Never Forget: Population Resets Regularly Occur in Our Realm Whether We Want to Believe It or Not!

Mike Adams:

Never Forget:

Your Government Tried to Murder You!

Shared by Sandy Edwards

I will never forget what ‘they’ did to me, Mike!

In July 2020, I was in the process of writing the novella PLANDEMIC. The story was published on the Amazon platform on August 31, 2020. It was my warning to the world about what was happening then and what would happen in the future. When people read the story now and see the publication date, they undoubtedly scratch their heads and probably wonder how I knew at that time what would happen in real life.

Boy, I received hateful comments and reviews after writing and publishing that story. I  wonder how those fools look at things today if they are still experiencing the realm after getting jabbed despite being given a fair warning.

I knew that COVID-19 was a hoax early on because of my professional education and from studying microbiology many years earlier. I paid attention in college and did something most people can’t; I applied critical thinking skills to the bullshit presented and figured out what was possible and impossible concerning germ theory!

I wrote an article in September 2020 that addressed Mike Adams’s claim that sars-cov-2 was an actual virus. The Health Ranger cautioned people like me and a few others to stop writing the virus is fake. He believed in September 2020; the COVID-19 virus was genuine. Mike Adams has since changed his tune and now understands the virus is fake!

Here’s what I wrote days before being poisoned!

In August 2021, most scientists and whistleblowers speaking out against the plandemic are still clinging to the idea that sars-cov-2 is a naturally occurring or weaponized viral microbe. But more people are starting to come around and finally see the writing on the wall — there’s no virus and no COVID-19 disease. Many people have been hoodwinked into believing the screenplay that has been directed and produced by a very clever group of professional writers is real.

The genuine threat to humanity are the bioweapon vaccines being distributed worldwide. The spike proteins created in vaccine recipients will sterilize and murder billions of people.

Do not take the vaccines under any circumstances whatsoever, including the threat of losing your job!”

–  Reizer, August 2021

Dr. John Reizer

No, I will never forget what was done to me and my family. I will never forget the pain and suffering I endured or how my career as a healthcare practitioner suddenly ended.

Take a good look at my eyes in the photo above and ask yourself if that looks like the eyes of someone who has forgotten the individuals responsible for harming him and his family!

Coming in the future to explain our hidden past!

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