You realize that the Royals are, and always have been, psychopaths, right?

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Dr. John Reizer

So many people I have interacted with through the years have told me that the one and only true Holy Bible is the King James Version. Truth be told, the good book is not only one book but rather a compilation of 66 books! Gee, there’s that dreaded number again!

I have collected some interesting information and reposted it below for your reading pleasure.

As you will read, men, not God, wrote what is referred to as the Bible in our modern world. The King James Version was allegedly penned in 1611 under Royal authority. Our current civilization was most likely reset from scratch in the 1700s, so how accurate can our reported history be if we’re being sincere?

Additionally, you realize that the Royals are, and always have been, psychopaths, right?

Who wrote the King James Bible?

-Read More From Britannica

How many edits has the Bible had?

The revisers were charged with introducing alterations only if they were deemed necessary to be more accurate and faithful to the original Greek and Hebrew texts. In the New Testament alone more than 30,000 changes were made, over 5,000 on the basis of what were considered better Greek manuscripts. › wiki

When was the last Bible edit?

With this group behind the wheel for the past 40 years, the NIV has seen three revisions: the original in 1978, the second in 1984, and the most recent in 2011.

Forty years of a changing Bible

Versions and Bible Translations

Because the Bible is not a single book but a complex arrangement of at least 66 books (Roman Catholic Bibles include another seven books that Protestants do not recognize) written over many years by multiple authors, the question concerning versions can be complicated. There are many ancient manuscripts for each of the texts in the Bible, each needing careful translation into contemporary language.

Read more here!

Dr. Reizer’s Two Cents

Even if you’re not a believer in the reset materials and you follow the timeline affiliated with officialdom, it’s pretty apparent that what is referred to as the the Bible is an admittedly re-edited and continually changed manuscript that has hundreds if not thousands of human authors over long periods of time.

It is also reported that for hundreds of years or longer, the biblical passages were memorized and not in writing. The passages were later authored into writings. Considering how humans embellish stories and forget details of events in a few days, don’t you think the accuracy of said passages that scholars allegedly memorized became distorted through the eons of time?

I believe that humans authored all religions and all Bibles to control people in different geographic locations.

So many of us require careful record-keeping and the fullest verification of reported facts in nearly every modern-day subject of importance. Yet, when it comes to the reporting of historical information and biblical writings, the need for accuracy standards and factual information is routinely ignored or tossed out the window.

Most people assume that amazing things regularly happened in ancient times and that no fact-checking is required. That’s, unfortunately, a big mistake, in my opinion.


Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog,

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


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The Earth Matrix and its population might be reset repeatedly! (A Soul Trap!)

Welcome back to the Earth game simulation again, and again, and again, and againIt never ends!

Perhaps the only way out of a soul trap is to learn the truth about the game Matrix while experiencing the simulation and using that knowledge between each incarnation to progress to another venue. Otherwise, you follow the light after your current download and get lured back into the game yet again!

Remember what you’re learning here because your next life could depend on it!

Nothing is as it appears!


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Watch Target List On Tubi TV

Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


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How much would a cure for cancer be worth?

Dr. John Reizer

Since the release of our feature film, Target List, many people have written to me asking how much a cure for cancer would be worth.

It’s an interesting question, and I believe a truthful answer would shock nearly everyone.

“Kevin M. Murphy and Robert H. Topel, two University of Chicago researchers, estimate that even modest advancements against major diseases would have a significant impact – a 1 percent reduction in mortality from cancer has a value to Americans of nearly $500 billion. A cure for cancer would be worth about $50 trillion.” Keep in mind that these numbers are from 2006. The 50 trillion in today’s money would likely be 500 trillion or higher.

Most folks underestimate the profitability of Big Medicine and Big Pharma in treating various intellectual properties (diseases). Perhaps the most extensive collection of intellectual properties ever assembled and grouped into one classification and profited from in the sickness care industry is cancer.

What is the cancer industry?

The cancer industry comprises many multinational corporations, organizations, and agencies. The entities work in concert with one another behind the scenes to ensure that the intellectual properties are never removed from the marketplace and remain a mega cash-generating force for both the foreseeable and unforeseeable future.

Learn more here!

Oncology/Cancer Drugs Market Size is estimated to be worth about $311.81 Billion by 2032. Additionally,  the global Oncology/Cancer Drugs market is anticipated to grow from USD 146.72 billion to USD 311.81 billion in 10 years.

Oh, it gets much more interesting my friends.

An excellent book to read to get a better understanding of what health consumers the world over are up against in trying to find the answer to cancer is ” The Cancer Industry” by Ralph W. Moss, PhD.

When I wrote The Target List novel in 2019, I created a work of fiction to tell the truth about what would happen in real life if anyone ever attempted to eradicate the collection of intellectual property creations known to us through familiar names as cancers.

Cancers will never be cured in the current Matrix construct because to do so would destroy an enormous cash cow. But the novel that I wrote that was later transformed into a feature film by the gifted screenwriter MJ Palo and myself only revealed the hypothetical Big Pharma conspiracy theory superficially.

Our Target List film certainly painted the conspiracy in a negative light, suggesting that everything having to do with the suppression of cancer cures is solely about money and the loss of profits by Big Pharma.

I honestly believe the nefarious actions of the cancer industry that are centered on making sure the diseases never disappear go much deeper than just money. It’s a much deeper rabbit hole than most could imagine. But once you begin descending into the tunnel, you begin to understand more clearly that things like population control and resets are not merely ideas found only in science fiction plots.

While some of us are slowly waking up and realizing that COVID-19 and the world pandemic had nothing to do with a virus, others further along in their understanding of how the realm operates are mindful that population reductions and even complete resets have most likely occurred here on many occasions and will undoubtedly do so again in the not so distant future.

Never stop trying to learn about the world you are experiencing. Life is merely a seat in a universal classroom, and the only way you can graduate and advance to the next lesson is by learning truthful information about the courses you’ve already enrolled in.


Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog,

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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We’re Aiming for a Million Views on Tubi

The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Click on the Image to Watch the Movie

Official Movie Trailer

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!



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Old World Photoshop

You can’t see a future if you don’t know the past!


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


Watch Target List On Stash Movies

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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!



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What was happening in the realm before the last reset?

Have the controlling powers intentionally modified the timeline of modern civilization? Did a massive cataclysm and population reset occur several hundred years ago that destroyed the old world and launched a new one — an event never discussed in our historical records? Have the architectural constructs and technology of the Old World been repurposed and sold to society as the architectural and technological creations of the New World?

I believe there was a sizeable human population in the realm through the 1700s. I think this population belonged to another civilization different from the one we belong to today. I strongly feel that this previous civilization had access to the same technologies used in our current society.

Something terrible happened to these people. There must have been a realm-wide cataclysm that reset the entire population. I think we are all members of the new civilization. I also think this new narrative explains the existence of many Old World buildings that could have never been constructed using our current official narrative. It also explains how our technology advanced so fast, beginning with the 1800s. Before that time, our society had little to no technology, according to our mainstream historical narratives.

Dr. Reizer

Did we build or find it?

The first known photo of the US Capitol -1846  Photo credit:

Did aircraft technology exist before?

Ceiling Beams – Temple of Seti at Abydos

Did other civilizations have it, too?

I think so!


Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!



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Hidden History in the State of Texas

This is an amazing video presentation that methodically destroys our mainstream historical narrative.

-Dr. Reizer


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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!



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They needed the proper tool to promote and support a false narrative that covered up the existence of a prior civilization!

If you’re interested in uncovering the truth about our past, I don’t believe you will get the answers from National Geographic, the Smithsonian Institute, or the History Channel.

–Dr. John Reizer

The Boxes in Our Lives

Dr. John Reizer

Republished from November 2023

Shortly after entering this crazy world, we’re all given different boxes to deal with that will ultimately shape and create our perception of reality. After some time, we will naively climb inside these rigid boxes that are extremely difficult to escape.

It does not matter what part of the world we reside in; we’ll become trapped inside several boxes. There exist religious boxes, science boxes, history boxes, medical boxes, political boxes, philosophical boxes, financial boxes, and others. Each box has a set of rules that must be followed. Different boxes tell us what’s possible and impossible. If we question the rules of a box, we’ll be made uncomfortable by others.

The boxes we become trapped in will determine how we’ll go about living our lives and even the careers and jobs we’ll choose to pursue. The boxes will also help determine our feelings about many things we encounter.

Sometimes, people become aware that boxes prevent them from thinking critically. Society encourages its members to do their thinking inside boxes. On rare occasions, people become brave enough and strong enough to do some thinking outside the box. There are always plenty of mind-control policemen and women to help escort the brave ones back inside the box.

It takes tremendous strength and courage for people to venture outside the different boxes society creates for its citizens. If you ever hope to understand better what’s happening in the world, you’ll need to climb out of the boxes you’ve previously entered.


Watch Target List On Stash Movies

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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!



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©Target List LLC

Our current technologies may be much older than we have been led to believe

Dr. John Reizer

I have always believed that our perception of the world is vastly different from the reality of its existence. Also, in my opinion, we reside in a frequency-generated construct continually modified through sensory transformation into a 3-D holographic matrix.

I strongly suspect our current technologies are manifestations of the frequency-generated construct, and many civilizations that predated our present society broadly used similar devices in everyday life.

I further believe that most, if not all, major technological inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries were repurposed ones that already existed before the realm’s most recent reset!


Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog,

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


Watch Target List On Stash Movies

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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Click on the Image to Watch a Free Movie

Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!



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©Target List LLC

“Timelies” – A More Careful Examination of Reset Theory

Dr. John Reizer

When I first began reading content and looking at the photographic catalogs (the evidence) that support and prove, in my considered opinion, the veracity of the claims affiliated with reset theory, I was overwhelmed.

I sat in front of a computer, mouth wide open in disbelief. The disbelief had nothing to do with the reset theory. The disbelief had everything to do with a prior inability to see what had suddenly become crystal clear in my mind – it was my personal ah-ha moment.

Once I see something shocking, I can never unsee it. No matter how hard I try to convince my mind to go back to the way I remembered something before the eye-opening event, the new understanding becomes fixed in between my ears.

The small but growing percentage of the realm’s population that has awakened and has a cursory level of awareness about what is happening around them is still clueless, in my opinion,  about many of the biggest secrets associated with the Matrix construct we are all experiencing.

One of the best ways to keep society in a constant state of confusion concerning our existence and overall purpose is to feed us a never-ending diet of disinformation disguised and packaged as mainstream news. The few who control the many have been doing just that for decades and the practice probably extends back to when the last reset commenced.

Most of us aware of the controllers are obsessed and preoccupied with what dirty machinations they plan next. In reality, we should be at least equally concerned about what these monsters have done to humanity in the not-so-distant past.

Understanding our past gives us tremendous clairvoyance and insight into our immediate future. It is this line of rational thinking that has me looking deeper and deeper into one of the most significant secrets surrounding this grand simulation we call Earth – Timelies!

If we closely examine our most embraced official historical narratives and their associated timelines, it becomes blatantly apparent that what we have been taught about nearly everything is untrue.

It is not necessary to have to poke holes in every piece of disinformation that has been handed down to members of society. Instead, we must only prove that a few critical parts of the narratives are predicated on lies. Once we are successful in doing that, the rest of our official history falls apart.

If we begin by critically and honestly thinking about the complex construction of buildings, bridges, canal systems, and star forts that litter our world and the alleged technologies in existence at the time of their reported construction, according to officialdom, we can immediately conclude that the narratives we have been given are problematic at a bare minimum. The narratives can not accurately represent what transpired in the past, in my opinion.

Chicago – 1890s

How can mega-structure buildings that contain millions of bricks or thousands of granite blocks, each weighing seven thousand pounds be transported to certain locations without trains and cranes?

How could those construction materials be erected into the buildings that are still standing in major cities today? There were no power tools, electricity, or other modern technologies to complete the work.

There are often no records of building permits, construction company names, or architectural designs associated with the buildings. Yet, we are supposed to believe that the structures were built by our civilization in the 1800s.

Why obfuscate our past and distort the associated timelines? I like to call them “timelies” because that is what they are – lies!

The older things are believed to be, the less people question the details surrounding those things. For a building constructed in the 1960s, for example, we would expect to find building permits, building plans, and construction companies associated with the project. The lack of record keeping for a building reportedly “founded” in the 1850s that is way too complex looking for the “timelie” is not a big deal for people because the construction happened at a time when records weren’t kept or as necessary.

In European countries, the timelies are easier to maintain because the alleged reported history extends much further through time than the same fakery in America. Truth be told, the same magnificent structures existed realm-wide, including in America.

Once we realize that a different civilization than ours constructed many Old World buildings in America and the world over, all the other lies incorporated into our false narratives begin to dissolve right before our eyes!

Reset theory can be proven because much of the evidence proving the existence of a prior technologically advanced civilization still stands today in major cities realm-wide!


Dr. John Reizer is an American author, filmmaker, and retired chiropractor.

John has written several novellas and is the founder and chief editor of the popular alternative news blog,

Dr. Reizer is a former associate professor of clinical sciences at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

His most recent works, Answers, The Blue Marble, Plandemic, The Visitors, Aftermath, False Memory, The Homecoming, Frequency, and The Target List, are science fiction thrillers.

John’s novel, The Target List, was released as a feature film under the title Target List in April 2023.


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The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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