Three psyops have made us clueless about where we come from, where we are, and where we are going

Dr. John Reizer

Is it any wonder why most of us can’t figure out what’s going on in the world? We have no idea where we are, where we come from, or where we are heading in the future. Our understanding of time and spatial placement inside this holographic construct or realm is regularly distorted by our controllers to the point that we believe we are on a spinning ball hurtling through space at outrageous speeds and have been doing so for billions of years.

Big Bang, dinosaurs, and space exploration are the three psyops that have cemented our confusion inside the Matrix.

Dinosaurs in Space

Big Bang wants us to believe that we are the product of an explosion that occurred billions of years ago and that the debris field resulting from the blast formed the organized intelligent matter of our universe. The most important thing that this ridiculous story provides is a false reference point in time for humans – billions of years!

Dinosaurs give humans proof that Earth is very old. We are told that dinosaurs existed many millions of years ago, before the debris field resulting from the Big Bang even had a chance to turn dust into humans.

The fossilized remains of giant lizards prove that dinosaurs existed way before people because science has a tool that can date the fossilized remains.

The only problem is that the dating tool used by scientists to date dinosaurs reports that Dino is only a few thousand years old. You see, carbon dating techniques don’t work too well on fossilized organic matter, but don’t worry,  science assures us that the fossilization or petrification of bones and other stuff takes millions of years to occur.

Space exploration gives humans further proof that the Big Bang happened billions of years ago because science can see the remnants of dust and stars that came from the explosion through magical glasses (telescopes). So, because science has telescopes we can be sure that the Big Bang Theory is completely accurate. There’s no need whatsoever to question officialdom.

Anyone who questions the three insanely ridiculous narratives aforementioned is labeled a conspiracy theorist or someone who is anti-science.

I am just going to come out and say what many others are afraid to say for a myriad of reasons – science is three-quarters bullshit and one-quarter partial truth and there needs to be a very heavy emphasis placed on the bullshit part!

Science in general is a protected domain, and contrary to popular opinion, things don’t change in that field unless the controllers of our realm say so.

A rapid petrification process was recently patented by a major university that demonstrates that the fossilization of organic matter can occur in seconds if the proper amount of heat is introduced. I have written about rapid petrification on NoFakeNews before – click here!

So, what we are told by science takes millions of years to occur doesn’t really. Gee, that’s a big gaping hole in the picture of officialdom. In fact, there are plenty of reports by men and women working for power companies that state when some trees get hit by lightning, they become instantly petrified.

Because carbon dating tools can’t accurately date fossilized bones and other things, does it mean that samples tested that have been instantly petrified would register as being a few thousand years old? Uh, yes!

There’s no mention of dinosaurs anywhere in our realm before the 1800s. Do you know why? Because dinosaurs never existed, dragons did. The giant lizard-like instantly petrified bones found littering our realm are the remains of dragons. There were many different species of dragons here and they lived with human beings not that long ago. This is the reason why nearly every human culture in existence wrote and drew pictures of dragons and not dinosaurs.

In the 1800s and after the most recent reset of this holographic construct, science renamed dragons and called them dinosaurs. Then science convinced everyone that the fossilized remains were millions of years old and that dragons were mythical creatures that never existed.

Space exploration! There’s nobody in our realm exploring outer space because space travel as it’s been described by science fiction narratives (NASA) is not currently taking place, nor has it ever taken place, in my considered opinion. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles – not a thing; nuclear weapons – more science fiction nonsense; it’s right up there with sars-cov-2.

Earth or the 3-D holographic virtual reality construct we are living in is much different in its size and shape than what we have been taught to believe, in my opinion.

I also believe that the historical narratives we have grown up believing to be true are not anything even close to representing the realm or spatial placement we avatars temporarily occupy while garnering experiential knowledge inside this artificial construct we refer to as Earth.

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4 thoughts on “Three psyops have made us clueless about where we come from, where we are, and where we are going

  1. NoFakeNews June 29, 2024 / 11:24 am

    Thanks for sharing, Roark! 🙂

  2. Roark June 29, 2024 / 10:40 am
  3. NoFakeNews June 28, 2024 / 9:34 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Lisa! Everything the controllers do is tied to sleight-of-hand deceptive strategies and they are the reason we have been lied to about reality since we entered this place.
    I like the piece written by James W. Lee. 👍


  4. lhakes12 June 28, 2024 / 9:24 pm

    An all around fascinating article, John. Especially for those who can see the truth in the midst of all this storytelling .

    Although I must admit, the storytellers have become quite creative with their many lies. And so much so that most people are intrigued and what to believe them. They want to believe that there were carnivorous and vegetarian dinosaurs, even though dragons are what have known and recorded throughout the world. And they want to believe that there were explosions in the universe, and that there is space that goes to infinity and beyond!

    But it has all been designed to blind us of our real history, and to confuse us as to who and what we are really about. Which are souls that have been downloaded into avatars. And that there is a great power within each of us merely through our thoughts and our meditation.

    And I believe that is what the controllers fear us learning the most, and will do anything possible to keep us subservient to them. They want us to believe that we are powerless. And it all begins with “lies”.

    And those who seek to understand the truth are shunned, and labeled conspiracy theorists.


    “Those who are able to see
    beyond the shadows and lies of
    their culture will never be
    understood, let alone believed,
    by the masses.” – Plato

    BY James W. Lee

    Your Entire Reality Is An Elaborate Manipulation

    SCIENCE is contributed via INTIMIDATION
    MEDICINE is carried via COERCION
    KNOWLEDGE is destroyed via CENSORSHIP
    SUPPRESSION is achieved viaTAXATION
    SUBVSERVIENCE is engineered via FEAR
    NEWS is falsified via PROPAGANDA
    POLICE STATE is justified via STAGED TERROR
    CULTURE is reshaped via PROGRAMMING
    PERCEPTION is altered via PSYOPS

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