Palmetto Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation of South Carolina

Dr. John Reizer

I took a break from all the craziness across the realm today and attended with my wife a BINGO fundraising night that benefited Palmetto Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation of South Carolina.

We raised over $500.00 for the wildlife rescue organization that helps out local animals that have undergone hard times.

I learned two very important things from attending: It feels good to help out animals, and I am a lousy BINGO player.

To learn more about this great organization and the dedicated team that makes everything possible, check out their website at the link below.

From the website:

Palmetto Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation of South Carolina is a non-profit organization full of experienced wildlife rehabbers and enthusiasts who are ready to service the communities of South Carolina.  

We are starting this journey ready to help preserve our wildlife by taking in injured and orphaned juvenile wildlife, with the goal of nurturing and healing them and releasing them back into their natural habitats! With your support, we can make a real difference. We invite you to join us in our mission to protect and preserve our state’s wildlife.”

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6 thoughts on “Palmetto Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation of South Carolina

  1. NoFakeNews June 14, 2024 / 12:09 am


  2. lhakes12 June 14, 2024 / 12:01 am

    That is terrific, John, that the fundraising event had a great turn out!

    And I love your story about your little squirrel buddy when you were a boy. How fun!! 🙂

    Haha! And I don’t know what these guys fascination is with climbing on humans. But maybe it is natural for them. A way to bond and feel close to their caregivers. And maybe it also makes them feel more protected. Although I am just guessing. Who knows? 🤣


  3. NoFakeNews June 13, 2024 / 11:24 pm

    That’s a great story, Lisa! 😀

    The animals are amazing to be around and we enjoy the chance to see them. They had about a dozen different little ones there this evening. There was a great turnout and we raised $500.00 for the rescue organization.

    Hey, I had a squirrel for a few months when I was about eight years old. It was a similar story to yours. We rescued him from a bad situation. The little guy would crawl up and down my back and shoulders. I had to eventually send him back into the wild and we lost track of him after a few weeks.


  4. NoFakeNews June 13, 2024 / 11:07 pm

    Here’s the deal, Roark! We have been trying to help out this cause for a while, and my wife, mother-in-law, and I have been doing this BINGO thing now for about six times. My wife and her mother win a game or two on nearly every occasion. Meanwhile, I am pitching a shutout – I can’t win a game. 🤣

    But it’s a good cause, and we love the animals, so I am determined to keep trying. Maybe I will win a game at some point.

    I like your music idea, too! You should create what you want. Don’t worry about what people say. Do what you love and love what you do!

    Sometimes when I am home alone, I play the piano for hours at a time. I love to write music. I just do it for fun.


  5. lhakes12 June 13, 2024 / 10:57 pm

    What a fantastic fundraising event you and your wife attended, John. What fun! 🙂
    And I particularly adore the photos of the young raccoons.

    I absolutely love animals, and including creatures of the wild. Especially the youngsters who need a little help integrating into their natural habitat.

    And I can personally relate. When I was a teenager, my dad had known a game warden who had found an orphaned raccoon that needed some care and supervision before being set into the wild. And his game warden friend was aware that my dad had a log cabin and owned 40 acres of woods. So, he asked him to take on the responsibility. My dad accepted. Although the responsibility was actually given to me for those first several months. It was summertime and I was not in school.
    It was too early for the young raccoon to go into the woods yet. And I was more than willing to take on the responsibility.

    So, Sassy, as we called her, became my buddy for a time. 😀 She resided with me in my bedroom, and used a cat litter box for business. And she slept with me every night. And she would pull my rollers out of my hair at night! Haha! 😆 Sassy loved them as toys.

    That summer was a time I’ll never forget. She was so much fun. She would climb up and down my pants leg.

    However, eventually there came a time when she could get a little moody. She was getting older and more restless. So, my dad gave me a heavy-duty thick pair of gloves if I should need them.

    And in the fall she moved out to the camp woods. Where my dad mostly became her care taker. Although I visited regularly. And my dad became great at making raccoon chitter sounds to talk with her.

    Then Sassy became a full grown raccoon. And the last time I saw her she crawled and snuggled up onto my lap while I was sitting in a chair inside the camp. I had felt as though she had come to say goodbye. Although maybe I sensed that I would never see her again.

    Because I am afraid my story has a very sad ending. She was killed by an owner of a neighboring camp. 😪


  6. Roark June 13, 2024 / 10:50 pm

    That’s fantastic, John!

    What a great idea to break away for a while.

    I was going to say, maybe it’s time to compose another song like you did when you included us before. That was very special.

    Anyway, those little creatures are so sweet!! Did your wife fair any better at Bingo? 🙂


    P.S. I have a music software application I have been developing for about a year that makes it fun to compose with an external keyboard like a Casio, via USB. I even have a website in mind. I just haven’t had the nerve to “go public” yet. So many things to consider, like with your books, website and movie! 😜

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