The Target List movie is more important than you might have thought!

Dr. John Reizer

If you honestly believe modern medicine is interested in eliminating Cancers or any other diseases, think again!

I believe many healthcare consumers are under the false impression that there’s medical research currently underway to try to eradicate all human ailments.

Cancer treatments are part of a lucrative medical monopoly – a business enterprise that makes billions of dollars each year. The pharma corporations will protect indefinitely the Cancer money-making machine.

As someone who has a pretty good understanding of human physiology and what a proper expression of health can mean for human beings, I can say with considerable confidence that there will never be a single cure for Cancer.

Cancer is not a single disease process so much as it is a situation where the human body cannot express itself from a physiological standpoint adequately.

In my opinion, Cancers arise from various artificial interferences introduced to natural body pathways essential to maintaining a full expression of health.

Where do the artificial interferences that lead to the genesis of Cancers come from? I will leave the answer to that question to readers’ imaginations.

When people can finally understand fully the enormous financial incentives that exist for pharma companies to keep Cancer alive and well in modern society, then and only then will the true importance of our movie’s underlying message become appreciated.

Target List, the feature film, is an action-adventure story that explores a vast medical conspiracy and answers an essential question people have wondered about for many years: would big pharma prevent legitimate cures for Cancers (an enormous number of intellectual properties) solely for monetary gain?

Please take the time to watch our film; it’s more important than you might have thought!


The Big Pharma Conspiracy Movie

Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

Critical Reviews

“Rachel Alig is terrific as Donna while Justin Ray as Clyde also manages to impress. Combining witty commentary with a constant threat to life, script writers Palo and Reizer develop a narrative that is funny and charming while ensuring that none of the thrill and danger is lost in the process.”


“Drama, thrills, comedy and so much more: Directors Andrew Arguello and MJ Palo’s Target List has all the fixings of a great movie. Combining a fantastic cast with the witty writing of MJ Palo and John Reizer, whichever way you flip this film, it lands on its feet with feline agility.”


“The script by Palo with John Reizer, for the most part, rides that perfect balance between its more dramatic moments and perfectly placed moments of humor that never distract. While they’re probably not going to get invited to any big pharma conventions anytime soon, Reizer and Palo have a point, and they make it beautifully.”

“Target List is a great view for anyone who wants a compelling and suspenseful flick with a message that matters.”


Gareth Icke – Derby, England

“Target List had me on the edge of my seat throughout. Not the least because of its believability!


From Mad Wife Productions

Our film addresses a well-known conspiracy theory within modern medicine that subscribes to the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is willing to hold back and even destroy healthcare inventions and discoveries that might help humanity have a better expression of health for the pursuit of monetary gain.


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Inventing a cancer cure was their first mistake!

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©Target List LLC

9 thoughts on “The Target List movie is more important than you might have thought!

  1. NoFakeNews April 27, 2024 / 4:30 pm


  2. lhakes12 April 27, 2024 / 11:47 am


  3. NoFakeNews April 27, 2024 / 10:01 am

    Another great share by you, Lisa! 🙂

    And no, shark cartilage will not cure cancer today or in the future. 🤣

    Again, we must consider Cancers as interferences plugged into natural physiological pathways. When things in our bodies become dammed up, abnormal cellular behavior begins to manifest throughout tissues, organs, and, eventually, organ systems. If we remove the interferences or reset the cellular expressions, then and only then can Cancers be reversed. This worthy objective cannot be achieved through the introduction of natural or synthetic components, in my opinion.

    The reason I chose the WAND instrument in Target List as the ‘cancer cure ‘ and not a drug or natural supplement is because I wanted to teach people subtly that there can be no chemical cure to something that is not an actual disease but rather a wide assortment of bad physiological expressions caused by artificial interferences. The novel goes more into the details of the WAND’s mechanics and rationale than the movie does. It would have been too expensive for production to get into all of that, cinematically speaking, considering the budget we were working with.


  4. NoFakeNews April 27, 2024 / 9:36 am

    I appreciate your feedback and support, Roark! We will keep fighting here because that is part of our collective experience and what we must do to improve the quality of our lives.

    All the best! 🙂


  5. lhakes12 April 27, 2024 / 9:36 am

    I believe what we put into our bodies over the long haul is of great importance to our health, John. Although that is becoming very hard for us to control. They poison us in every way imaginable. It’s in our food, water and air. And the pharmaceuticals are at the top of the list with their venomous injections and drugs.

    But I do believe in natural healing from the earth and its vibrations. Although that probably only goes so far, depending on the severity of the situation.

    However, I do also think that there is much about this electromagnetic simulation we are living in that we are not being given the knowledge to.

    But we have to first wake up to the evil surrounding us. And the Big Pharma is at the very top of that list. So, yes, John. I agree with you that the Target List is even more important than we ever thought. Because Its greed and determination to eradicate mankind is abominable, and the film helps to depict this.

    And I have no clue as to whether these other so-called cures have any validity or not. Although I highly doubt it. But I have been also hearing on the radio every morning lately that shark cartilage is supposed to help cancer. Because they claim that sharks don’t get cancer. Although I also doubt very much that there is any truth to this proposed cure either. In addition, that doesn’t sound very good for the sharks if they start using their cartilage in supplements. However, Big Pharma might be a bit upset about this idea because it might take away some of their business.


    And this following article seems to back up what you say, John, about there not being a single cure for cancer.

    Mythbusting 101: Sharks will cure cancer:
    Christie Wilcox

    “Sharks are incredible animals. Whether you fear them or love them, or a bit of both, they’ve dominated our oceans for hundreds of of millions of years, and still manage to evoke powerful emotions from us.

    But as amazing as they are, they are not going to cure cancer.

    First off, there will never be a ‘cure for cancer.’ Not now, not in 50 years, no matter how much we know about cancers form and spread.

    You see, there can’t be a cure for cancer, because cancer isn’t a single disease. Cancer is a category of diseases, like rock is a category of music. While rock music is characterized by being song-based, usually with a 4/4 beat and a verse-chorus form, cancer is characterized by cell growth gone terribly wrong, allowing a group of cells to grow uncontrollably. Not all cancers are the same either. Some cancers are slow growing, some are fast. Some are fatal, others go away on their own.

    The thing is, there is no universal trait to all cancers that can be attacked with one treatment, except for the fact that they are cells that grow out of control. Thus a universal cure for cancer would have to be something that prevented and reversed cell growth, which will never, ever be safe to take over an extended period of time. You need cells to grow and replicate in your body – not just when and where they shouldn’t be.

    The treatment for a given cancer is heavily dependent on where it is and what it’s doing.”

  6. NoFakeNews April 27, 2024 / 9:30 am

    Thank you, Sandy, for recognizing the film’s importance from the beginning of the project’s announcement. Target List is one of the most important stories I have ever written because of its underlying message.

    When I wrote the novel in 2019, COVID-19 wasn’t even a thought in people’s minds. Yet, the threat posed by Big Pharma has been present for society’s members since the industry’s inception or reintroduction into the realm by the controlling powers.


  7. sandy edwards April 27, 2024 / 8:07 am

    Not only is Target List important but a Great Movie to boot! Thanks for reminding us about the obvious cancer racket. I have seen to many people suffer and die from this huge lie.

  8. Roark April 27, 2024 / 2:13 am


    I agree and feel Target List is key, since health is key!

    Of course it’s “obvious” to some of us, but others have some catching up to do.

    I’d say: Never say never. And the fact that you did is good because it increases the odds (just slightly) of you being incorrect (about there never being a cure/cures).

    As you point out or suggest, there could be multiple causes. Which means, there are multiple things to reduce or cut out of our lives, to try and avoid it. I’ll admit avoidance is different from a cure, but it’s a start.

    Also, didn’t I just read in one post on No Fake News, that cancer could be largely caused by snake venom that has been intentionally placed into our diet, vaccines, etc?

    Blessings to you and your followers, myself included! 😉

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