A Moon Base! Is This Guy Completely Delusional?

The Fake Science Narratives Never Stop!

By Dr. John Reizer

Ever since I can remember, governments have lied to their citizens about space travel capabilities and nuclear weapons. These two technologies, among many others, are predicated on pure science fiction.

In the above-referenced article, Rep. Ken Calvert predicts the US military could construct a Moon base within a few years.


“Space Force will be actively involved in, I think, in going to the Moon at some point and that discussion is ongoing… “Obviously, China is probably going to militarize the Moon, I have no doubt, so I suspect we will have a base on the Moon also … maybe by the end of this decade.” – Rep. Ken Calvert

Calvert believes NASA (The Artemis missions) and the US Space Force (Farce) will put humans back on the lunar surface for the first time since the early 1970s. Is this guy completely delusional?

Ken Calvert has watched too many old cartoons, like The Jetsons. Evidently, the senior Republican lawmaker doesn’t understand that NASA, Apollo, Artemis, and the US Space Force have never been to outer space and never will get there.

Decades ago, Americans were fed lies about a great space race between the United States and the Soviets. Of course, somebody led the world to believe that 1960s US aerospace technology got the job done, and Apollo and NASA helped America beat the Russians to the Moon.

Fast forward to 2024, and the false science narratives are still forthcoming. Rep. Calvert and his cohorts regularly tell their constituents that there’s an urgent need to get in front of Russia and China in a new space race to construct a lunar base.

Those evil Chinese and Russian people want to get to the Moon first and build bases armed with nonexistent nuclear weapons.

Maybe NASA should be given more than 70 million dollars daily to fund its fake space missions; what do you think?

The false narratives and psyops are unending, and until people begin to comprehend the enormity of the lies before them, they will never become free from the tentacles of the Matrix that keep society securely attached to an unrealistic vision of the realm.


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


Target List

From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


The Target List Pilot Auditions – Dec 2020

Jessica Culaciati & Rob Russo auditioning for the pilot film The Target List  ©Mad Wife Productions


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Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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©Target List LLC

Don’t you love science fiction stories?

Dr. John Reizer

Modern-day Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) can allegedly travel great distances and reach their targets in 25–30 minutes. These weapon delivery systems are reportedly capable of getting nuclear warheads to distant locations realm-wide.

According to the official narrative, ICBMs travel at altitudes significantly above Low Earth Orbit (LEO) or over an altitude of 1,200 miles. The actual altitude an ICBM can reach is 2800 miles above Earth.

Space.com published an article that discusses the routine testing of Minuteman III ICBMs by the US Space Force. The US Space Force stated, “These test launches demonstrate the readiness of U.S. nuclear forces and provide confidence in the lethality and effectiveness of the nation’s nuclear deterrent.”

Space.com! Are you kidding me? This publication is an official magazine of the psyop architects. This source regularly publishes crap about NASA’s phony space missions.

I will point out that the space shuttle allegedly flew its missions at around 200 miles of altitude. Yet, by NASA’s admission, it has failed to get a single human being out of low Earth orbit since Apollo. I don’t believe any Apollo astronauts have ever surpassed altitudes extending above Low Earth Orbit. I also don’t think it is possible to get any uncrewed craft or launch payloads above LEO altitudes, and any referenced accomplishments are based on science fiction versus reality.

Thousands of ICBMs tipped with nuclear warheads are said to exist in the world and stockpiled by several countries. The nukes can supposedly vaporize humanity in less than the time it takes to watch one half-hour television sitcom.

Keep in mind that the people who tell us that ICBMs can do all of the horrible things written above are the same people who tell us we have an actual space program and that American astronauts went to the Moon with Apollo in 1969.

I am not buying either of these science fiction psyops. Where is the proof that an ICBM was ever successfully tested, and more importantly, who was there to witness the top-secret tests?

The military members are the only witnesses present at these secret ICBM tests. Nobody else can verify the integrity of such tests or if they even took place. It sounds eerily similar to all the other rocketry activities and nuclear weapon tests reported over the years. We must believe it’s true because government sources tell us they have said capabilities.

Preparing to interact with acquaintances socially

How many times have we heard in the past two years regarding the Russian-Ukraine war that nuclear weapons were going to be used? How many atomic weapons threats have been publicized over many decades without anything ever happening?

And if these doomsday devices exist, do we still honestly believe the controllers of this realm would allow the elected morons of various sovereign territories to possess nuclear suitcases with the accompanying launch codes? Please tell me that people aren’t gullible enough to believe this nonsense in 2024.

One thing I look for in dealing with people or sources is a pattern of their behavior. Do they provide reliable or unreliable information? When examining the  track records of NASA and military related sources, I concluded long ago that these are unreliable information outlets. I don’t believe any of the information they publicly provide. They regularly give out disinformative content to throw off others about many things.

In my opinion, an ingenious way to attempt to control others is to sell the illusion of having doomsday weapons. I believe that the nuclear weapons program, along with its delivery systems, are nothing more than fictional creations.


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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©Target List LLC

It’s pretty hard to launch a nuclear attack on anyone when such weapons don’t even exist!

Read more science fiction here!

Stop Believing in Science Fiction!

Dr. John Reizer

The headlines in both mainstream and alternative media publications are littered with end-of-the-world nuclear apocalyptic suggestions.

For over four years, we have read and witnessed the same bunkum by the same purveyors of fake news concerning COVID and the plandemic.

Read some of the fear porn published by different news outlets below. There are hundreds of similar articles published every week.


Britain and the US would be obliterated by ‘massive nuclear strikes’ rehearsed yesterday under Putin’s watchful eye, it’s revealed as Russia warns it could attack the West’s commercial satellites — Daily Mail


Putin Blasts West’s Nuclear Narrative: “It Doesn’t Make Sense” To Use Nukes In Ukraine –Zero Hedge


Putin reacts to question about nuclear apocalypse

The Russian president stayed silent when asked about this possibility –RT Today


US Could Deploy Upgraded Nuclear Bomb in EU in December, Reports Say — Sputnik


The continual use of sensational and utterly ridiculous headlines about a coming nuclear Armageddon is pure bullshit. We witnessed a similar campaign of media bullshit during the great COVID hoax.

In my opinion, folks — the nukes, like the virus, are fake! The end-of-the-world crap constantly reported on television, the Internet, and in newspapers is nonsense.

I believe that the controlling powers have overplayed their hand a time too many and have revealed to those paying attention that all the fear mongering is based on nothing of substance.

Nuclear weapons and infectious disease paradigms are predicated on science fiction, nothing more.

The only thing the psychopaths can do in reality is to create false narratives and well-thought-out psyops to try and broadly influence the members of society to move in certain directions and to make poor decisions, like taking bioweapons disguised as vaccines.

Remember who and what we are dealing with. The controlling powers are deceitful liars. Their strength is attached to their ability to create the public perception that something invisible or nonexistent is a credible threat to humanity when it is not.

I regularly remind readers that we are programmed to be afraid of things we don’t need to worry about. We are the victims of controlled fear programs, and it’s time to stop the nonsense!

Take back your mind!

Take back your life!


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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We’re Aiming for a Million Tubi Views

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


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Official-Dumb – Certifying the ridiculous as the truth and getting everyone to agree with the narrative!

The Dragons, not the Dinos, were Real!

Science Fiction!

PhotoShopped – No Stars!

Photoshopped – Too Many Stars

Absolutely Absurd!

An Admitted CGI!

A Cartoon!

Filmed in A Movie Studio – No Stars!

Allegedly built in 12 months in the 1800s!


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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Big Pharma’s nobody’s friend!

I know that many people are under the false impression that AI, nonexistent nuclear weapons, and viruses are going to destroy humanity. What we need to grasp collectively as a society is that the most significant threat facing all human beings remains Big Pharma!

– Dr. Reizer

Read more here!


Watch Target List On Stash Movies


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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©Target List LLC

Don’t be afraid to question history or anything else for that matter!

Things We Should Question:

The Space Travel Narrative

The Atomic Bomb Narrative

The Infectious Disease Narrative

The Timeline of Modern Technology

The Timeline of Modern History

Remember, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you turn on the television this evening, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you access a cell phone today to check the news, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you read the newspaper, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you read any national magazine publications, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses medical advancements, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses politics, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses space travel, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a program that discusses science, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses religion, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you watch a television program that discusses ancient history, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you read an article that states vaccines are safe, they’re lying to you!

Remember, when you access mainstream news companies through any means possible, they’re lying to you!

Do you get the general idea? They’re lying to you!

You have a mind; start using it!


If you’re searching for good gift ideas for family and friends this holiday season, consider buying copies of our movie, Target List, and giving them out as presents.

We’re using proceeds from DVD sales to help market our film to an even broader audience.

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What would happen if someone discovered how to cure all cancers?

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film

Story/Screenplay by MJ Palo & John Reizer

What is Target List about?

The Establishment Hates Our Movie Because it Attacks Big Pharma! 🙂


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Society’s Perception of Reality is Predicated on Scientific Fraud!

Dr. John Reizer

When advised to follow science, almost everyone stands up and applauds. Our general understanding of everything in the world is largely predicated on science and what science leads us to believe.

Science is so highly regarded by the vast majority of people in the world that it has become nearly impossible to challenge any narratives once they become officially endorsed by the scientific community.

Science has become another religion. What I mean by that statement is members of a church can’t question the basic principles of a religious doctrine. To do so would be something unthinkable. It has gotten to be the same way in the church of science.

Scientists are supposed to be able to question and debate anything that is not scientifically provable, no matter how long the principles have been in place. This is no longer the case as we all witnessed during the COVID hoax where scientists and health professionals were broadly censored. The censorship occurred and continues to occur because many scientists tried to report factual information about the nonexistent virus that would have changed the way the entire world reacted to the pandemic.

Modern Public Perception

In the modern world, public perception is rigorously maintained by scientific falsities that have been drilled into our heads by charlatans that use sleight-of-hand trickery to confuse the masses. Obfuscating the truth by creating false science narratives for people to embrace is what has happened for many decades.

As a result of scientific fraud and deception, people have a very distorted perception of reality.

Three false legs of science that continually occupy mainstream media headlines and directly support public misunderstanding of reality are a fake space program, a fake infectious disease paradigm, and a fake nuclear weapons program. I believe the three aforementioned science hoaxes are the reason most people think about the world the way they do.

Science’s Three-Legged Stool

If any of the three legs of the stool pictured above are removed from the equation, the entire scientific community would become unstable and come crashing down.

Could you imagine a world where people have a more accurate understanding of science than they do today? Could you imagine a world without the thoughts of nuclear weapons? Could you comprehend a world where people aren’t afraid of breathing in deadly germs? Try to imagine a world where people knew the truth — that space travel, as it has been explained, is not possible!

False science has prevented most of us from having a true understanding of the world. The priests running the mainstream scientific community today have intentionally hidden the truth from their parishioners and until the masses wake up and realize what is going on right in front of their eyes, most people will continue to live in a Matrix of lies that are mistaken for the truth.


What would happen if someone discovered how to cure all cancers?

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film


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©Target List LLC

Have the controlling powers modified the timeline of modern civilization? (Video)

By Dr. John Reizer

I had a fascinating conversation on August 28th with truth teller and old-world explorationist Chris Kelly. Chris was kind enough to invite me to his platform, where we discussed many subjects that I believe would interest NoFakeNews visitors.

The YouTube version below is an abbreviated presentation of our entire chat because many of the things we discussed in the later part of the conversation would be censored by the platform. Unfortunately, this is how the YouTube platform operates these days.

The full interview is also included below on Rumble, where the censorship of the information is not a concern.

The Abbreviated YouTube Interview

The Full Uncensored Interview – Rumble

Get the paperback edition now!

Truth or Fiction — You Must Decide!


The Earth Game is About to be Explained!

Answers Book Trailer

There will never be another book like this!

What would happen if someone discovered how to cure all cancers?

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film


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Film Journalists:

“A top-class film. Definitely on my ‘target list’ of must-watches.”


“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


“Tightly paced and full of thrills, Target List is a potent action film that manages to both entertain and impress.”


Please rate our movie on IMDb!

Target List IMDb Page

IMDb Rating Scale Guide

10 – A movie that is in a class of its own!

9 – An excellent movie.

8 – A great movie.

7 – A good movie.

6 – A better than average movie.

5 – An average movie.

4 – A worse than average movie.

3 – Bad.

2 – Awful.

1 – Terrible! Unwatchable!

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©Target List LLC

Oppenheimer – 2023: The movie is the real bomb, not the subject matter of the film!

By Dr. John Reizer

The story of American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his role in the development of the atomic bomb.

Genre(s): Biography Drama History

MPAA Rating: R

Production: Universal Pictures

Runtime:180 min


Note: I wrote and published this review on NoFakeNews because I was censored and denied my 1st Amendment Rights on the IMDb platform 5 separate times. IMDb refused to publish my review because my views are in conflict with the official narrative being peddled by the controlling powers!

— Dr. Reizer

Movie Review

Oppenheimer – 2023 is a long, drawn-out film well-suited for IMAX theaters. Here we have the latest propaganda sponsored by the controlling powers to convince the public that atomic bombs are a credible threat to the world.

According to officialdom, the United States government built the first two atomic bombs and dropped them on Japan at the end of WW2. This science fiction narrative is quite laughable at best!

If you want to believe in an eight-decade-old psyop/hoax that claims a-bombs are real and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, were not carpet-bombed with napalm to make it appear as if they were nuked — Oppenheimer 2023 is for you!

The fake nuclear weapons psyop is so old and unbelievable, yet many Americans still believe the fairytale. And Hollywood refuses to let the sci-fi narrative die.

The younger generation of Americans was never exposed to fake A-bomb photography and the constant news propaganda about the imaginary weapon of mass destruction. So, this is why movies like Oppenheimer 2023 are created. The goal is to keep the lie fresh in the public’s minds.
The public’s perception that nukes are real is a profitable business for the elites, and it also provides several chosen governments worldwide leverage over other territories.

Most people would not question the authenticity of the nukes. I don’t believe it is even listed as a conspiracy theory. But it is as fake as the Apollo Moon landings and the nonsense we all just experienced for the last three years, the imaginary virus brought to fruition by nothing more than a mass-produced, rigged lab diagnostic tool. Yes, Covid is a hoax, too!

By the way, the movie is boring, as it can be!

So, if you like psyops and overpriced movie snacks, have a ball with this flick. Otherwise, recognize the agenda being driven by Hollywood and save your money!


What would happen if someone discovered how to cure all cancers?

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

“Curing cancer was their first mistake!”

An Andrew Arguello & MJ Palo Film


Film Journalists:

“A top-class film. Definitely on my ‘target list’ of must-watches.”


“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


“Tightly paced and full of thrills, Target List is a potent action film that manages to both entertain and impress.”



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©Target List LLC