Never Forget: Population Resets Regularly Occur in Our Realm Whether We Want to Believe It or Not!

Mike Adams:

Never Forget:

Your Government Tried to Murder You!

Shared by Sandy Edwards

I will never forget what ‘they’ did to me, Mike!

In July 2020, I was in the process of writing the novella PLANDEMIC. The story was published on the Amazon platform on August 31, 2020. It was my warning to the world about what was happening then and what would happen in the future. When people read the story now and see the publication date, they undoubtedly scratch their heads and probably wonder how I knew at that time what would happen in real life.

Boy, I received hateful comments and reviews after writing and publishing that story. I  wonder how those fools look at things today if they are still experiencing the realm after getting jabbed despite being given a fair warning.

I knew that COVID-19 was a hoax early on because of my professional education and from studying microbiology many years earlier. I paid attention in college and did something most people can’t; I applied critical thinking skills to the bullshit presented and figured out what was possible and impossible concerning germ theory!

I wrote an article in September 2020 that addressed Mike Adams’s claim that sars-cov-2 was an actual virus. The Health Ranger cautioned people like me and a few others to stop writing the virus is fake. He believed in September 2020; the COVID-19 virus was genuine. Mike Adams has since changed his tune and now understands the virus is fake!

Here’s what I wrote days before being poisoned!

In August 2021, most scientists and whistleblowers speaking out against the plandemic are still clinging to the idea that sars-cov-2 is a naturally occurring or weaponized viral microbe. But more people are starting to come around and finally see the writing on the wall — there’s no virus and no COVID-19 disease. Many people have been hoodwinked into believing the screenplay that has been directed and produced by a very clever group of professional writers is real.

The genuine threat to humanity are the bioweapon vaccines being distributed worldwide. The spike proteins created in vaccine recipients will sterilize and murder billions of people.

Do not take the vaccines under any circumstances whatsoever, including the threat of losing your job!”

–  Reizer, August 2021

Dr. John Reizer

No, I will never forget what was done to me and my family. I will never forget the pain and suffering I endured or how my career as a healthcare practitioner suddenly ended.

Take a good look at my eyes in the photo above and ask yourself if that looks like the eyes of someone who has forgotten the individuals responsible for harming him and his family!

Coming in the future to explain our hidden past!

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22 thoughts on “Never Forget: Population Resets Regularly Occur in Our Realm Whether We Want to Believe It or Not!

  1. Roark June 12, 2024 / 8:04 pm

    How long has the US been a corporation John? Since? 1871, right?

    So, maybe there’s a chance it did begin somewhat wholesome and was later corrupted.

    We weren’t there to witness, but I’ve heard some of the mindless violence toward Indians was sabotage, done by loyalists to the Queen.

    I understand the founding fathers were Against corporations and wanted to limit their existence to the length of whichever project one was assigned to.

    Indeed it would be great if the US corporation which, for all intents and purposes is BROKE, were to be put to bed (and our Republic restored) by the likes of those (legend has it) have already made much progress in this regard!

    Trump is so good at pretending to be weak when he is strong, appearing to be about to lose when he ends up winning, and being the one that “everyone loves to hate”.

    It’s true, he would make a great choice to fool the people. He would also make a great choice as someone to catch the deep state off guard.

    Being a family man, with a good head on his shoulders and a son or two or three that have equally good heads on their shoulders…

    Which is more likely to motivate him?

    I can hardly believe he or his family would need more $, or would want to dismantle a nation that they helped build and that provides them with the most hope for a good future.

    If he were working for the cabal, why have so many in MSM hate on him from the beginning and continue to hate on him now?

    When Biden has a rally, no one shows up. Seriously. Why steal the election and needlessly prolong things, instead of giving the people what they want (75+ million voted for him)?

  2. NoFakeNews June 12, 2024 / 7:36 pm


  3. Roark June 12, 2024 / 6:18 pm

    Thank you John! I certainly appreciate your views also and it’s good to challenge each other and also nice to have a sense of belonging to a group that follows the truth, wherever it leads. 🙂

  4. NoFakeNews June 12, 2024 / 4:46 pm

    My opinions are only my opinions, Roark and therefore I may be wrong about Trump and many other things I write about. Time will tell us how effective or ineffective Trump and others might be and if he or others are genuine or not.

    Either way, I always appreciate your thoughts and willingness to participate here. It’s a much better platform when people like you contribute to the posts! 😀👍


  5. NoFakeNews June 12, 2024 / 8:50 am

    Thanks for sharing, Sandy!

    Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are all part of the same psyop, in my opinion, and I believe it’s always been that way. I don’t believe the system was once wholesome and was later corrupted. I think that the USA Incorporated was created and set up so that resident figurehead CEOs (POTUSs) could come and go through farcical election ceremonies to represent the corporation and not its citizens pretentiously.

    I know many people want to believe in one candidate over another because of the popularity fatigue associated with a current resident. Still, these people in all three existing parties are friends and just as committed to representing the CORPORATION and its far-reaching agendas.

    Remember that all CORPORATIONS liquidate or restructure their assets (depopulation programs) from time to time. Countries (CORPORATIONS) are no different and do this as well. I believe that resets and knowledge of their timing play into the corporate decisions made by all sovereign territories.

    People are always free to disagree with me or anyone else, but at the end of the day, the proof of my claim lies in the final results achieved by each resident’s administration.

    What changes from one administration to the next? Nothing! And even if one resident inserts temporary modifications into existing policies, they are most often reversed when another resident replaces the current one.

    Voting in a US presidential election is an exercise within a psyop that serves one purpose: to reassert in the public’s collective mind the idea that a Republic exists and that some limited form of democracy exists in the realm!


  6. sandy edwards June 12, 2024 / 8:05 am

    “If you believe that your vote matters and the election of a US president is essential, you have to be severely depressed at this point.”

    “That’s why the psyop’s organizers create drama concerning the Republican and Democratic candidates. The goal is to generate interest among the American people so that they will vote for one of two otherwise horrible people. If Americans participate in a tedious process that will never change anything, the psyop will be considered a success.”

    The whole thing is one huge distraction. In my opinion our time would be better spent ridding ourselves of the old system.


  7. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 6:05 pm

    It will be interesting moving forward, for sure, Roark.

    I am expecting another big psyop to hit the realm broadly by the end of 2025. I do not take the Deagel Report lightly, and this event, if it occurs, and I firmly believe that it will, is going to most likely take place in the first year of the next POTUS’s new term.

    I hope you are right and I am one hundred percent wrong about Trump for all of our future interests! 🙂


  8. Roark June 11, 2024 / 5:49 pm

    Indeed John,

    Even if much has been planned to fool the Trump supporters and in turn get him in, and even if we thus have handlers ourselves, the contrast between the evil of the Biden’s, Clintons, and Obamas, vs Trump seems so great, that No vote still feels like a vote for evil.

    Those known to kill or harm humanity, for some reason still seem to not want bad karma, so they seek “consent” from us in a sick way, before they do all their dastardly deeds.

    By letting them get away with their blatant crimes without challenging them through protest, waking others up and / or voting, is in a way like we are giving them our consent.

    This realm has been said to be a test. So perhaps even if it is a simulation that will be reset, we must do what we think will either help humanity, harm the cabal, or at least make our voices heard in some way. For each person it may be a little different.

  9. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 4:06 pm

    I appreciate the share, Roark! 🙂

    I do believe we will see Donald Trump win the election in November. I feel that has been the plan all along. We will see how it shakes out in the Fall.


  10. Roark June 11, 2024 / 3:27 pm


    We’ve seen how much the MSM Hates Trump. The Russia Russia Russia thing was ridiculous and tied his hands behind his back. That whole thing was made up and phony.

    Have you read Trump’s books? Even better, Donald Trump Jr.’s books?

    For the past 7 years, there have been so many people (outside of MSM) strongly advocating for Trump, including the Q Anon phenomenon, interpreting the thousands of posts and presenting many “comms” or code that Trump uses to communicate below the radar.

    Have some individuals been shown to be phony themselves? Of course.

    All I know is by 2002, I knew the events of September 11 in 2001 were NOT as we were told. And I have studied it and so many other false narratives since.

    Within the first few weeks of 2020’s COVID thingy, I knew it was likely NOT as we were told.

    When Alex Jones encouraged people to go to Washington on Jan 6 and Hardly Mentioned how Dangerous it could be (possible provocateurs), I knew something might be up.

    At every step, the Dems have been much more offensive (in every meaning) and disingenuous than the Republicans, Rinos notwithstanding.

    When I saw and continue to see the concrete evidence that Hillary and Bill are rotten and how determined Barack is, to destroy America, I know we’re not just looking at normal blue vs red (Coke vs Pepsi) times.

    I learned early on that the Democratic party is responsible for the KKK.

    The Republican party is hardly clean, but the Democratic party is evil to the core.

    I think there is some serious truth to the notion that since JFK was murdered, tens of thousands of patriots have been preparing to rid the world of some of the nastiest politicians, bankers and other leaches (like Soros and Gates) who don’t value any living thing besides themselves.

    This sort of thing would take serious planning and a really long time. Years. Decades perhaps!

    The deep state is comprised of evil people that have been compartmentalized and have been killing people by infiltrating countries and corporations for forever. They may appear to be “winning”, or as if they have the upper hand.

    Yet that would almost HAVE to be the case, wouldn’t it?

    Sun Tzu — the Art of War

  11. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 9:33 am

    I agree, Sandy, which is why I don’t participate in the psyop. It’s only my opinion and others are free to disagree and vote if they want to. 🙂


  12. sandy edwards June 11, 2024 / 8:53 am

    Exactly Dr. Reizer! I am just so frustrated at so many still complying. And voting is complying.

  13. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 8:44 am

    Thanks for sharing, Sandy! 🙂
    I have refrained from discussing the election stuff to this point for the most part. But I will write the following: in my opinion, Trump, Biden, and Kennedy represent the Establishment and not the American people.

    I have written many times before that the American political system, especially at the presidential level, is a psyop designed to suck people into believing that they have a chance and a choice to elect someone into a public office who theoretically represents their interests.

    If we are sincere in analyzing Trump and Biden, there’s nothing to like about either candidate. We have experienced four years of both men, and we still have a vaccine genocide in play and unending support for Zionism.

    Both Trump and Biden are beholden to big pharma, and for that reason alone, they are disqualified from getting another chance, in my view.

    But let’s be brutally honest here: nobody getting elected as POTUS moving forward is going to be free of lobbyists’ influence, big pharma, and Zionism, including RFK Jr.

    If you believe that your vote matters and the election of a US president is essential, you have to be severely depressed at this point.

    That’s why the psyop’s organizers create drama concerning the Republican and Democratic candidates. The goal is to generate interest among the American people so that they will vote for one of two otherwise horrible people. If Americans participate in a tedious process that will never change anything, the psyop will be considered a success.

    Look at the drama taking place in this year’s presidential election. Donald Trump has been convicted of multiple felony charges and is awaiting sentencing. I believe that those charges and convictions are ridiculous, but as of right now, they are what they are.

    How can Trump even qualify to run for president as a convicted felon?
    If you or I had been convicted of felony crimes and awaiting sentencing, do you honestly believe we could run for public office or get a job at Walmart?

    It’s all theater, Sandy, and none of it matters to the people who are in control of the Matrix.


  14. sandy edwards June 11, 2024 / 7:52 am

    Our Government is trying to kill us.  What about this statement do people not understand???  If you know the gov is killing us why on earth would you vote.   Why on earth would you be talking about Donald Trumps good points and making excuses for him.  I am sorry but at this point have no patience for these people.


  15. Anonymous June 10, 2024 / 9:02 pm

    Hi Roark,
    I wouldn’t say I like the idea of Biden for four more years. I would have to cast my vote for Trump again only because my stomach can’t handle the alternative.
    I don’t think RFK Jr. is a realistic option, so what are we left to choose from?
    I have been trying to convince myself that Trump was going along with the whole Vaxx thing for political reasons, not because he believed they were a suitable option for Americans.
    But Trump’s still talking about how great the shots are and I have a serious issue with his position and affection for the pharmaceutical industry in general.

  16. Roark June 10, 2024 / 8:33 pm


    Have you considered that Trump may have decided, in order to work with the country (and all that entails) that 3-5 year lockdowns (normal vax testing period) were riskier than the jab at the time?

    I remember reading that certain Walgreens locations were “caught” replacing jabs with vials of saline solution. I had to wonder at the time if it were just one or two rogue locations, or if there wasn’t something bigger going on!

    Too bad some people gave up on Trump after Biden’s “inauguration”. I say that in quotes because Derek Johnson explains that was no real inauguration!! It was a funeral and he explains it well!

    This discussion might also be interesting for some not wanting Biden again but not sure what is going on.

  17. NoFakeNews June 10, 2024 / 7:06 pm

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jim!

    I have not given much thought to the upcoming presidential election.


  18. NoFakeNews June 10, 2024 / 7:00 pm

    I hear you, Roark. I’m for stopping anything bad from taking place. 🙂


  19. Roark June 10, 2024 / 6:53 pm


    I’ll admit it. I don’t want to believe it. That said, I want to be a part of what puts an end to the resets!

  20. Anonymous June 10, 2024 / 6:33 pm

    Dr. Reizer,

    I remember finding nofakenews right around this time (2020) and the articles you were writing about Covid. Everything you were saying back then slowly became discussed in more and more places on alternative media sites. You were right about most things. I hated what happened to you, too!

    I was a big Trump guy and thought he was going to stop the vaccines, but was sadly disappointed with his support of the shots and Operation Warp Speed.

    What’s your take on the 2024 Presidential election? Do you even have a preference for who wins?

    Thanks for everything you do!


  21. NoFakeNews June 10, 2024 / 3:36 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Lisa! I appreciate your feedback and support. I know that your husband was affected by the plandemic as well.

    Many people were poisoned or made to believe an airborne virus infected them. People indeed became ill, me included, but the true causes of what was blamed as COVID-19 came from many other things and not a virus, in my opinion. I won’t go into all the explanations and details again that I have already covered frequently on NoFakeNews.

    Most people here already know what I am referring to.


  22. lhakes12 June 10, 2024 / 3:26 pm

    I will never forget what they did to my husband and my family either, John.

    And there is no doubt that you were on the Target List. You were heavily spreading the news about the truth and their agenda. I am sure that the controlling powers didn’t like that at all.

    Also, I think it’s possible that family was targeted as well, because of how I blamed the childhood vaccines for my son’s autism in my book, Subtle Sabotage, that I published in September of 2019. And then not long afterwards, my husband almost lost his life in March of 2020.
    I had no idea that the controlling powers were about to create a fake virus, and push vaccines through the roof.

    And the powers that be had many people fooled about this fake virus. Even those who were already mostly awake in many respects, such the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. However, it’s great that he finally saw the light about it. If only more would see the light, too.


    Viruses are Exosomes

    “What we are calling a virus, is actually the cells in your body producing Exosomes to remove dead cells and toxins. The elimination of toxic matter from the body creates symptoms, which we have been taught to believe in a cold or flu. The human body purges toxins and dead cells at the same time the weather changes from hot to cold, just l the like when the trees know when to shed their leaves. Research Antoine Bechamp and his terrain model. Germ theory is a hoax, there is no such thing as a contagious virus.” – @disobey_authority

    Germ Theory is a Weapon

    “Germ Theory is a scientifically proven lie. An illness is formed internally (Terrain Theory) The main cause of illness is dehydration and malnutrition. Human made chemicals and toxins destroy the health of those with a compromised immune system. Our health is determined by what we eat, drink, think, say and do. Germ Theory has been used as a weapon to induce fear, trauma, panic, and control. Over humanity, for well over a century. Experiments have proven that humans cannot pass disease from one to another. The Rockefellers, and Rothschilds of this world, indoctrinate us with nothing but deceit and lies…To sell us poisons petroleum based pharmaceuticals. Humanity needs to research before consenting to the abuse of our children. Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a great place to start unlearning, and relearning. “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.”-Hippocrates

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