The British Medical Journal: Mammograms are Useless and Harmful!

By Dr. John L. Reizer

Editor at


A new study that was recently published in The British Medical Journal shows that there is absolutely no medical benefit whatsoever for women between the ages of 41-59 considering mammography for the routine screening of breast cancers. According to the published study that was conducted over a 25 year period of time and included 90,000 women, mammograms are not reliable for detecting breast cancers and they can cause many women to be misdiagnosed. The misdiagnosed women patients are then subjected to unnecessary treatments that are extremely dangerous.

An article that was published in the February 12, 2014 edition of the New York Times discussed the finer points of the British study. The research performed and released in the mainstream media has created even more doubt, in the minds of women throughout America, about this very controversial modality.

For many years healthcare researchers have publicly aired their concerns about the risks associated with breast cancer screenings.

The release of this report will likely be a bitter pill for many in the medical community to swallow. Mammography is a cash cow and not something that traditional medicine and the petrochemical industry want perceived in a negative light. Like other questionable medical modalities that have come under public scrutiny, there will be a lot of damage control offered up by the traditional Medical Establishment in response to this research. You can count on an onslaught of strategic attacks that will be launched at the study. You can be sure that many medical experts will come out and tell the gullible public that the study has inherent flaws and that the research should not be trusted.

The British study demonstrates that some research being performed is truthful and not compromised by Big Pharma. It is quite refreshing to see that a study of this magnitude was able to see the light of day.

What do you think about this subject?