People continue to ask me: Which religion provides us with the truth about spirituality?

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Dr. John Reizer

Unless I am missing something big, men and women, not God, wrote every biblical text that has ever been penned in this realm, and we already know from prior experiences that men and women tend to embellish the truth. It’s not the words of God that are often read or quoted from the good books; it’s the words of human beings!

I’ve studied anatomy and physiology and worked on human cadavers in college. It was a humbling experience for me, and I realized early in my studies that the intelligent design of our bodies was so complex that it’s pretty unlikely we would ever fully understand how human beings function.

If you ever had an opportunity to study the body, you already know how magnificent it is. The neurological circuitry alone is breathtaking. Organs, tissues, and cells all function simultaneously to maintain a living being that can repair itself when it encounters physiological challenges; there should be little doubt, if any, in a person’s mind that we’re not walking around in this realm by accident. Something brilliant has designed humans, animals, plant life, the universe, and any other physical matter in the Matrix.

Throughout my life, personal friends and acquaintances have approached me, wanting to know my religious beliefs and if I’d ever consider attending their church.

When I explained that I don’t follow/worship a particular deity or subscribe to a specific belief system and that organized religion is not something I desire to have in my life, my friends wanted to know why I am an atheist. Some even seemed to work harder to convert me to their spiritual reasoning.

It’s funny how people assume a person is an atheist because they do not embrace an organized belief system.

I am not an atheist! I believe there is an intelligent, creative force that I and everyone else are forever linked to. In my opinion, all people are connected to the universe’s creative force. Because I choose not to personify the creator, in my mind, does not make me less spiritual than someone who attends a formal church service every week.

Sometimes, people become downright nasty when they discover your spiritual beliefs are different from most members of the surrounding community. In most situations, I try to keep such information private. I believe a person’s beliefs are a private matter. How I connect or communicate with whatever intelligence has designed us is my business. The last time I checked, there was no definitive proof any organized belief system had confirmed, one hundred percent, that their perception of spiritual reality was correct.

Please understand that I am not writing this article criticizing any organized belief system. I respect a person’s right to believe anything they desire.

Although I don’t personally agree with the common practice of worshipping named deities because I feel doing so actually inhibits spiritual growth, I do believe I am a very spiritual person.

In my opinion, worshipping something that is inherently a part of my physical and spiritual existence is counterproductive. Every living and nonliving thing in this realm is the direct expression of a Vast Intelligence.

The simple truth is that not every person is an atheist simply because they don’t embrace one of the socially accepted organized belief constructs.

No person can state, with absolute certainty, which religion provides us with the truth about spirituality. No matter how much we believe or disbelieve in something, it has no bearing on a particular belief construct’s integrity or lack thereof.

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