By Ashley Hayes

While Americans are being fed reports about a presidential debate, immigration, celebrity gossip, lawsuits about what a male or female is, and all sorts of other propaganda designed to distract us, life-altering events are happening as I type this that have put our lives, and life as we’ve ever known it, at grave risk.

Over two decades ago, as one of the many millions of entrepreneurs in our country who had been convinced by very targeted “marketing” to create a web-based business (because of its work-from-anywhere convenience, among other reasons), I had made myself vulnerable to having everything — my entire business, client contacts, invoices, purchase orders, marketing materials, personal notes, and more — stolen in an instant. And that’s exactly what happened.

Not only was my 15-year old built-from-scratch, successful, web-based business stolen, but the hackers who took it (who, as I came to learn, were the very same individuals who’d been taking my money all along, selling me programs to “help” me build my websites, bring web traffic to them, etc.) continue, to this day, to work together to block me from ever re-building.

The “conveniences” I had bought into served to destroy everything I had built, everything I had worked for, invested in, and counted on. And it was all by design.

And my story, and the story of those similarly-affected, should serve as a warning shot to everyone else: all of the digital “conveniences” you’ve been urged to use — whether it’s posting pictures of treasured moments in your life, your appointments, or your (God forbid) online banking — have put you in the incomprehensibly vulnerable position of having it ALL taken. In an instant. By design.

If new NoFakeNews readers are unaware that the implosion of America, the theft of our homes, livelihoods, businesses, and, more importantly, the theft of our personal agency and the remote manipulation of our minds (and bodies) has been long-planned, already happening for decades, and is rapidly approaching its final stage — should it not be thwarted by some unexpected event — I encourage you to turn off other distractions and search this site for the well-supported articles on the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the Federal Reserve, CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies), the Nanomafia, the Inner Circle, the Singularity, smart dust (invisibly raining down on citizens, every day, via chemtrails sprayed in our skies, morning ’til night), the Plandemic, “Operation Warp Speed,” and, for anyone with assets of any kind, David Rogers Webb (whose VERY important, must-read-right-now book, The Great Taking, is available here:

Unbeknownst to most Americans — because of the distractions and the fact that our mass media (and “social” media) is owned by those who are actively participating in the intentional destruction of our society and who therefore DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING IN OUR WORLD — we are, quite literally, on the brink of collapse. And our reliance on all-things-digital is allowing it to happen.

Just as the term “National Security” has been (ab)used to allow for more and more invasive surveillance — and data collection — of Americans without their consent or knowledge, “convenience” and “efficiency” have been pushed on citizens to get us on the digital train that will ride us to our destruction. The Planners — who control ALL the mass-messaging — have counted on their ability to manipulate citizens, to feed us carefully-designed visuals, fake-news stories, dialogue within TV shows and movies (where landlines, phone books, face-to-face conversation, and libraries have been deemed “old school” — because their use makes valuable data collection harder), in order to keep us from catching on to their con.

Distracting you in order to limit your time and ability to CRITICALLY THINK has been key. Limiting your access to information about events that are happening that threaten the lives of you and your family members has been key. Having the capability to incessantly target you with tailor-made, manipulative messaging — or “false flags” to make you feel FEAR — to keep you from the truth has been key. Giving you catchy slogans to hold on to so that you can quickly dismiss truths the Planners don’t want you to know have been key (Example: If you are one of the unfortunate millions who lazily dismiss uncomfortable, provable, well-documented truths with the CIA-created “conspiracy theory” slogan, you’re the Planners’ ideal target.)

The intentional digitization of society (and the concurrent, never-ceasing data collection therein) has allowed methodically-built, invisible prison walls to go up around us, with the goal of rendering us helpless in our own lives. We’ve gone from being mere consumers of goods to being consumed as goods.

What happened to me, and countless others, is being planned for you, as well. And then some.

I encourage readers to take whatever steps you can — while you can — to protect yourselves and your families.

Please also read Brian Shilhavy’s excellent, important article from June 26, 2024 where he discusses the supply-chain backlogs occurring due to the war in the Red Sea (which will cause the price of food and other goods to soar), the hacking of not only the primary software car dealers use (rendering 15,000+ of them helpless), but also the hacking of the Federal Reserve, posing the question, “Is there a cyber-pandemic in progress?” (

Truthful information — and action — is more important than ever. Please share what you know wherever you can.


Ashley Hayes is a former business entrepreneur, patented inventor, researcher, and writer seeking to bring attention to the clearly-organized crimes of unlawful and corrupt law enforcement and fusion center personnel against innocent Americans and citizens worldwide, as well as crimes committed by military contractors via 21st-century technology, and to the pandemic of child trafficking by those in power.

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