What’s Wrong with These Photos?

Where are the stars?

South Korean spacecraft 12/31/22

Where are the stars?

Artemis 1 — 2022

Where are the stars?

Apollo 11 — 1969

Here are the stars!

Hubble Telescope – NASA
James Webb Telescope — NASA

Why is it that the Hubble and James Webb telescopes can capture amazing-looking star clusters, and Apollo, Artemis, and the South Koreans couldn’t’ find a single one?


The Blue Marble

A Novella by John Reizer

“The Blue Marble delivers some rather entertaining reading, the action sequences are reasonably well-detailed, and the overall story arc creates enough suspense for one to wonder if there is a sequel somewhere in the works. This is talented storytelling on a completely different level.” — Readers’ Favorite Reviews

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From the Author


I wanted to provide some additional information about The Blue Marble so that people will better understand my reasons for writing the short story and the rationale I employed to create the plot logic. Additionally, I wanted to explain some of the components of the story that might seem odd to readers but are an integral part of what I was trying to present to my audience.

The Sumerian Artifact (The Blue Marble), the mystery object in the story, represents the (CPU) Central Processing Unit of a simulation that human beings perceive as life on Earth. When the mystery object is too close to the simulation (Earth), it becomes unstable and capable of wreaking havoc on the planet.

A technologically advanced alien civilization placed The Blue Marble on the Moon because the planetoid was the appropriate distance to keep the artifact in its most stable condition.

Readers have asked why didn’t the characters in the story move the object by aircraft to its final destination instead of using an automobile. The answer to that question is because of the object’s instability issues and unique ability to imprint on its handlers. Transport out of Area 51 always goes via air through McCarren Airport in Las Vegas. The plan was to airlift the object to Reno and transport The Blue Marble inside a specially equipped military truck to its final destination in Florida.

In space and on the Moon, The Sumerian Artifact remained stable and harmless to Earth. After the Apollo astronauts transported the object back to Earth, the instability issues became noticeable. The artifact had to be secured and stabilized in a deep underground base at Area 51.

The interludes written into the story that discussed the Apollo 11 astronauts’ voyage to the Moon in 1969 are an integral part of the story. Throughout those passages, there are meaningful conversations between the crew where they discuss that they could not see the stars or any other celestial objects once they left Low Earth Orbit (LEO). These conversations represent actual Apollo astronaut interviews where crew members claimed that the stars were not visible in space. These explanations came forward after the photographs on the Moon and from outer space showed no starlight in the photos.

Within the construct of the novella, the absence of starlight and the astronauts’ inability to see other celestial objects are clues that the Earth, the stars, and the universe are a virtual reality game or a simulation.

The Blue Marble suggests that life is not what we think it might be, that the space program as we know it today is based on disinformation and that space travel, as we have been led to believe, is impossible.

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2 thoughts on “What’s Wrong with These Photos?

  1. NoFakeNews June 15, 2024 / 8:42 am

    I appreciate the kind words, Lisa. 🙂

  2. lhakes12 June 15, 2024 / 8:25 am

    There is no other novel out there like “The Blue Marble,” John. And, yes, it’s a mystery. And it does leave you asking questions. But that is what is so special and intriguing about it. It makes you think about the universe in an entirely different way than what we have been taught. What is reality? Is anything as it really seems?

    A brilliantly executed novel!👍


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