA, NSA, the Department of Defense, DHS, etc. who are typically affiliated with data fusion centers, in a type of life-invasion and interruption that is unimaginable to those not (yet) targeted. You may have read some of my own articles here, the documentation (and court documents, including their $1.3 billion Complaint) at, or the reports from The Brennan Center for Justice calling for the end of [data] fusion center abuse ( But in all of that reading, if you are not someone who has been targeted/maliciously stalked in this way, it may be difficult for you to understand that what is called “targeting” is, in reality, trafficking. It is psychological-torture-trafficking.

As all government-connected propagandists know: words matter. Calling the violent rape of an innocent child “child exploitation” softens its effect on the psyche. That is not accidental. And calling the 24/7 surveillance of an innocent individual whose life is intentionally, maliciously interrupted on a daily basis, in one way, or ten others, “targeted” also doesn’t capture the enormity of the crime.

“Targeted Individuals” are trafficking victims. They/We are victims of psychological-torture-trafficking. This psychological torture, committed at the hands of those with remote technology, government contracts and/or connections, as well badges, is perpetrated against innocent individuals who were, at some point, deemed “dissident” and therefore need to be endlessly tortured for daring to speak out. Or they were merely selected, randomly or not, as part of an agenda of psychological torture and experimentation paid for by taxpayers under the guise of “research.”

This psychological torture, which is shared state-to-state, following an individual wherever he or she goes, can be likened to a never-ending psychological gang-rape. (However, physical rape, in the form of remote rape occurs, as well. And, yes, this is a real thing. FBI futurist and Singularity University member, Marc Goodman, discusses it in his 2015 book Future Crimes. And I can personally attest to the fact that it is real, as it has happened to me, in multiple states, including the one I am in now, where it has occurred every day for the past 100+ days. It has also happened to Ramola D, and thousands of other women (and, most likely, children).

The guilty parties who will lie and say remote rape isn’t real — or slanderously call their target/victim “mentally ill” so that no one will believe her — are the same ones who will tell you vaccines are good for you, or that those chemtrails in the sky are just contrails that just won’t dissipate. . .

Most of us have, by now, witnessed what someone being tasered looks like. But most would not be aware that someone is being remotely raped when it happens in public (and it does, as well as in “private”). It is one of many invisible crimes happening in plain sight, and is just one of the many pegs on the wheel of psychological-torture-trafficking committed by those in power who have allegiances to their brethren, and who are willing to commit heinous acts of abuse against innocent women, men, children, the elderly, and even pets.

In a March 11, 2023, I started an article this way:

“Every day I leave my house, I am psychologically gang-raped, and ritually abused, by law enforcement no matter what state I am in: South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Delaware, Virginia, California, etc.

I experience this in the form of violent, daily (or multiple-times-daily) remote car hacking that terrorizes my child, locking our car doors; slowing down our car, leaving me unable to accelerate; turning off our a/c when it’s hot outside; turning off our heat when it’s cold outside; locking our windows; turning off our lights at night, etc.

When I begin to drive and they hack my car, it is as if one officer is personally kicking me in the face, while another holds me down, all while yet another looks on, and laughs. It’s gang-bullying; government-funded group bullying and domestic terrorism. (One car-hacking incident this past summer, as I traveled down the interstate in NC, was so violent that I was sore for a month. And I have witnesses.)

Working directly with the FBI and fusion centers, sheriffs, cops (and other first responders) have aggressively, intentionally, terrorized my child and me for 15 years, all the while participating in a truly sick slander campaign to discredit and misrepresent who I am. (A campaign I wasn’t aware of until a couple of years ago, but which is the crux of this organized crime.) . . .”

And while I (accurately) called what happens being “psychologically gang-raped,” I want to be clear that this is TRAFFICKING. [Data] Fusion center employees and their government-contractor affiliates are involved in the state-to-state torture-trafficking of men, women and children. One fusion center in one state will maliciously harass their selected victim (from afar, thanks to technology of which most of the public is still woefully unaware but which has been shared at this site), creating interruptions in their lives, their driving, their jobs, their living situations, their mail service, their relationships, any and all electronic devices, illegally enter their homes and cars, steal personal items, steal evidence, steal court documents, etc. Then, if the trafficking victim drives to another state, the abuse continues there, with the local “protectors” again serving as perpetrators of abuse, receiving government funding or or other perks for their willing, intentional participation. The more psychological distress they are able to cause, the more they are rewarded –and they regularly abuse children in this way. I have personally witnessed it time and time again, and has court documents revealing this technology-aided child abuse, as well.

When you take into consideration the technologies Dr. James Giordano has stated are being used: those that access and assess (read) people’s minds — in real time — as well as aerosolizable nanobots that are able to surveil anywhere, anytime, and realize these technologies are, in fact, in the hands of data fusion centers, their private-citizen affiliates, and law enforcement nationwide who long ago signed Memorandums of Understanding with the Department of Defense so that they could share technologies, you may get an idea of the invasiveness that occurs in the lives of those who are being psychologically tortured, or “targeted” by these groups.

We’ve all, by now, experienced the ads that pop up on our televisions or phones that correspond directly to something we had just been talking about. Multiply that times a hundred and you may have an idea of what happens in the life of someone psychologically torture-trafficked by [data] fusion center employees and affiliates (who also enter their targets’ homes, cars, interfere in their jobs, interfere in their housing, create suspicion about them with their employers, co-workers, landlords and neighbors — for profit).

One torture-trafficked individual I know very well had a situation where she was sitting in her den watching TV, but her phone was out/not working. A commercial for a lingerie company came on and the spokesperson, a young 20-something woman, said, “I know your phone’s out, so look us up!” Certain she wasn’t hearing things, but also feeling sure it would happen again, she had a recorder ready when the commercial came on again, just a short while thereafter. This individual was not only being watched in her home, but her perpetrators had created a specially-made commercial to make sure she knew it and could do nothing about it. And, of course, she couldn’t report it to anyone, as doing so would make her sound “crazy,” which is exactly what their goal was, and is. (And if that sounds far-fetched, you don’t know the capabilities of these individuals. These are intelligence-agency-connected individuals with access to any and all media at their fingertips, who regularly produce commercials, infomercials, TV shows, movies and more.)

But just to be sure the message of “we’re-watching-you-and-you-can’t-do-anything-about-it” was clear, that same commercial appeared on the television in a restaurant she visited the next day. (And, of course, why would a commercial that states “I know your phone’s out . . . ” be playing at a restaurant?)

Then a few weeks later, as this individual traveled to another state to visit relatives, the moment she entered their home, that same commercial came on, only this time, they dramatically zoomed in on the actress’s face as she said those same lines.

Read that whole scenario again. Then contemplate the conspiring that took place, the number of individuals involved — in two different states — to not only psychologically torture a single woman in her own home, with a commercial they had made ESPECIALLY AND ONLY for her, but then that they followed her moves every moment and arranged to have that same commercial play in a restaurant on the TV that was facing her (To repeat: the young woman in the commercial said, “I know your phone’s out, so look us up.) Then, when she traveled to another state shortly thereafter, her moves were so tightly watched that the moment she walked into her relatives’ home, that same commercial, produced to intentionally mentally torture her, began playing — with the added dramatic effect of having the camera zoom in on the actress’s face, in an extreme close-up, as she said the line that made it clear to the torture-trafficked individual that her EVERY move was being watched, insider her home, out at a restaurant, outside of her relative’s home, and inside her relative’s home.

This same torture-trafficked individual once returned from a weeklong trip to a fresh, just-made pot of coffee sitting on the counter.

This same torture-trafficked individual who had just commented to a friend, while standing near her driveway, that her car, while not new, was in good shape with “no dents or anything,” awoke to find her unmoved car with big dents in the side doors.

This same torture-trafficked individual arrived home one day to find a heavy, bronze statue she’d had for over a decade sitting on her bathroom counter, having been moved from its longtime perch above the fireplace. (This same bronze statute was later stolen from her home, no doubt to serve as a sort of trophy for the responsible thief/trafficker.)

This same individual, while visting her mother last year, pulled out a long-forgotten, framed picture of herself with a boyfriend of hers from the 1980s. Two days later, her mother said, “Guess who I saw today?” It was the boyfriend — and the picture was now gone (and remains gone).

This same torture-trafficked individuals spent months going through years of papers, organizing and documenting various events, incidents, individuals, etc., carefully organizing them in various boxes and bags. She traveled with them to another state where she left them in a closet, and under the bed, out of the way, at her relative’s house. When she traveled back to the original state, she discovered that each and every bag had been dumped and intentionally disorganized, papers/evidence stolen, and her classring stolen.

This same individual has had a longtime slander campaign perpetrated about her, to discredit her and destroy any and all relationships with former friends and even family members. Her phones and emails have all continually been hacked, as well, keeping her from ever being able to communicate with these individuals who were a big part of her life. (This element has gone on for over ten years.) This is a common happening in the world of those psychological-torture trafficked. Perpetrators continually seek to keep their target alone, without a support system of any kind. These government-funded abusers work round-the-clock to ensure that their torture-trafficked target is unable to form new relationships, unable to maintain or re-kindle old friendships (through ongoing, malicious slander campaigns, and re-directing phone calls so that the trafficking victim is unable to reach her long-lost friend or relative and vice-versa).

Psychological-torture-trafficking also, as mentioned, involves not only remote rape, but remotely-caused injuries of all kinds by Direct Energy Weapons. (See Midge Mathis’s pictures and story here:

[Data] fusion center employees and affiliates, whose abuses have been written about by The Brennan Center for Justice, by Ramola D, by me, and by many others, in their psychological-torture-trafficking of individuals apparently get payoffs and perks the more they can interfere in an individual’s life. The more pain and trauma they can cause, the more life interference they can create, the more they earn.

It is an ongoing mind-rape in which the dirtiest members of law enforcement — in every state — participate. And, importantly, the dirtiest are often the most forward-facing members, the ones you would least likely suspect would be involved in actively, intentionally hurting women, children and the elderly (for money and high-fives with their brethren). Additionally, while it would be easy to assume it’s just the 21-year-old officers who would so willingly participate in this vile crime, that assumption would be wrong. I have had “men” who were in their 50s, 60s and 70s, in uniform and out, intentionally, maliciously hurt me, my child, my elderly parents, my siblings, and even my dog, stalk me, write false paperwork about me, insert false medical records into my records (and, in one instance, when I went to pick up some medical records, after having been medically kidnapped in retaliation for reporting abuse by an officer, the FBI had left a note on top of my records to let me know they had been there, and had apparently copied my [falsified] records).

When you are psychological-torture trafficked, you and your data are being exploited and shared, without your consent, across state lines. And this data includes false records. But many of the participants in the next state may not be aware (or probably don’t care) that those records are false — though that doesn’t stop them from sharing them with the community to discredit the trafficked individual.

When you are psychological-torture-trafficked, you have been put on a “Target List” or blacklist (which, according to Attorney Ana Toledo of, government employee Samuel Robinson admitted to, under penalty of perjury) and are part of an “Unacknowledged Special Access” program, put there for a variety of reasons, or for no reason at all. In my case, a high-level DOD contractor, propaganda writer, covert-hypnosis expert, and consultant to multiple presidents and heads of state, who happened to have offices for one of his many front companies directly behind my childhood home, appears to have chosen my family for psychological torture (though we were not aware of this until several years ago), which has included endless, intentional interruptions of life goals/dreams, plans, businesses, health, theft of invention ideas, and so much more. And he enlisted some equally sick individuals within various law enforcement agencies to help perpetrate this crime. And it continues to this day.

In a just world, I would be able to report this individual, and his inner circle, who has long harmed my family, and someone would do something about it. But I learned that there is (so far) nowhere to turn. Every report I have ever made (and most were made before I fully understood the extent of the crime that was happening) has not only fallen on deaf ears, it has been twisted and used against me — and this is the case with every other torture-trafficking victim (or “targeted individual”). Many do not know who originated their trafficking. I do. But he, and his inner circle, live above the law, secure in their positions because they’ve enlisted co-perpetrators who actually ARE “the law.”

Perhaps the perpetrators have been blackmailed and, as such, have to participate. Perhaps they are fellow freemasons just doing as they are told. Perhaps they’ve been given positions of power and told that if they want to keep those positions they’ll “do as they’re told.” Or maybe they’re just cowards who enjoy abusing innocent individuals who can’t fight back.

Abuse and torture-trafficking of innocent individuals — of EVERY age — is happening every day, in every way, in ways you may have heard of, and in ways previously unimaginable. Digital enslavement is very real, thanks to remote technology, surveillance technology, and the active participation and conspiring of individuals within centers of domestic terrorism called “[data] fusion centers” and their proxies.

Knowledge is vital. Please share what you know, including this article, and the links to other article and videos on targeting and psychological-torture-trafficking shown below, understanding that the faster we move to a digitized world, 15-minute cities, virtual walls and the like, the chance of this happening to you, or someone you love, dramatically increases.

Please pass it on . . .

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Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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Opening Pandora’s Box — The Human Trafficking of Children Worldwide

Dr. John Reizer

There is a widely held view by the general public that pedophilia, child trafficking, and other related crimes are uncommon and only committed by a few demented individuals roaming the planet.

Critically thinking people understand pedophilia, child trafficking, and other related crimes occur frequently and have been directly connected to elitists and others in positions of national and international prominence for years.

In 2011, a major scandal broke loose at Penn State University when a football coach named Jerry Sandusky was indicted on 52 counts of child molestation. The case quickly gained national attention and appeared to involve other people at the university.

Legendary football coach Joe Paterno was reported to have known about the aforementioned child molestation crimes for many years. It was also alleged by some people that the child abuse cases had direct ties to prominent people in Washington, D.C.

Shortly after the Penn State nightmare was made public, Joe Paterno mysteriously developed pneumonia (dead coaches cannot reveal dirty secrets) and died. Nobody even questioned the timing of his sudden death.

In 2016, the famous Pizzagate story broke linking child sex trafficking to Washington, D.C. big shots and a local pizzeria named Comet Pizza.

The story seemed to have a lot of evidence attached to it but was quickly marginalized by the powers that be and labeled a ridiculous conspiracy theory. See the description of Pizzagate below as found on Wikipedia:

Pizzagate” is a conspiracy theory that went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle.[1][2][3] It has been extensively discredited by a wide range of organizations, including the Washington, D.C. police.[2][3][4]

The Penn State and Pizzagate scandals opened Pandora’s Box for all intents and purposes, and I believe that it forever changed the way significant portions of the American population began to view prominent politicians and people elected to high offices in the American government and around the world.

For the first time in history, a significant minority of the US population had a reason to doubt officialdom concerning two major criminal scandals that featured young children as the victims of human trafficking and sexual abuse. It was becoming apparent that the horrific crimes committed were not just a result of the actions of a few demented individuals but instead were the result of a secret industry that was being run by the elites in all areas of the world.

More recently, the Jeffery Epstein fiasco has confirmed in the minds of most critically thinking individuals that both the Penn State and Pizzagate scandals went far deeper into the rabbit hole than initially thought. The prominent names associated with Epstein Island demonstrated that Pizzagate and Sandusky were exactly as advertised by conspiracy theorists — disgusting child pedophilia rings with direct ties to Washington’s elites!

How do the crimes go unreported?

People often wonder how such heinous crimes can go on for so long without being discovered by the proper authorities.

One reasonable explanation for this could be because, in many instances, the people placed in positions of power that oversee and investigate such criminal activities are themselves predators or individuals committing similar predatory practices.

A reader at NoFakeNews some time ago sent me information about an interesting case concerning John Walsh, the famous father whose son was kidnapped and murdered years ago from a SEARS department store.

Walsh went on to gain notoriety and fame with his television show, America’s Most Wanted.

Years later, there seem to be questions about Adam Walsh’s death. Some people are suggesting many facts of the case have been purposely hidden from the public by the powers that be.

Meghan Walsh also claims that her famous father was instrumental in her losing custody of her children to the authorities.

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We live in a world run by psychopaths dressed in nice suits and fancy clothes. These monsters do a lot of bad things and are not held accountable for their actions. Look at what is going on with the vaccine Genocide!

As for the pedophilia stuff, it is everywhere and a lot of important people in the world that are broadly respected by many are deeply involved with such practices.


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Chabad-Lubavitchers Arrested for Underground Tunnel in NYC

By Ashley Hayes

On January 9, 2024, nine Hasidic Jewish men were arrested in the basement of what is arguably the most important building in the world to millions of Jewish individuals when an illegal underground tunnel was discovered there.

The Synagogue at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn is the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, and is connected to the former home of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson (aka “The Rebbe”), a Talmudic scholar and the most dominant figure in Judaism from 1951 until his death in 1994.

Items pulled from the secret tunnel (which led to a small mikvah, or ritual bath) included a child-sized, stained mattress, a toddler’s car seat, numerous pairs of shoes and other pieces of clothing, etc. Of course, a major investigation ensued. No, not really. What happened instead is that the mainstream media ran a few stories filled with disinformation along the lines of “This was just the work of some crazy students,” then the City of New York’s Department of Buildings quickly issued an Emergency Work Order and had the entire area covered over with cement (!), quickly quashing any hope of investigating potential crimes that may have occurred there.

While several alternative media folks ran stories on this, the most thorough one I have found, so far, is here: The speaker covers not only this current story, but a number of other quickly-hushed — and even more disturbing — stories, as well, related to children and houses of Jewish worship. But the most disturbing information his video reveals (or reminds us of) is not a story at all; it’s Talmudic doctrine. At around the 17:26 mark, various sections of the Jewish Talmud are shown, including Sanhedrin 54b, which states: “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.”

Make of that what you will, but please pass it on.

Sources & Links:


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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“Take Care of Maya” and The Epidemic Of Medical Kidnapping

By Ashley Hayes

My recent article Why I Won’t Be Paying to See Sound of Freedom repeatedly mentions the important reporting of Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News and, and with good reason. 

Brian has truly made it his mission in life to expose corruption, particularly as it relates to the legal theft of children and the variety of ways this is being accomplished through our Satanic Medical Industrial Complex which does everything EXCEPT protect children.

Brian recently posted a review on what he calls “the most powerful film ever produced on medical kidnapping,” “Take Care of Maya,” released on Netflix last month.  It tells the story of a family who was destroyed by an individual with the newly-created title of “child abuse specialist” who, when presented with a child with a rare neurological condition she was too inept to understand, immediately labeled the mother as suffering from Munchausen Syndrome, separating her from her child, which culminated in her (the mother) committing suicide.  (The child was reunited with her father five days after her mother’s suicide, after being medically kidnapped for 87 days.)

The doctor in this case, Sally Smith, has been repeatedly reported in the national news, as well as by Brian himself, multiple times, as helping to keep Florida as one of the states with the highest levels of medical kidnappings. But this travesty is occurring in every state in our nation, at well-known hospitals and those less known but equally corrupt.

This is an important subject that needs to be part of our national conversation, just as child trafficking does (and one often leads to the other, as readers will discover).

Here is a link to Brian’s article which includes links to other related, previously-published articles:

I hope you will share it widely and encourage anyone you know to view this important documentary.


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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Why I Won’t Be Paying To See Sound of Freedom

By Ashley Hayes

Child trafficking — the selling, trading, raping, torture and killing of children — is, by many estimates, THE most lucrative trade in the world, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars, annually, for traffickers.

While I do believe many unfamiliar with the fact that child trafficking is even happening (every minute of every day) will, at the very least, learn something from the movie Sound of Freedom, (like the fact that it’s actually happening, for starters), what they won’t learn is the TRUTH. And the truth is: the sale of children for sex, slavery, torture and more is occurring within the United States, facilitated by individuals within our own government, by the FBI/CIA, etc.-connected “elites,” and by the deeply corrupt “Family Services” (also known as “Children’s Services,” “CPS,” or any variety of similar names, who have a long and sordid history of — thanks to Bill Clinton — taking children from perfectly good, healthy, loving homes and placing them with foster parents, or having them adopted out so that they can make money.

Brian Shilhavy, editor of Health Impact News, has reported on the “legal” kidnapping of children by CPS for many years. His website,, is a must-read to learn the truth of this horrific crime occurring right here in the USA, every single day. In 2015, he published an article about Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer whom many believe was murdered in 2010, along with her husband, for daring to speak out against the evil system surrounding American foster care and the adoption system.

That article states that “the financial motive for the State to legally kidnap children was put in place in 1974 by Walter Mondale with the “Adoption and Safe Families Act.” This was later expanded by President Bill Clinton in 1997 with The Adoption and Safe Families Act that gave states cash bonuses for every child adopted out of foster care. (Editor’s note: Bill Clinton signed this bill into law, but the bill was passed by the Republican-led House and Senate led by Newt Gingrich, so it was a bi-partisan effort initiated by a Republican majority in Congress.)”

Article after article at Shilhavy’s site will truly illuminate the reality of this most horrific of crimes, a reality the producers of Sound of Freedom don’t want you to know, such as the fact that a huge number of incidents of trafficking-disguised-as-adoption are facilitated through the [corporate] Christian and Catholic churches ( and that, if you’re living in America, you are part of the world’s largest child sex trafficking cartel (

Additionally, while I won’t be going to see Sound of Freedom, I have seen the trailer, clips, and multiple detailed reviews that state that there is an actual QR Code on the screen for gullible audiences to take a picture of, encouraging them to buy tickets for those who can’t afford to see the movie, stating that by doing so, this will somehow help stop human trafficking. Good God! Seriously?

The whole thing just reeks of manipulation. For starters, we have “Jesus” as the storyteller and main character.) It gives a false picture of what child trafficking looks like. And, in fact, Tim Ballard, the real-life individual on whom Jim Caviezel’s character was based, admits certain events were made-up just for the movie when, in reality, the truth, the depth of the darkness and evil that surrounds this depraved world, is much, much uglier, much more moving. Knowing the actual, ugly truth may actually move people to take action. Therefore, the powers-that-be couldn’t show it. They don’t want people to take action. They want them to buy movie tickets and $15 popcorn, take a picture of the screen so that their appearance there can be tracked (and they can then be further marketed-to), and they want to sell t-shirts and bumper stickers with their tagline “God’s children aren’t for sale,” knowing that this will make many feel they’ve actually done something to curb this gargantuan crime against innocents.

Furthermore, if the movie doesn’t depict the very real and vital role of corrupt individuals in law enforcement in the trafficking of children, it doesn’t show the truth. THIS CRIME COULD NOT GO ON WITHOUT THEIR HELP! Period.

Additionally, the fact that Tim Ballard is, or was, an employee of Homeland Security being shown as some sort of hero is a slap in the face to targeted individuals everywhere who have been sadistically stalked, technologically trafficked, physically assaulted, and had/have their lives harmed in every imaginable way by Department of Homeland Security-funded “fusion” centers comprised of deeply sadistic, depraved, immature and cowardly “men” with badges who have abused their positions to secretly torture innocent citizens (of all ages) for over 22 years, and who collect money for hurting the lives of innocent Americans (of all ages) every day. I know because I am one of them.

Finally, unsurprisingly, this movie was, according to Shilhavy, funded by “philanthropists” with ties to human trafficking.

If you want the truth, and want your family and friends to know the truth, you are better off reading the many articles on the subject here at NoFakeNews (, the many articles at and, as well as the excellent reporting of Whitney Webb at and that of Lori Handrahan. (Webb’s three-part series on Jeffrey Epstein, previously posted in full at has since been removed/blocked by others. Imagine that.)

Additionally, while Sound of Freedom may be a good conversation starter about child trafficking, for anyone who can brave a much darker, more honest view, Patryk Vega’s Eyes of the Devil provides a much more raw, real, [difficult-but-important-to-watch] view of the subject. (See Sources & Links, below)

Finally, the crime of child sales, trading, rape, torture, trafficking, etc. is not a political subject. It is a human subject. And any politician who tries to use this movie to show himself, or herself, in a certain light should be viewed with skepticism. Anyone in a position to have the world as an audience is powerful enough to, if not stop this crime (which would be impossible, really) to, at the very least, seriously hinder it. But he or she won’t because it’s too profitable. Their friends are making much too much money from it to ever have it stopped.

I won’t be paying to see this movie because it is, in reality, a distraction from the truth. And having “My Country Tis of Thee” play in a movie trailer with “freedom” in the title when our freedoms are ALL being taken away by those pulling the strings was just too much manipulation for me.

I do, however, urge every reader to click on the important links within this article and those below, and to share them widely, with your family, friends and contacts. The truth about the horror of child trafficking does need to be known, and action needs to be taken. Somehow. Some way.

But it won’t be by buying a bumper sticker.

Sources & Links:


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.


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Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case (Pt.1)

By Whitney Webb

Jeffrey Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.

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Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal –The picture painted (Pt. 3)

By Whitney Webb

The picture painted by the evidence is not a direct Epstein tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations.

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