Ellen Brown: Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?

Printing and coining money out of thin air is how the American government and many others have been conducting financial business for our entire lives.

The article below by Ellen Brown I thought was very interesting and something worth sharing with the visitors of this platform.

A few years ago, during the pandemic days, I had an opportunity to be on several YouTube conference discussion platforms with Ellen and I found her knowledge of the realm-wide monetary system both fascinating and eye-opening.

– Dr. Reizer

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4 thoughts on “Ellen Brown: Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?

  1. NoFakeNews June 19, 2024 / 4:48 pm

    Yes, Roark, she is one smart woman. I enjoy her explanations about the monetary system as well.

    John Reizer

  2. Roark June 19, 2024 / 2:16 pm

    I sure used to enjoy Ellen Brown’s honest and clear explanations of the monetary system, John! Much like G. Edward Griffin’s “Creature from Jekyll Island” (the federal reserve).

  3. NoFakeNews June 19, 2024 / 11:32 am

    Thanks for sharing, Lisa! 🙂

    The financial operations realm-wide, in my opinion, are purposefully written about and described using confusing terminology to obfuscate the truth – our monetary system is predicated on a Ponzi scheme filled with fraud and sleight-of-hand trickery.

    Our upcoming book, The Matrix Reloaded Yet Again, is well underway. We have been working on the manuscript for several months, and I believe that when we are finished, it’s going to provide readers interested in Old-World Exploration and Reset Theory with a great resource to more clearly understand our realm’s true nature and our place in it.


  4. lhakes12 June 19, 2024 / 10:53 am

    Interesting information. Although the financial institution rattles my brain. And it does all just seem to be designed to screw us over, one way or another.

    But on another note, John, I love your new flaming 🔥 dragon advertisement for your upcoming novel! 🙂👍

    Appearances are not always as they seem!


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