The Coronavirus: How Reliable Are the Diagnostic Tests?

By Dr. John Reizer

The world is going crazy with regards to the coronavirus pandemic announced by the World Health Organization. We are witnessing mass hysteria in the population and constant fearmongering by the national and international mainstream media companies.

I believe that Covid-19 is a manufactured event. And I don’t mean the virus was engineered in a laboratory. My contention is the virus is a complete fabrication that was designed and distributed by gifted writers. The story has gained traction through a plethora of directors, producers, and actors.

In the United States, we have seen a whole host of problems associated with the diagnostic lab testing procedures related to Covid-19. The issue is a hot topic in the news, and the reason regulatory agencies in the US are getting criticized publicly for allowing the coronavirus to go undetected longer than it should.

I believe there is more of a problem concerning lab tests associated with the coronavirus than most people are aware of.

According to a New York Post article dated March 7, 2020, “Test protocols using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were publicly available shortly after Chinese researchers published (or described) the sequence of the virus in mid-January.” My questions: How do we know the Chinese researchers have accurately described this virus? Are we 100 percent certain that the DNA sequencing of this coronavirus is spot on? And if it has not been described 100 percent accurately, it means that all testing of the virus through PCR recognition standards would be flawed. We could be getting hundreds and thousands of false-positive cases in China, and the rest of the world. This situation could have been an accident or intentionally calculated by Chinese scientists.

Even if the sequencing of the Covid-19 virus was described accurately, there are some scientists and researchers that believe the PCR tests used to identify the presence of Covid-19 are inaccurate in certain situations. There are scenarios where PCR tests can give both false negative and positive results. The tests are not infallible.

Because Covid-19 is perceived by so many people as a death sentence and a rapidly expanding threat to the general public, there has been a rush by the scientific community to produce reliable diagnostic procedures to identify infected patients. Because the development of said tests have been rushed to market, it’s fair to question their accuracy. These testing procedures ultimately create the numbers we see reported in the news each day. They tell us how many coronavirus cases are active, inactive, fatal, and resolved. These numbers are what ultimately allow the regulatory agencies to publish the scary buzzwords: outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics.

According to the same New York Post article referenced above, “Laboratory tests typically contain what is termed a “negative control” — material expected to yield a negative result when tested, and which protects against false-positive results stemming from contamination or other issues. Many labs obtained positive results with the negative controls, invalidating test runs and precluding the use of the kits. Affected labs were required to send their specimens to the overburdened CDC.” In other words, the PCR tests were flawed. The tests yielded false-positive results, and these types of lab errors are more common than people realize. This is especially true with regards to new, never observed viruses that can mutate faster than a speeding train.

Another critical item people fail to understand is that Covid-19 cases are calculated by both confirmed and presumptive positive cases. Confirmed cases have undergone two positive results through the PCR diagnostic tests, and presumptive positive cases have experienced only one positive result. Case numbers are tallied by adding presumptive positive cases into the fold. This inflates the number of cases for reporting purposes.

It’s also important to understand that many Covid-19 cases early on were being diagnosed in China through CT scans of the lung that were looking for the presence of pneumonia. This is how many Covid-19 case numbers were calculated and why the case numbers jumped through the roof so suddenly, in my opinion.

Wuhan, China, is an area that suffers from inferior air quality, and many people develop pneumonia-related conditions because of air pollution alone. Many of the coronavirus cases have most likely been misdiagnosed through CT diagnostic imaging scans. An article from Science Daily states, “Early diagnosis of COVID-19 is crucial for disease treatment and control. Compared to RT-PCR, chest CT imaging may be a more reliable, practical and rapid method to diagnose and assess COVID-19, especially in the epidemic area,” 

If we take into consideration the questionable accuracy of the PCR diagnostic tests and the fact that many of the confirmed cases of Covid-19 have come from CT imaging of the chest, one has to seriously question the raw numbers being reported worldwide concerning this over-hyped illness.

Covid-19 is ultimately a common cold virus. We have, in effect, shut down the world and are destroying world economies because a few thousand people have caught a cold virus. And as is the case with any cold virus, those individuals in society that are immunosuppressed will have a more difficult time battling an opportunistic microbial invader.

Realistically speaking, we are not at war with germs. Our immune system response to germs is the difference between becoming ill and staying healthy when we encounter bacterial or viral microbes. There are trillions of viruses and bacteria in the environment. If we were indeed at war with these microbes, we’d have all died long ago.

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