Spreading A Little Truth Through Science Fiction

By Dr. John Reizer

As many readers here already know, I dabble in a bit of science fiction writing when I am not seeing patients and writing posts on NoFakeNews. I have been trying to become a better novelist throughout the years and have dedicated countless hours and study to the craft.

For those of you who have done the same, you know it’s a lot harder to write fiction than it might appear. Nonetheless, I have had a great time creating stories and have been fortunate that I have a great career as a healthcare provider that provides me plenty of time to be an author in between seeing patients.

My patients, readers of the website, former students, and others who have read my works sometimes write to me and ask if the fiction I produce has anything to do with what I believe is taking place in the real world.

In many of the stories I write, there are bits of what I believe to be real-world truths purposely sprinkled into the storylines. I do this to introduce readers to concepts that would otherwise be too far removed from accepted paradigms to openly discuss publicly. Much of what I  have written about on NoFakeNews would be too challenging to present to the vast majority of people outside the friendly confines of this particular website.

Even within the safety zone of the NoFakeNews forum where a lot of like-minded people like to congregate, there are boundaries that I hesitate to cross when attempting to explain the machinations taking place by the controlling powers.

Over the years, more than a few people have asked me outright who I believe is running the Earth show. I could offer direct answers to those questions. Still, I hesitate to introduce them here because I don’t want to lose readers who might find my responses too far removed from what they might be able to handle and think is plausible.

In my opinion, I should concentrate on letting people know that powerful elitists are working behind the scenes and not for the best interests of the general public. As far as delving into more detailed information about these one-percenters and who might be influencing them, I’ll leave that up to everybody’s imagination and perhaps some science-fiction writings I produce.

And right on cue, I’d like to announce the publication of the fifth novella I have written in 2020. It’s titled, THE VISITORS, and takes place as a lot of my stories do, in the Upstate of South Carolina. I’m telling you, a lot of weird things happen in my neck of the woods. We have apocalyptic meteorites raining down on the county, alien viruses coming from distant galaxies transmitted through radio telescopes, and alien abductions, too.

While I was writing The Visitors, I kept on getting up to check the doors in my home. Much of the tale was written in the early morning hours while everybody was asleep. I hope readers will enjoy the story and the underlying messages sprinkled in along the way.

The Visitors — A Novella

Buy The Visitors on Amazon.com

The Visitors

Henry Dalton awakens on a Saturday morning seated alongside his longtime friend and law colleague, Roberta Stratton. Surrounded by shards of broken glass and wearing blood-stained clothes, the two attorneys are disoriented and suffering from time and memory loss.

Unbeknownst to Henry, eight hours earlier, he was abruptly awakened during the night by a home invader. Unsure of what was happening, he made his way through the darkened house armed with a 9mm handgun.

Seconds later, Henry was standing face to face with a mysterious shadowy figure. In a moment of panic, he fired several rounds from the weapon wounding the uninvited guest.

After switching on the lights, Henry learned the visitor was not human and not alone.

Set in the backwoods of Upstate South Carolina, Henry Dalton is enmeshed with the visitors — an alien race of beings who have traveled a considerable distance to reveal secrets that have vital connections to his family life.

6 thoughts on “Spreading A Little Truth Through Science Fiction

  1. NoFakeNews August 19, 2020 / 4:10 pm

    Thank you, Sandy. I appreciate your kind words and for taking the time to read my stories and articles.

    Dr. Reizer

  2. sandy edwards August 19, 2020 / 7:03 am

    Great news and congrats. I very much enjoyed Frequency and will be reading The Target List soon. I certainly recommend giving any of your works a read. You do have a way with words and thoughts.

  3. NoFakeNews August 19, 2020 / 12:01 am

    Thanks for your support, Luis.

    Dr. Reizer

  4. Luis August 18, 2020 / 11:58 pm

    This is awesome! I’m purchasing the book!

  5. NoFakeNews August 18, 2020 / 9:00 pm

    Yes, you are right! 🙂

  6. Kenneth T. August 18, 2020 / 8:37 pm

    Yes, and it’s not just you…
    Many “truths” show up in what’s attributed to science (gasp) fiction

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