If you like alien stories, dads, I’ve got you covered this Father’s Day!

Dr. John Reizer

I wish all the dads visiting NoFakeNews a Happy Father’s Day. Enjoy the holiday with the children and special people in your life.

Science Fiction by John Reizer

Order all three books here!

The Matrix Reloaded Yet Again

Coming in the future to explain our hidden past

Things are much different than they appear!

Target List – A Feature Film

Over One Million Movie Views

Curing cancer was their first mistake!

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©Target List LLC

These Books Make Great Gifts For The Holidays!

Proceeds Keep NoFakeNews Up and Running!


The Blue Marble

On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the Moon. Apollo 11’s historic expedition to the lunar surface was much more than one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

Available on Kindle for $0.99

A Novella By John Reizer

When NASA decided to commit its financial resources to the Apollo program, it had something else in mind besides collecting a few moon rocks.

Unbeknownst to American taxpayers, who funded the Apollo missions, the nation’s space agency had its eyes fixed on a more valuable prize in The Sea of Tranquility.

In a race against the Russians, the American government set out to locate and bring back to Earth a secret artifact – The Blue Marble – that had been discussed in a classified Nazi document recovered by the American military near the end of World War II.

According to the document, the artifact had been described in great detail by the ancient Sumerians in cuneiform texts that were over four thousand years old.

The Blue Marble is an ancient relic with supernatural powers capable of causing great harm to Earth. The Sumerian civilization considered the artifact so dangerous that they asked an extraterrestrial race of beings to hide the object where no human beings could ever get their hands on it — the Moon.

More than five decades after Apollo brought the ancient relic back from the Moon; The Blue Marble is missing and threatening the planet’s stability. In a race against time, NSA Agent Rachel Sparks has been assigned to find the Sumerian Artifact before the object destroys the human race.

Available on Kindle for $0.99



On December 31, 2019, a novel coronavirus was mysteriously contracted by several people at a food market in Wuhan, China. The illness rapidly spread to different countries and eventually across Europe and the United States.

After a short period, world health regulatory agencies warned the global community that nobody had a natural immunity to the mysterious virus, and there would be massive casualties.

Dr. Julie Reiner, a chiropractor, and Donald Barnes, a lab technologist both from New Jersey, meet in New York City at The Event in October 2019, a simulated exercise about a world pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus. The two part-time crisis actors form a close romantic relationship along with a strong suspicion that a brand-new infectious disease rapidly spreading throughout the world is a hoax and mysteriously tied to the simulated event they worked.

While most people in the wood remain paralyzed by fear from the nonexistent virus, a shadow government is busy at work, behind the scenes, preparing a diabolical vaccine for every living person on the planet.

Plandemic is a medical science fiction thriller about a global psyop that has the entire world convinced an infectious disease is killing the planet’s population. The fake event has the potential to permanently destabilize world economies and forever change social paradigms that have existed through the eons of time. Will the planet’s citizens wake up in time to figure out what is happening?

The Visitors — A Novella

Buy The Visitors on Amazon.com

The Visitors

Henry Dalton awakens on a Saturday morning seated alongside his longtime friend and law colleague, Roberta Stratton. Surrounded by shards of broken glass and wearing blood-stained clothes, the two attorneys are disoriented and suffering from time and memory loss.

Unbeknownst to Henry, eight hours earlier, he was abruptly awakened during the night by a home invader. Unsure of what was happening, he made his way through the darkened house armed with a 9mm handgun.

Seconds later, Henry was standing face to face with a mysterious shadowy figure. In a moment of panic, he fired several rounds from the weapon wounding the uninvited guest.

After switching on the lights, Henry learned the visitor was not human and not alone.

Set in the backwoods of Upstate South Carolina, Henry Dalton is enmeshed with the visitors — an alien race of beings who have traveled a considerable distance to reveal secrets that have vital connections to his family life.

Aftermath – A Novella

Aftermath by [John Reizer]


After witnessing a brilliant flash of light in the December evening sky, Kyle Wilson is stranded in a dark and different world from the one he previously remembered.

Automobiles, cell phones, computers, and simple flashlights are inoperable because of a mysterious occurrence.

As Kyle attempts to make sense of what has happened to his community located in the Upstate of South Carolina, he encounters strong resistance from local law enforcement officers.

In the aftermath of the crisis, Kyle and his next-door neighbor, Angel McClure, set out to uncover the incredible truth about a massive, impenetrable barrier rumored to be located 30 miles outside the city. It’s a barrier that separates one reality from another.

Purchase Book on Amazon

False Memory

A novella by John Reizer

False Memory by John Reizer

False Memory:

On his twelfth birthday, Shane Simmons stared through the lens of a small telescope observing the illumination of the full Moon. The view was spectacular; he saw the crater-laden surface with perfect clarity. That was until Shane watched the Earth’s satellite disappear right in front of his eyes.

The Moon’s disappearance was something the 12-year-old would never forget for the remainder of his life, and the rest of the world would never be able to remember.

What happened to the Moon, and why couldn’t people recall the fact it once existed in Earth’s sky?

Why did the entire world’s population, except for Shane, have a false memory about one of the most recognizable objects previously known to human beings?

CLICK HERE to Buy on Amazon.com

The Homecoming

A novella by John Reizer

In the year 2036, Earth faces a natural disaster that alters modern society. The world is thrown into chaos and becomes devoid of the most advanced technology. The United States, China, Russia, and other superpowers are quickly reduced in strength and prominence.

The survivors are determined not to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors as they methodically rebuild society from the ground up. A New World Government is created and runs the planet; it has outlawed the existence of sovereign countries and all acts of war.

As the global community enjoys world peace for the first time in Earth’s history, humans are suddenly contacted by an extraterrestrial race of beings called the Tresantarians. The alien species is mysteriously connected to the people of Earth and immediately offers humanity a fantastic gift. But there’s a catch, and the people of Earth are about to uncover a mind-bending secret about the extraterrestrials that will forever change the way humans view life, the Tresantarians, and most importantly themselves.

Click here to buy it on Amazon!


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Frequency — A Novella by John Reizer

Black Rock Observatory, in Tryon, North Carolina, is a privately-owned radio telescope searching for extraterrestrial life. The facility’s giant satellite dish hits pay dirt on New Year’s Eve 2024 as a graduate student, Ronald Phillips records a strange alien message from a distant galaxy.

A press conference ensues, and the country is informed of the discovery through national television. The recording uploads quickly on Black Rock’s website, and the alien message goes viral. Public reaction is enthusiastic, and the observatory gains publicity through news and social media outlets.

After the recording’s release, many people become infected by a mystery illness. The disease causes tumors in the brains of its victims and noticeable changes in their personalities. Some of the stricken are interviewed by two neurosurgeons, Drs. Kevin Dyar and James Ketterly. Their research leads them to an unthinkable conclusion; the cause of the disease is connected to the observatory.

In a race against time, the neurosurgeons desperately search for a cure to an alien plague that has originated 2.2 billion light-years from Earth.

The Target List

WAND is a revolutionary new medical tool that cures diseased tissues in human beings without the use of drugs or surgery. After ten years of design and production, the technology has a 95% success rate in curing most forms of cancer in animals and human beings.

The brainchild of 48-year-old Harvard Medical School graduate, Clyde Daniel, WAND (Wave-Altering-Nanoparticle-Disrupter), is going to move the profession of medicine out of the dark ages and into something that closely resembles science fiction.


That is, unless the pharmaceutical industry, which stands to lose billions of dollars in lost drug revenues, can intervene with its hired assassins and destroy the technology and its team of creators before it ever has a chance to see the light of day.


The brainchild of 48-year-old Harvard Medical School graduate, Clyde Daniel, WAND (Wave-Altering-Nanoparticle-Disrupter), is going to move the profession of medicine out of the dark ages and into something that closely resembles science fiction. That is, unless the pharmaceutical industry, which stands to lose billions of dollars in lost drug revenues, can intervene with its hired assassins and destroy the technology and its team of creators before it ever has a chance to see the light of day.

The Target List is a medical science fiction thriller, a real pause-resister that will have listeners hooked from the first chapter through the very end of the book.

Click here to purchase an audiobook!




“Curing Cancer Was Their First Mistake!”

Rachel Alig in Target List

Feature Film Coming in 2023

Updates on Frequency Novella and other Creative Projects in the Works

By Dr. John Reizer

I know there are very important happenings taking place throughout the world and I assure readers that I will be covering them on this website in the weeks and months to follow. I have been working on NoFakeNews for eight years. It’s absolutely amazing how fast time flies.

I wanted to offer everybody a little information about what’s going on concerning my writing projects. That’s pretty much what this post is about. I hope you don’t find the updates too boring; they’re important to me and my family.

For the past year or so, I have been writing day and night; working on several novels and giving my input to another writer working on the screenplay for The Target List which we are both hopeful will become a movie in the not too distant future.

In addition to that news, I am fortunate to have been asked to participate in an exciting new television series that will be released later in 2020. The television series, NO VIRTUE, is currently in preproduction and scheduled to begin filming in June 2020. I am currently a co-executive producer for two episodes.

No Virtue was written and will be directed by MJ Palo and others. MJ Palo is also writing the screenplay for The Target List.

My latest novella, FREQUENCY, was published and released on January 11, 2020, and is off to an amazing start. Frequency has received very positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and was such a fun story to write. I have always had a fascination about life existing beyond the parameters of Earth and this science fiction tale takes a long swim in those waters; exploring the possibility that alien life could be sent to our world by an extraterrestrial species through a radio frequency that has traveled 2.2 billion light-years across the universe. It’s a fun, quick read that most people seem to enjoy.

Frequency was a busy book on Amazon in February 2022.

The Frequency novella is currently in production to become an audiobook on the Audible platform in April 2020. Allen Grunerud, the narrator of The Target List audiobook will be the narrator of Frequency. I will post updates as that project progresses.

Nine years ago, I wrote a very short story (Novellete) titled, TRESANTARAS. I have been rewriting that manuscript into a more fully developed novella that will be published very soon under a brand-new title. I will let readers know more about this project once it is published.

Thanks for reading!

Interview with John Reizer, Author of Frequency

04 Feb 2020

What can you tell us about your new release, Frequency?

My latest novella, Frequency is a science fiction story that takes place in the year 2025 in North Carolina.

The story is centered on a fictional radio telescope that records an alien message from a distant galaxy. Shortly after the discovery is announced to the public through a national press conference and uploaded on the observatory’s website, people become affected by a mysterious illness that sweeps through the United States. The disease creates brain tumors in those infected and drastically alters their personalities.



As the story progresses, two neurosurgeons investigating the epidemic come to the amazing realization that the disease is somehow connected to the alien radio message and the observatory.

I believe readers will enjoy Frequency because of how the novella blends fiction with real science. It was a lot of fun to write the book and I am hopeful science fiction fans will find it entertaining.

What or who inspired you to become an author?

I have always enjoyed writing since I was a young boy. At age twelve, I was on a baseball team that captured a world championship at the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

The experience inspired me to write a book about the team and our accomplishments. It was published in my freshman year of high school and I have been in love with writing ever since.

Read more of the interview here!

Win A Free Copy of My New Novella, Frequency from Goodreads

January 23 – February 4

The Goodreads Frequency

Book Giveaway

I am giving away 100 copies of my new novella, Frequency through Goodreads. Be sure to enter the contest for your chance to win one of these copies on January 23 – February 4, 2020. On February 5, 2020, 100 random contestants will be selected and the copies will be distributed to the winners by Goodreads. Good luck to everybody!

John Reizer – Author

Frequency by John Reizer


by John Reizer

Giveaway ends February 04, 2020.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway


Review of Frequency Novella

Reviewed by Trudi LoPreto for Readers’ Favorite

Black Rock Observatory receives a chilling radio transmission from what student Ronald Phillips believes is an alien message from a very distant galaxy. It is New Year’s Eve, 2024, and Ronald expected a quiet night of work as the telescope searched for extraterrestrial life. When scientists become aware of the recording, they are excited and anxious to check it out and share it with the world. A recording is uploaded and the public listens and is excited and anxious. The story quickly shifts to a scary problem of people getting sick and acting strangely. As two doctors, Kevin Dyar and James Ketterly, study and investigate this strange new sickness, they realize that it might be the result of the alien recording. It becomes obvious that the disease is somehow linked to the Observatory and the alien message. After weeks of study and the strange ailments continuing, it becomes a do or die situation to find an answer.


Frequency is a suspenseful science fiction story that is only 150 pages but in those pages, an amazingly interesting story is told. I am not a true science fiction genre reader but sometimes a book catches my eye and sounds too good to pass up. Frequency fits this bill and I am happy to say I was not disappointed. Frequency has all of the elements needed to make this a hard to put down book. Author John Reizer knows how to put all of the pieces together to write a story that will keep you intrigued and on the edge of your seat until the very last page. Frequency is a thrilling must-read.

Purchase Ebook for $0.99

Click Here to win Frequency and other books in Readers’ Favorite monthly book giveaway.

Frequency – A Novella by John Reizer

I have been working on this story for several months and wanted to share it with readers. Zero conspiracies this time, but I think people will find it interesting nonetheless. As has been the case with most of my stories, FREQUENCY is fast-paced and a quick read. I believe it’s entertaining and thought-provoking. Any honest reviews on Amazon or other platforms are appreciated.

Click Here to Purchase ebook!

Frequency –

Black Rock Observatory, in Tryon, North Carolina, is a privately-owned radio telescope searching for extraterrestrial life. The facility’s giant satellite dish hits pay dirt on New Year’s Eve 2024 as a graduate student, Ronald Phillips records a strange alien message from a distant galaxy.

A press conference ensues, and the country is informed of the discovery through national television. The recording uploads quickly on Black Rock’s website, and the alien message goes viral. Public reaction is enthusiastic, and the observatory gains publicity through news and social media outlets.

After the recording’s release, many people become infected by a mystery illness. The disease causes tumors in the brains of its victims and noticeable changes in their personalities. Some of the stricken are interviewed by two neurosurgeons, Drs. Kevin Dyar and James Ketterly. Their research leads them to an unthinkable conclusion; the cause of the disease is connected to the observatory.

In a race against time, the neurosurgeons desperately search for a cure to an alien plague that has originated 2.2 billion light-years from Earth.