Is this another Old-World structure with more than a suspicious official narrative?

Dr. John Reizer

Because there was nothing better to do in 1897 in Nashville, Tennessee, the amazing construction companies of the time created a full-scale replica of the Parthenon in Greece.

Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

With a few sketchy and possibly photo-manipulated construction images and a narrative that beggars belief, most people can be made to believe the officialdom handed down by our controllers.

The Parthenon – Nashville, Tennessee

The Parthenon stands proudly as the centerpiece of Centennial Park, Nashville’s premier urban park. The re-creation of the 42-foot statue Athena is the focus of the Parthenon just as it was in ancient Greece. The building and the Athena statue are both full-scale replicas of the Athenian originals.

Originally built for Tennessee’s 1897 Centennial Exposition, this replica of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece serves as a monument to what is considered the pinnacle of classical architecture. 


The Parthenon 1897 (original structure)

1925–1931 (permanent structure)

Architect: William Crawford Smith

Architectural style: Classical

Why do the alleged construction photos of such impressive buildings of the 1800s always seem to be taken when the structures are fully erected and covered with scaffolding?

The Parthenon appears nearly finished in the construction photos below and is likely being painted.

Many supposed construction photos of the same era have previously been proven to be manipulated. These photos aren’t, in my opinion, convincing construction photos by any stretch of the imagination.

Alleged Construction Photo – 1890s

Are they painting or building it?

Reconstruction photo in the 1920s

According to official census statistics, there were approximately 75,000 people in Nashville at the time of the Parthenon’s construction.

I would guess half of those people were women, and another significant percentage were comprised of children, older people, and people with disabilities.

Now, you’re down to maybe 18,000 people. How many of those individuals were skilled construction people capable of even working on such a project? Who even knows if the census statistics are accurate? Like everything else being reported,  the numbers could be completely fake.

The official story claims the Nashville Parthenon was made as a temporary structure and then transformed into a permanent building twenty-five years later.

Sorry,  after studying many Old-World buildings and their official narratives, I am not yet convinced of the veracity of this historical narrative.

Was the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee, already there before it was allegedly constructed in 1897? Is it possible a prior civilization constructed the building, and our civilization had nothing to do with it coming to fruition?

If you have visited the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee, let me know your thoughts on this building and its strange location.

I am compiling information about Old-World buildings for a book that is currently being written. If you have information on any structure you believe might fit into this study area, please let me know.

Coming in the future to explain our hidden past!

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20 thoughts on “Is this another Old-World structure with more than a suspicious official narrative?

  1. NoFakeNews June 15, 2024 / 3:22 pm

    Thanks, Roark! Off to see a baseball game! 😀

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Roark June 15, 2024 / 3:14 pm

    Nice of you John! Happy Father’s Day to you also! I’m guessing your family has something special planned for you.. Enjoy it!

  3. NoFakeNews June 15, 2024 / 12:34 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Roark! 🙂

    I will certainly give it a listen over the weekend or early next week.


  4. Roark June 15, 2024 / 11:39 am

    It’s all here John, this is one of the best interviews I have heard in a long time and certainly on the Roseanne Barr show. Amazing! This is indicative that Trump has in fact been part of something behind the scenes that will bring us all together and make for a better world!

    for anyone who has not heard of Derek Johnson or is extremely skeptical, you will need to listen to the first half hour in order for Derek to set the table.

    for those who are familiar with Derek Johnson and are convinced already that he is on to something you can tune in at the half hour mark.

    Even 1 hour into it is incredible. And the 90 minute mark as well. It just seems to build and build. The last 8 minutes or so are a nice summary in a way of all that was discussed earlier, however not in detail of course.

    this is absolutely worth considering! And I believe is indicative of a rather bright future in store! 🙂

    by the way I learned the other day that Trump has even signed an executive order to protect animals from being tortured and filmed during so and uploaded to youtube!

  5. NoFakeNews June 14, 2024 / 2:41 pm

    Thanks, Roark! 👍

  6. NoFakeNews June 13, 2024 / 3:12 pm

    I do remember NESERA. Funny story, my Mom was big into that whole thing in 2007-2008.

    So, my wife and I took a bus load of Sherman College students to Washington, DC, for a chiropractic National Summit at the Capitol complex. We are walking in front of the White House with the students, and one of those trucks that rides around advertising billboards comes by with a huge sign for NESERA

    My wife and I began laughing and thinking, maybe there was something to it after all.

    I am still waiting for my reparations! 🤣


  7. Anonymous June 13, 2024 / 2:40 pm

    Dr. Reizer,
    Do you remember a thing called NESERA about 15 years ago? It claimed that on a specific date, an Emergency Broadcast Signal would interrupt all MSM programs and be followed by prominent people announcing the overthrowing of the federal government or something to that effect.

    All debt was to be forgiven, and reparations paid back to the American people by some huge monetary fund set aside by the movement. It sounds a helluva a lot like Q and that soap opera. How long has this psyop been going on? Some groups are always going to overthrow the corporation. No way, Jose! Ain’t going to happen!

    NESERA did the same things with their predictions. They kept announcing dates when things would transpire, and then crickets would chirp on the day of the supposed announcement.

    It’s wishful thinking and a psyop designed to give people false hope.

    I have heard numerous times from this Q group that famous people were arrested or executed at GITMO in Cuba. Really? How come they are still walking around?

    Nothing will happen to the Clintons, Bushes, Bill Gates, or anyone else!!!

    This is a ridiculous psyop!

  8. NoFakeNews June 13, 2024 / 1:07 pm

    Thanks, Roark! 👍

    It all sounds good if it’s true. I am more than a little skeptical concerning the integrity of this information. I have ventured down this path with this group in the past and have witnessed the reporting of crucial deadlines that come and pass, followed by a plethora of excuses, followed by more extended deadlines that eventually produce more of the same.

    I can’t tell you that this story is untrue, but I need to see some results before I can declare this is something to invest time and energy into.

    Could it be true? Sure it could! Could there have been complications and delays in executing goals due to the Deep State’s power? It’s possible.

    But anything claimed to be as big as this movement should have been able to execute some solid visible results by now, in my opinion.

    Do I hope it’s truthful information? Yes!

    I have to be honest in writing about my doubts about this information.
    Let’s see if there are public executions on June 16th, Father’s Day, as the article suggests. I am not holding my breath, but if it occurs, I probably won’t be able to catch my breath either! 🤣


  9. NoFakeNews June 12, 2024 / 8:35 pm

    Thanks for sharing, Roark!

  10. NoFakeNews June 12, 2024 / 7:37 pm

    You bet, Roark! 👍

    I would say that it’s a reference to one reset in time, for sure. I believe the timelines are off, but it’s a reference to a cataclysmic event nonetheless.


  11. Roark June 12, 2024 / 6:57 pm

    Thanks for the explanation, John! 🙂

    So it sounds to me as if the timelines are not unlike the distances claimed between the Earth and the Sun, for example 93 million miles or some such. But that’s just silly! LOL

    So I wonder if the great flood that’s talked about in the Bible might not be an example of a reset! Who knows.

  12. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 3:06 pm

    Absolutely! 👍

  13. lhakes12 June 11, 2024 / 3:02 pm

    I totally agree, John. I think the construction photos are fake. They are pictures that have been produced to further make people believe in their fairytale of lies. As if they were proof. But photoshopping has been in existence for quite some time.

    And, yes, I can hear the alarm bells ringing! 🤣


  14. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 2:23 pm

    Yes, Lisa, that entire area is exciting from an Old-World Research perspective. At a minimum, the city warrants a deeper exploration of its associated narratives and historical buildings. The Parthenon appears to be a good starting point, in my opinion.

    The construction photos look fake to me, and of course, the immediate tip-off that something is wrong is that the structure is tied to an Exposition or World’s Fair in the 1800s. If that’s not enough to get the alarm bells ringing in our heads, then we must be deaf! 🤣


  15. lhakes12 June 11, 2024 / 1:55 pm

    It would seem, John, that there.are a number of fascinating structures in the Nashville Tennessee area. Although maybe not as cool as the Parthenon. That is pretty awesome and it does look like something right out of Greece!

    And I wish I could share photos that I am looking at from the book, “Architecture of Middle Tennessee, Produced with the Cooperation of the Historic American Buildings Survey of the National Park Service.
    But given the source, I am sure that it’s full of lies about dates and what the true and original purposes of these buildings were for. Their functions have been made to suit the “founders” needs.
    And if anyone is interested in seeing any of them, you can always look them up online.

    They are definitely interesting looking. They claim they were built for the following functions:

    *Ryman Auditorium, the Mother Church of Country Music
    *The Federal Building in Clarksville was originally a post office and customs house; it was designed to handle the large amount of international mail generated by Clarksville’s thriving tobacco industry.
    *The Tennessee State Capitol
    *The Tennessee State Penitentiary
    *Nashville’s Union Station
    *St. Mary’s Cathedral
    *First Presbyterian Church
    *University of Nashville (The Children’s Museum)
    *Jubilee Hall, Fisk University
    *Rattle and Snap (The Polk-Cranbery House)
    *Belmont (Col. J.A.S. Acklen House; Belmont College, Acklen Hall

    And the list goes on. Apparently, the Tennessee area was thriving with the old world at one time, John! 🙂


  16. NoFakeNews June 11, 2024 / 10:28 am

    You’re referring to the original Parthenon in Greece, Roark. Yes, officialdom tells us it was constructed in 447 BC. I think they throw out dates like that without any proof whatsoever.

    I believe that the human civilization that constructed the Parthenon in Greece had access to what we would consider today’s modern technology.

    I believe our timelines have been drastically altered, and our dating of the Parthenon in Greece and many other magnificent structures throughout Europe and other realm regions are inaccurate.

    I believe that the civilization that built the Parthenon in Greece, the Cologne Cathedral in Germany, the Vatican in Rome, the castles in the UK, and many of the Old-World-looking buildings in America is the same civilization that existed less than a few hundred years ago.

    The controllers like to fabricate ‘timelies’ (timelines) to throw us off track. They can do that more easily in European countries because officialdom tells us these areas have a more extended history than the US.

    I believe that the last reset was a lot more recent than we might think. Our US history is completely flawed, in my opinion. There are reported findings of Egyptian ruins in the Grand Canyon and our government has placed no-fly zones and public access restrictions in those same areas.

    All our modern government Capitol buildings look the same in every state and the federal buildings in DC as well. I don’t think our current civilization built any of them. I believe they were leftover from the last reset and were inherited by our controllers.

    Modern science tells us that there were five mass extinctions (resets) on Earth. We can tell from the physical buildings left behind realm-wide that resets have occurred. Now, we are just arguing over timelines.

    Science speaks in terms of millions of years when discussing resets and I and other old-world explorers are speaking in terms of hundreds of years.


  17. Roark June 11, 2024 / 9:41 am

    Hi John,

    According to what came up in a search, the “real” (original) structure was constructed in 447 b.c.

    Your thoughts? I mean, going even further back in time, there must have been something we don’t know about. Like a people and their technology that has been long since lost, destroyed or hidden?

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